

18:50 Ticket #1047 (listening unix sockets not removed on graceful shutdown) updated by drawks@…
It seems this is a duplicate of #753 which has been accepted already. …
18:46 Ticket #1047 (listening unix sockets not removed on graceful shutdown) updated by drawks@…
I found this downstream Debian bug: …
18:34 Ticket #1047 (listening unix sockets not removed on graceful shutdown) created by drawks@…
When running nginx with a listener on a unix socket: […] The …
11:50 Ticket #1046 (ngx_http_gzip_filter_module is leaking) updated by burkov@…
Replying to vbart: > That is expected behaviour. Nginx …
11:08 Ticket #1046 (ngx_http_gzip_filter_module is leaking) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
That is expected behaviour. Nginx accumulates small allocations to …
00:17 Ticket #1046 (ngx_http_gzip_filter_module is leaking) created by burkov@…
It seems that gzip filter module is leaking. I'm using nginx for …


14:11 Changeset in nginx [6653:7a6456398fc3] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Simplified extraction of current time.
10:45 Ticket #959 (Permit post before acking settings) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
Replying to alaz@…: > Please backport the fix into stable …
10:44 Changeset in nginx [6766:12c65ff24fd3]stable-1.10 by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
SSL: guarded SSL_R_NO_CIPHERS_PASSED not present in OpenSSL 1.1.0. It …
10:44 Changeset in nginx [6652:1891b2892b68] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
SSL: guarded SSL_R_NO_CIPHERS_PASSED not present in OpenSSL 1.1.0. It …


14:42 Ticket #959 (Permit post before acking settings) updated by alaz@…
Please backport the fix into stable 1.10.x branch.


13:45 Ticket #959 (Permit post before acking settings) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to ksmithut@…: > Any updates on the ETA of the …
12:37 Ticket #1045 (sub_filter not able to create directories (or files) on windows 7) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The sub_filter directive doesn't try to create anything. The …


21:37 Ticket #959 (Permit post before acking settings) updated by ksmithut@…
Any updates on the ETA of the patched release?
20:34 Ticket #1045 (sub_filter not able to create directories (or files) on windows 7) created by dffuller@…
Attempting to reverse proxy Jupyter via nginx, for what it's worth. I …
13:37 Ticket #1044 (map break regexp numbered references) updated by higuita
of course, this numbered references being reset problem might show up …
13:30 Ticket #1044 (map break regexp numbered references) created by higuita
when creating a rewrite like this: […] where the $site is set …
08:36 Ticket #1043 (URL encoded change regex match result) created by David Rousselie
I am trying to ignore some URL parameters to compute a cache key with …


20:43 Changeset in nginx [6651:7d4e33092e2a] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Always seed PRNG with PID, seconds, and milliseconds.
20:42 Changeset in nginx [6650:1a1d55834b5c] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Fixed undefined behavior when left shifting signed integer.
11:44 Ticket #1042 (Lack of semicolon after "index index.html" isn't flagged as error but ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This is because the index directive can take multiple parameters, …
07:27 Ticket #1042 (Lack of semicolon after "index index.html" isn't flagged as error but ...) created by dandv@…
I was following the …
07:23 Ticket #1041 (does not start nginx1.10.1) created by kiselev1975@…
Установил Дебиан jessie подключил sources.list deb …
02:27 Ticket #1037 (NGiNX drops the body of a HTTP proxy response on Linux if proxy ...) updated by bbain.atlassian.com@…
Thank you very much for the info. The patch fixes the problem for us …
01:05 Ticket #1040 (nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: Because in most cases this means just a typo, or a system-wide problem …
00:03 Ticket #1037 (NGiNX drops the body of a HTTP proxy response on Linux if proxy ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Quoting [[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.6|RFC 7230, …


22:15 Changeset in nginx [6649:09c918460cc6] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Win32: added per-thread random seeding. The change in b91bcba29351
18:56 Ticket #1040 (nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved) reopened by LuckySB@…
18:56 Ticket #1040 (nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved) updated by LuckySB@…
why nginx assumes the name written is incorrect ??? one problem with …
16:14 Ticket #1040 (nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: The behaviour is exactly as designed. If a name fails to resolve …
15:21 Ticket #1040 (nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved) created by LuckySB@…
add to nginx config: […] try nginx -t nginx: [emerg] host not …
12:59 Ticket #1038 (Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error) updated by Maxim Dounin
Restarting worker processes isn't done forever when nginx is able to …
12:40 Ticket #1039 (fastopen with SSL in multiple server declaration causes duplicate ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: You are using fastopen=256 in both listen directives, this is not …


