Custom Query (46 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2619 Issues with HTTP/3 Configuration and listen 443 quic reuseport; Directive Affecting Server Block Functionality new defect blocker
#2656 The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG ABF5BD827BD9BF62 nginx signing key <> new defect blocker
#2664 broken header while reading PROXY protocol in nginx stream with pass module new defect blocker
#2671 Nginx Mail Proxy TLS Problem On Postfix new defect blocker
#2684 Unable to clone nginx-quic from new defect blocker
#2600 down? reopened defect critical
#2554 Some of the requests getting stuck after reload. new defect major
#2579 OCSP stapling vs. $ssl_server_name reopened defect major
#2580 Full native WebDAV support new enhancement major
#2582 HTTP3 working with curl but not in Browser new defect major nginx-1.27
#2626 cannot use mTLS on nginx via http3 protocol new defect major nginx-1.27
#2648 Nginx will disable ocsp stapling over all domains even if one is bogus new defect major
#2649 ngx_mail_ssl_module "starttls only" issue if without smtp authentication new defect major
#2653 MIME type image/jpeg for filename extension .jfif new enhancement major
#2674 Unable to set `proxy_max_temp_file_size` greater than 1024m new defect major
#2680 Error Signal 11 on reload if any dynamic module is loaded new defect major
#2526 wrong gpg key for nginx-stable repo new defect minor
#2528 nginx reload with quic reuseport: quic packet rejected rc:-1 new defect minor
#2529 Can pto timeout check removed from ngx_quic_pto_handler? new defect minor
#2530 ACK of packet containing PATH_RESPONSE frame can't update rtt state accepted defect minor
#2546 Support RFC 8879: certificate compression new enhancement minor
#2547 Support Partitioned Cookies for load balancing according to CHIPS new enhancement minor
#2548 Worker infinite loop in ngx_http_do_read_client_request_body() new defect minor
#2552 Correct xsl and xslt mimetypes missing from ngxinx mime.types file new enhancement minor
#2560 Inclusive language: rename default branch of official GitHub tracker repo nginx/nginx from "master" to "main"? new enhancement minor
#2568 Introduce send_timeout and proxy_send_timeout in the stream module new enhancement minor
#2603 RFE: please provide installable interface to allow build and install own ngingx modules new enhancement minor
#2604 Errors handling when streaming new defect minor
#2607 How to link custom library to nginx new defect minor
#2609 Custom 413 Error Page Not Displayed for Oversized Uploads new defect minor
#2613 How to make openresty to wait on dependent library to be built before openresty new defect minor
#2620 IPv6 with HTTP/3 / QUIC don't work new defect minor nginx-1.27
#2624 Challenges Configuring HTTP/3 for Multiple Domains with Distinct SSL Certificates in Nginx 1.25.4 new defect minor
#2627 different nginx behavior as v4 and v6 new defect minor
#2630 Unable to remove Cookie from request header new defect minor
#2637 Documentation for server_name does not mention special case of underscore new defect minor
#2640 Rewrite module directives are not inherited into the limit_except block new task minor
#2643 ssl_reject_handshake not working as expected new defect minor
#2644 Different User-Agent detection at nginx and PHP via FastCGI new defect minor
#2650 Uncovered edge case in host header validation new defect minor
#2658 proxy_set_body new defect minor
#2667 Ubuntu repository documentation: keyring may need permissions set accepted defect minor
#2669 Problems with using the $ sign in third-party modules in regexp templates new defect minor
#2673 ngx_http_limit_req_module race condition that can potentialy result in wrong delay calculation new defect minor
#2679 Low throughput with HTTP/3 new defect minor
#2641 Q:Does NGINX QUIC Support KTLS? new defect trivial
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