Custom Query (321 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#829 Drupal 8 and Nginx Configuration defect minor documentation
#843 Add checking modify date in ngx_http_gzip_static_module + variable which indicate which version of file precompressed or original nginx would be using enhancement minor documentation
#920 SSLv3 is still enabled by default in Stable defect minor documentation
#925 access_log_limit / error_log_limit enhancement minor documentation
#945 when setting master_process off, nginx segmentation fault when sent mutiple HUP singals defect minor documentation
#972 Clarify $arg_name and $args in embedded variables documentation enhancement minor documentation
#1171 Clarify $server_name variable with regex server_name directive enhancement minor documentation
#1321 False positives in map $http_user_agent if regex does not use word boundaries. enhancement minor documentation
#1908 Listen Directive needs Documentation Update task minor documentation
#1975 Certificates in ssl_trusted_certificate doesn't have to be CA, docs say otherwise defect minor documentation
#2071 ssl_reject_handshake on introduced in nginx 1.19.4 works but disables TLSv1.3? defect minor documentation
#2081 The restriction on directive "alias" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2082 The relationship between directive "connection_pool_size" and "large_client_header_buffers" is not recorded. enhancement minor documentation
#2084 The restriction on directive "proxy_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2086 The relationship between directive "proxy_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2091 The description of directive "index" is inaccurate. enhancement minor documentation
#2092 The description about directive "proxy_redirect" is not clear. enhancement minor documentation
#2093 Directive "starttls" should not be on when use "ssl" enhancement minor documentation
#2094 "proxy_protocol" parameter in directive "listen" is incompatible with "udp". enhancement minor documentation
#2095 Directive "user" might not be take effect in some situations. enhancement minor documentation
#2115 Consider using "proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;" in all docs and examples enhancement minor documentation
#2158 ngx_stream_core_module Add $preread_server_name from http header.HOST enhancement minor documentation
#2215 Maybe a minior bug in $request_completion code defect minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2226 Please add cache compression enhancement minor documentation
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect minor documentation
#2497 Unable to build nginx quic with --with-stream_quic_module defect critical http/3
#69 remote_user not being passed through to uwsgi from uwsgi_params somebody defect minor nginx-core
#75 Thousand separators in autoindex pages somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#80 error_page enhancement suggestion somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#93 If-Modified-Since rfc compliance somebody enhancement minor 1.2.0 nginx-core
#116 Implement Changeset 4337 in v1.0.13 somebody enhancement minor 1.0.13 nginx-core
#126 Dinamic module support somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#148 Обработка кириллических доменов somebody defect minor nginx-core
#149 gzip uncompression like apache deflate inputFilter somebody enhancement blocker nginx-core
#160 Nginx -V Output Format somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#163 Nginx cache and dotdot somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#166 -c option fails with pipes somebody defect major nginx-core
#198 when daemon=off do not create pid file somebody enhancement minor 1.3.5 nginx-core
#206 $start_time http variable somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#223 when using proxy_buffer_size 0 instead proxy_buffering off gives bad gateway somebody defect major nginx-core
#247 IPv6 not working over Windows XP Teredo somebody defect minor nginx-core
#265 Nginx не запускается с ошибкой: the event "ngx_master_xxx" was not signaled for 5s defect minor nginx-core
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement trivial nginx-core
#280 Avoid writing duplicate temporary cache files enhancement minor nginx-core
#298 Support X-accel-redirect with webdav PUT enhancement minor nginx-core
#307 Filename support in error_page enhancement minor nginx-core
#308 Add more info to "C Compiler not found" enhancement minor nginx-core
#312 Add text/css back to the default charset_types enhancement minor nginx-core
#321 try_files & $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#372 gzip_static: support for .svgz files enhancement minor nginx-core
#374 Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string defect minor nginx-core
#382 RFE - Support for bcrypt hashes enhancement minor nginx-core
#410 Valgrind falsepositive with ngx_string length 0 defect minor nginx-core
#419 one-time "Deny from all"-scan in .htaccess files enhancement minor nginx-core
#420 keepalive_disable: bingbot (to prevent DoS) enhancement major nginx-core
#452 Custom ETag is not honoured by not_modified_filter module enhancement minor nginx-core
#462 Server: OpenSSL Safari Workaround (SSL_OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG) defect minor nginx-core
#469 OpenSSL Static Locks Patch enhancement minor nginx-core
#478 open_file_cache doesn't invalidate cache entries when it should defect minor nginx-core
#493 nginx always sends 100-continue instead of delegating that responsibility to upstream server defect major nginx-core
#513 Implementation of UDT support enhancement minor nginx-core
#520 Не определяется расширение файла при отсутствии названия файла defect minor nginx-core
#532 Make Nginx configs easy to understand and shorted enhancement major nginx-core
#536 Feature request: support SPDY clients without NPN on a single port (tengine's spdy_detect) enhancement minor nginx-core
#538 Server origin header not passed through the proxy defect trivial nginx-core
#539 On certain kernel version epoll_release_file() hangs. Suggest manually EPOLL_CTL_DEL before close()ing enhancement major nginx-core
#548 A wrong server config in upstream get an error ip addr defect minor nginx-core
#550 Add method to remove or change deafult headers. enhancement minor nginx-core
#563 improvement proposed for ngx_http_perl_module: add header_in_set enhancement minor nginx-core
#575 Only ask for a PEM pass phrase once during startup enhancement minor nginx-core
#592 Why write nginx version on stderr? defect minor 1.6.1 nginx-core
#605 Configuration check for ngx_http_rewrite_module only enhancement major nginx-core
#614 nginx eats "%25" from URL defect minor nginx-core
#631 server_names_hash_bucket_size seems too low by default enhancement minor nginx-core
#641 Support auth_basic inside if statements enhancement minor nginx-core
#676 Different ssl_protocols per server won`t work defect major nginx-core
#686 With some condition,ngx_palloc() function will alloc a illegal memory address defect minor nginx-core
#687 Keep-alive with fastcgi not working with HEAD defect minor nginx-core
#691 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Chrome when doing add_header defect minor nginx-core
#696 host not found prevents nginx from starting defect major nginx-core
#698 Add an option to proxy_cache_path that allows to set group permissions enhancement minor nginx-core
#707 Failure to process cookies containing a dot defect minor nginx-core
#719 Nginx should maintain a better default cipher suite enhancement minor nginx-core
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect major nginx-core
#743 Warn on Google DNS resolver use, issue a notice on non-localhost use defect major nginx-core
#750 nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is a symlink to not yet existing directory defect minor nginx-core
#755 nginx нельзя заставить использовать только syslog defect minor nginx-core
#786 url decoding is senseless for proxy_pass defect minor nginx-core
#796 is removed during reload if pid path is changed in nginx.conf but points to the same file through a symlink defect minor nginx-core
#805 small new optional feature for unixes enhancement minor nginx-core
#810 OCSP Stapling fails if first relevant server block lacks ssl_stapling directive defect minor nginx-core
#820 Add neverbleed support enhancement major 1.9.6 nginx-core
#854 Add inherited keyword for altering directive inheritance enhancement minor nginx-core
#859 -lpcre should preceed -lpthread in objs/Makefile defect minor nginx-core
#860 NGINX 1.9.9 fails to build against OpenSSL 1.1.0 defect minor nginx-core
#874 Incorrect $upstream_http_location value defect minor nginx-core
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect major nginx-core
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t defect minor nginx-core
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 defect critical nginx-core
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect minor nginx-core
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