19:51 Ticket #1039 (fastopen with SSL in multiple server declaration causes duplicate ...) created by mikeg.de.googlemail.com@…
Hi, I have a multiple server setup with SSL and tried to add …
19:32 Ticket #1038 (Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error) created by Alexander Golovko
If there are not enough memory when nginx reload config, it can't …
15:39 Changeset in nginx-tests [1003:a86034bcbe82] by Andrey Zelenkov <zelenkov@…>
Tests: stream JavaScript tests.
12:56 Changeset in nginx-tests [1002:3b1ee8acc4db] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added charset and gzip prerequisites in h2.t.
03:06 bug.tar attached to Ticket #1037 by bbain.atlassian.com@…
Example test case
03:04 Ticket #1037 (NGiNX drops the body of a HTTP proxy response on Linux if proxy ...) created by bbain.atlassian.com@…
We have NGiNX sitting in front of gnuicorn on Linux. We have a REST …


15:27 Changeset in nginx-tests [1001:4a0e1d7cc20b] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: more JavaScript tests for http js module.
10:17 Ticket #1036 (Add tcpi_total_retrans to tcp_info variables) created by craigt
I would like to be able to assess the impact of changes to transport …
01:16 Ticket #1035 (limit_conn breaks on linux when keepalive_requests closes a connection) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: What happens is more or less expected with the code in question. Once …


20:20 Ticket #1035 (limit_conn breaks on linux when keepalive_requests closes a connection) created by guruxu@…
When I set limit_conn to 1, there are false alarms when a new …
12:02 Ticket #1033 (nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
12:02 Ticket #1033 (nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to geuis@…: > I'm not aware of the underlying …


21:29 Ticket #1033 (nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name ...) reopened by geuis@…
I'm not aware of the underlying syntax parser, but it seems to me that …
13:49 Ticket #287 (Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT) updated by Maxim Dounin
Unlikely, nginx is not designed to be used as a transparent proxy, and …
13:32 Ticket #287 (Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT) updated by devicenull@…
Any chance we'll see this patch integrated soon? We're preparing to …
11:14 Changeset in nginx-tests [1000:577a5899a33d] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed plan in a previous change.
10:01 Changeset in nginx-tests [999:ff12dfdb0cda] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added test for the $limit_rate variable.
05:27 nginx_status-pinpoint=1469078442,1469769642.png attached to Ticket #1003 by Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry
Nginx connection graph before and after 1.11.3
05:26 Ticket #1003 (Growing amount of active connections with http/2) updated by Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry
I can confirm that this appears to be resolved - which I'm very happy …


11:30 Ticket #1034 (http2 is enabled globally for shared ip:port listen directives) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This is expected behaviour. The "http2" parameter of the listen …
08:01 Ticket #1034 (http2 is enabled globally for shared ip:port listen directives) created by Ceremony64@…
When enabling http2 on a ip:port pair for a single server …


16:41 Changeset in nginx-tests [998:79ba0a5be312] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: TODO h2_ssl_proxy_cache.t alerts seen with "aio_write".
12:40 Ticket #1033 (nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This is not a bug, it's a result of the server_name directive syntax …


23:09 Ticket #1033 (nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name ...) created by geuis@…
I was tracking down an issue where workers were not being assigned as …
18:00 Changeset in nginx-tests [997:3c5d3b384d3f] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: adjusted TODOs for HTTP/2 fixes committed in 1.11.3.
17:41 Changeset in nginx-tests [996:ec9b99d3e22e] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed HTTP/2 test for no HEADERS due to canceled stream. Made …
17:39 Changeset in nginx-tests [995:35739834ecd9] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed HTTP/2 GOAWAY test for connection with active stream. …
16:43 Ticket #1032 (1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without ...) closed by vl
16:40 Ticket #1032 (1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without ...) updated by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
In [changeset:"d43ee392e825186545d81e683b88cc58ef8479bc/nginx"
16:34 Changeset in nginx [6648:d43ee392e825] by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
Stream: fixed build without stream_ssl_module (ticket #1032).
16:07 Changeset in nginx [6647:0b4249f975eb] by Vladimir Homutov <vl@…>
Version bump.
16:00 Ticket #1032 (1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without ...) updated by vl
Status changed
15:48 Ticket #1032 (1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without ...) created by kyl191@…
I built 1.11.3 using a spec file that worked with 1.11.2. However, it …
15:10 Milestone 1.11.3 completed
Status: released Trunk: mainline * Stream's goodies: resolver, …
13:58 Changeset in nginx [6646:eaba11dddc70] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
release-1.11.3 tag
13:58 Changeset in nginx [6645:b83a067949a3]release-1.11.3 by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>


13:34 Changeset in nginx-tests [994:345a655ef643] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed js.t tests description.
13:23 Changeset in nginx [6701:d69964eb8335] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Upstream: style, ngx_http_upstream_rr_peer_t.next moved.
13:20 Changeset in nginx-tests [993:3ee5ca1ec728] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: updated js.t to the new http js module syntax.


