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Results (43 - 45 of 2297)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 invalid xslt_filter_module - use location root as prefix path for stylesheet somebody sam

Hi, this simple patch modifies xslt_filter module to make it possible use location (and not server cwd) relative paths in xslt_stylesheet directive. It should simplify a bit stylesheets deploying.

It's mostly a reorganization patch, stylesheet parsing has been moved to merge handler + fully relative stylesheet paths are being prepended with current location root. I can improve it if there some problems...

#578 invalid X header with underscore is not correctly parsed when put above Host: Ahmy Yulrizka

I test this with nginx version 1.4.4 and 1.6.0

When setting up nginx as a load balancer, i notice some weird behavior

Step to reproduce

  1. enable default site '000-default'. create another site to be tested. (i did not see this behavior if there is only one site)
  1. create post

GET /users/current.json HTTP/1.1 Host: X-SESSION_FOO: 9abcdef999999abcde.99999999

nginx will forward X-SESSION_FOO

  1. another post with custom session above host

GET /users/current.json HTTP/1.1 X-SESSION_FOO: 9abcdef999999abcde.99999999 Host:

nginx will NOT forward X-SESSION_FOO

  1. another post without underscore

GET /users/current.json HTTP/1.1 X-SESSION-FOO: 9abcdef999999abcde.99999999 Host:

nginx will forward X-SESSION-FOO

Some information

# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/api.local upstream api_general {


; }

server {

listen *:80; server_name lb

access_log /var/log/nginx/api.local.access.log timed_combined; error_log /var/log/nginx/api.local.error.log;

underscores_in_headers on; add_header Access-Control-Expose-Headers "X-SESSION_ID, Content-Type, Location";

location / {

proxy_pass http://api_general;



#1712 duplicate xfs - nginx cache manager wrongly calculates cache size vladimir.nikolic.74@…

If we put nginx proxy_cache_path and proxy_temp_path nginx configuration directives to the same xfs partition, cache manager calculates the size of cache improperly (it adds some 20-30%). It shows proper size only after the nginx restart. If we put proxy_temp_path to different partition, the size is properly calculated all the time. But that brings us unnecessary I/O load for moving files between partitions. We didn’t have this issue with ext3 partition.

Below are examples that show how cache manager sees the cache size during the 2 GB file download/caching. As we use ‘slice’ nginx directive, it shows 10 files, each one of them 200Mb size big.

nginx proxy_cache_path and proxy_temp_path nginx on the same partition

2019/01/18 03:54:27 [notice] 31118#31118: http file cache: /glide/cdn/nginx/cache 0.000M, bsize: 4096 2019/01/18 03:54:37 [debug] 31117#31117: http file cache size: 0 c:0 w:-1 2019/01/18 03:54:47 [debug] 31117#31117: http file cache size: 131056 c:3 w:-1 2019/01/18 03:54:57 [debug] 31117#31117: http file cache size: 393088 c:6 w:-1 2019/01/18 03:55:07 [debug] 31117#31117: http file cache size: 523952 c:8 w:-1 2019/01/18 03:55:17 [debug] 31117#31117: http file cache size: 653984 c:10 w:-1 systemctl restart nginx-debug 2019/01/18 04:08:27 [notice] 1282#1282: http file cache: /glide/cdn/nginx/cache 1998.250M, bsize: 4096 2019/01/18 04:08:37 [debug] 1281#1281: http file cache size: 511552 c:10 w:-1 Size is ‘right’ only after the restart.

nginx proxy_cache_path and proxy_temp_path nginx on different partitions

2019/01/18 04:12:02 [notice] 2145#2145: http file cache: /glide/cdn/nginx/cache 0.000M, bsize: 4096 2019/01/18 04:12:02 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 0 c:0 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:12:42 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 51201 c:2 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:13:02 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 102402 c:3 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:13:22 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 153603 c:4 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:13:42 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 204804 c:5 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:13:52 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 307206 c:7 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:14:02 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 358407 c:8 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:14:12 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 409608 c:9 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:14:22 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 460809 c:10 w:-1 2019/01/18 04:14:32 [debug] 2144#2144: http file cache size: 511552 c:10 w:-1 systemctl restart nginx-debug 2019/01/18 04:15:38 [notice] 2713#2713: http file cache: /glide/cdn/nginx/cache 1998.250M, bsize: 4096 2019/01/18 04:15:48 [debug] 2712#2712: http file cache size: 511552 c:10 w:-1 Size is 'right' all the time.

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