Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1329 Blocking STALE requests when using fastcgi_cache_background_update new defect minor
#1348 proxy_cache_background_update has problem with slice module new defect minor
#1402 Not invalidate cahe if fastcgi_cache_background_update is on new defect minor
#1463 Build in --builddir throws error on nginx.h accepted defect blocker
#1465 configure: use -iquote for $ngx_module_incs new defect minor
#1467 Problem of location matching with a given request accepted Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor
#1607 mirror + limit_req = writing connections accepted defect minor
#1294 Add version-information resource new enhancement minor
#1302 New variables $ssl_client_sha256_fingerprint and/or $ssl_client_sha512_fingerprint for ngx_http_ssl_module new enhancement minor
#1353 http and stream on the same "listen" should conflict new enhancement minor
#1360 enhancement: auto-reload map includes new enhancement minor
#1369 Add proxy_detect_mime setting new enhancement minor
#1388 Implement TLS Dynamic Record Sizing (CloudFlare patch ready) new enhancement minor
#1393 please add ngx_google_perftools_module to centos 7 rpm new enhancement minor
#1407 Should application/javascript be text/javascript in mime.types reopened enhancement minor
#1417 Nginx won't start if hostname isn't valid new enhancement minor
#1421 worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear new enhancement minor
#1422 Support IPv6 zone identifiers in URLs, e.g. for proxy_pass new enhancement minor
#1459 Can't vary on request headers set by proxy_set_header (rev. proxy mode) accepted enhancement minor
#1480 Automatic Let's Encrypt certificate provisioning and renewal new enhancement minor
#1483 client_max_body_size vs. auth_request unexpected behaviour new enhancement minor
#1500 ngx_hash_t can have only lower case key accepted enhancement minor
#1506 bind() in configuration test is too cautious new enhancement minor
#1530 Origin frame (RFC 8336) support? new enhancement minor
#1535 proxy_bind and resolver IP version mismatch new enhancement minor
#1536 grpc-web (grpc for browsers) new enhancement minor
#1573 adding text/css to the default list for the charset_types directive new enhancement minor
#1617 preread data ignored when SSL is terminated new enhancement minor
#1619 test configuration ignoring certificates andkkeys new enhancement minor
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