22:08 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Since the connection is going to pass to lingering, and with the patch …
15:21 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
What makes you think that the current behaviour is invalid? Quoting …
14:11 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
It doesn't matter what application server will return in its response …
13:50 Changeset in nginx-tests [992:1beb641e21c9] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed tests on win32 with stream return module. Avoid sending …
13:21 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
I think I need to see this in action with keep-alive working. I'm …
10:15 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) updated by lefoyer@…
Sorry, problem only if file zero size. HEAD /do_not_delete.txt …
09:33 Ticket #1031 (nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < ...) created by lefoyer@…
File do_not_delete.txt exist, size zero or 1 byte. HEAD …


22:15 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to iamasmith.home@…: > I may be misunderstanding …
18:17 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Replying to mdounin: > .... >What may help is always …
16:38 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Yes, currently the keepalive timeout is set to 0 and we do see …
16:19 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Overall, it looks like a CFNetwork problem, it seems to not be able to …
16:12 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
You may also try if disabled keepalive will make any difference (that …
15:22 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Just finished... it took a little while because I don't maintain this …
11:48 Changeset in nginx-tests [991:6246d69857cc] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: fixed stream_proxy_complex.t when run in parallel.
11:43 Changeset in nginx-tests [990:eb49d29d5447] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: redo 892737e9fd31 without flaky send_timeout adjustments. The …
11:01 Changeset in nginx-tests [989:98546e08521f] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: stream tests for proxy_ssl_name with complex value.
11:00 Changeset in nginx-tests [988:64505109060c] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: simple stream proxy tests with resolver.
10:49 Changeset in nginx-tests [987:d6a2c7bcdc4c] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: stream proxy tests with complex value.
08:37 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
OK, interesting, I reviewed the traffic being sent by the client using …


15:47 Ticket #1030 (100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams) updated by Sergey Kandaurov
Such configuration results in a …
14:55 Ticket #1029 ([Feature request] Please enable support for SPDY + HTTP/2 at the same ...) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
wontfix: > in some real cases advertising and supporting also SPDY can give …
14:52 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
As explained in comment:5, the mode suggested (without …
13:53 Ticket #1029 ([Feature request] Please enable support for SPDY + HTTP/2 at the same ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Just some stats for consideration. As of now, SPDY is supported by …
13:36 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Actually, I can see other scenarios where it may be desirable to …
13:07 Ticket #1030 (100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams) created by Alex
Good day, For caching purposes I have the following upstream …
08:07 Changeset in nginx-tests [986:99f93be57416] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: various HTTP/2 tests with canceled stream.
08:07 Changeset in nginx-tests [985:de513b115e68] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: renamed some HTTP/2 tests to follow naming convention.
01:33 Ticket #1029 ([Feature request] Please enable support for SPDY + HTTP/2 at the same ...) created by creativeprogramming@…
I know it's not so 'cool' to ask for this, now that http/2 is working …


20:33 Ticket #1028 (Build failure on debian-kbsd) updated by Maxim Dounin
I can't confirm. While nginx does not recognize Debian/kFreeBSD, it …
17:49 Ticket #1003 (Growing amount of active connections with http/2) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
fixed: I suppose it to be fixed by e78eca6bfaf0, b5d1c17181ca, and …
17:34 Changeset in nginx [6765:85c3740b6745]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: flushing of the SSL buffer in transition to the idle state. …
17:34 Changeset in nginx [6764:edffb7defebe]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: refactored ngx_http_v2_send_output_queue(). Now it returns …
17:31 Changeset in nginx [6763:4f8ad0faab3c]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: fixed send timer handling. Checking for return value of …
17:30 Changeset in nginx [6762:078f17b2535b]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: avoid sending output queue if there's nothing to send. …
17:22 Changeset in nginx [6761:73e62bd2ce69]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: always handle streams in error state. Previously, a stream …
17:22 Changeset in nginx [6760:9d61ecbe979e]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: prevented output of the HEADERS frame for canceled streams. …
17:22 Changeset in nginx [6759:ee43fa9aff66]stable-1.10 by Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…>
HTTP/2: always send GOAWAY while worker is shutting down. Previously, …
12:10 Ticket #1027 (HTTP2 Long URL issues) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
invalid: These settings are irrelevant to the HTTP/2 module. Please, read the …
07:13 Ticket #1027 (HTTP2 Long URL issues) updated by Ilyas Bakirov
Does it work with 64k in large_client_header_buffers? […]
02:09 0003-define_gnu_source-on-other-glibc-based-platforms.patch attached to Ticket #1028 by MTecknology@…
02:09 Ticket #1028 (Build failure on debian-kbsd) created by MTecknology@…
Downstream bug report: https://bugs.debian.org/826061 The patch that …
00:49 Ticket #1027 (HTTP2 Long URL issues) created by notpeter@…
Long URLs appear to be broken with HTTP2. The threshold I've observed …


17:23 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
(for policy control over the stack I mean things like standard …
17:22 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Also great feedback. I did consider what one might lose if shutdown …
14:58 Changeset in nginx-tests [984:892737e9fd31] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added HTTP/2 GOAWAY test for connection with active stream.
11:06 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Client _can_ maintain the SSL/TLS layer, it continue sending data but …
08:31 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
So, summarising what is actually happening. 1. Response is sent back …
07:48 patch-src-http-ngx_http_request.c attached to Ticket #1026 by iamasmith.home@…
Disable shutdown on SSL connections in ngx_http_set_lingering_close
07:46 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
Many thanks mdounin@ that was bang on the money. I would argue that …


22:12 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by iamasmith.home@…
It is a good point, however, there is a difference in behaviour …
18:20 Ticket #826 (Add config option for NGX_HTTP_CACHE_VARY_LEN) updated by Anders Carling
As a reference point, varnish actually …
18:08 Ticket #826 (Add config option for NGX_HTTP_CACHE_VARY_LEN) reopened by Anders Carling
I agree that adding a configuration option seems overkill, but I would …
17:52 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
The goal of the lingering close code is to prevent TCP RST from being …
15:45 Ticket #1025 (No country detected for requests with X-Forwarded-For or any ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Type changed
It looks like you are asking for something similar to …
14:36 Ticket #1026 (Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx ...) created by iamasmith.home@…
Relevant settings To ensure that chunked encoding is passed directly …
10:56 Ticket #1025 (No country detected for requests with X-Forwarded-For or any ...) updated by romamo@…
Sorry Alternative solution is not correct and does not solve the problem.
10:43 Ticket #1025 (No country detected for requests with X-Forwarded-For or any ...) created by romamo@…
I use ngx_http_geoip_module to detect origin country of every request …


20:50 Ticket #1009 (Upstream sent invalid header while reading response header from upstream) updated by artursenk@…
Replying to mdounin: > The error suggests there is NUL …
20:35 Ticket #1024 (openssl: crl processing fails with X509_NAME_EX_D2I:too long) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: Any OpenSSL fixes are expected to be available once a new version of …
19:01 Ticket #1024 (openssl: crl processing fails with X509_NAME_EX_D2I:too long) updated by tarik.metti.twintechs.com@…
Here is the fix, can someone please patch this and provide a windows …
18:52 Ticket #1024 (openssl: crl processing fails with X509_NAME_EX_D2I:too long) created by tarik.metti.twintechs.com@…
Hello, Is it possible to port this bugfix into NGINX Windows Binary? …


12:46 Ticket #1023 (SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This doesn't looks like a problem in nginx. Likely the client you use …
12:13 Ticket #1023 (SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient) updated by proeatalk@…
with apache httpclient 4.5.3-SNAPSHOT problem is solved! I have …
08:24 Ticket #1023 (SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient) created by proeatalk@…
Using this code causes problems when connecting to nginx server. I …


17:30 Ticket #1022 (Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: During configuration reload existing connections are closed as soon as …
15:03 Ticket #1022 (Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" ...) created by micheleorsi@…
In case a client uses the keep-alive feature to make requests, during …
14:30 Ticket #1021 (Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Thanks, this is already fixed by 6f8254ae61b8 (see 68854ce64ec7 for …
14:13 Ticket #1021 (Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same) created by anttiviljami@…
Steps to reproduce Configure two server blocks in stream …


22:24 Ticket #933 (include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t) updated by Maxim Dounin
You've been understood. Including all files from a directory if the …
18:33 Ticket #933 (include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t) updated by welwood08@…
Replying to mdounin: > Wildcard includes intentionally …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.