Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2066 When proxying 204 responses with a Transfer-Encoding body, the body is not decoded but the header is dropped defect minor nginx-module
#2072 memcached_pass with localhost:11211 sometimes ignore port and name resolve. defect minor nginx-module
#2089 Directive "if" embeding is not allowed but not record. enhancement minor documentation
#2098 nginx is actively requesting VIP access, which causes mariadb to receive a large number of error logs defect minor documentation
#2116 OCSP verification fails if response is signed by a designated authority defect minor nginx-core
#2126 443 порт и последний блок в адресе ipv6 defect minor documentation
#2129 --with-openssl= extra .openssl injected in path defect minor nginx-core
#2133 windows version will not access nework mapped drives defect minor nginx-core
#2137 TLS1.3 defect minor documentation
#2139 not correctly load posts pictures defect minor documentation
#2140 nginx doesn't use the path specified by root directive as document_root in a location directive defect minor documentation
#2150 comments in systemd documents may use the wrong signal defect minor nginx-package
#2153 Race in proxy_cache_background_update with proxy_cache_use_stale = updating defect minor documentation
#2172 it will be core when ngx_event_connect_peer connect fail defect minor documentation
#2173 Nginx simple proxy set-up returns 400 (Bad Request) task minor other
#2174 Confusion Around Time Units for Directives like proxy_read_timeout defect minor documentation
#2185 ngx_write_chain_to_file cannot be closed file when write error defect minor documentation
#2194 1.21.0: test suite is failing defect minor documentation
#2197 why keepalive conf store in server conf? defect minor nginx-module
#2206 Segfault at src/core/ngx_palloc.c defect minor documentation
#2210 epoch != no-cache defect minor documentation
#2214 The NGX_CHANGEBIN_SIGNAL-induced restart does not preserve the original environment variables defect minor nginx-core
#2218 Support RTMPS with non-standard ports enhancement minor nginx-core
#2220 2 way communication over single tcp connection defect minor documentation
#2221 log_format with escape=json doesn't encode $status correctly defect minor nginx-module
#2223 Need info about Nginx cache purge enhancement minor documentation
#2228 SSL_write() failed... defect minor documentation
#2231 proxy_cache_bypass sets variable defined in map defect minor nginx-core
#2234 NGINX 1.19.2 TCP RST/ACK TLSv1.0 Client Hello of Tor Relay ORPort Self-Test in TCP Stream Mode defect minor nginx-module
#2238 Difference in ssl_verify_depth and ssl_verify_client optional_no_ca handling between 1.16 and 1.18? defect minor nginx-core
#2239 Unterminated string result in ngx_sock_ntop() defect minor nginx-core
#2240 little endian not set when cross compilation for little endian targets defect minor nginx-core
#2243 grpc_socket_keepalive on; Doesn't work defect minor documentation
#2244 `listen` not working inside `include` defect minor nginx-core
#2246 Our QUIC implementation currently supports BoringSSL and the quictls fork of OpenSSL enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2249 nginx proxy makes grpc two-way authentication fail defect minor nginx-module
#2250 nginx does not response via TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 when built with OpenSSL 3.0.0 defect minor nginx-module
#2253 ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range interval enhancement minor nginx-module
#2260 NGINX Basic Authentication Not Using SSL defect minor documentation
#2262 In server_name directive match of counts using {x,y} causes failure in parsing configuration defect minor nginx-core
#2273 nginx security issue - version 1.21.4 defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-package
#2278 Websocket Redirect port defect minor documentation
#2279 cppcheck find bug defect minor nginx-module
#2281 QUIC: failed to get $http_host variable for http3 request defect minor nginx-core
#2283 RFI on HTTP/2 connection memory usage and keepalive_requests knob defect minor documentation
#2288 log safely while configuration reloading defect minor nginx-core
#2290 nginx rewrites stop working on special get parameter defect minor documentation
#2294 set $host url and auth_request failing on proxy_pass defect minor documentation
#2296 METHOD always recognized as 'GET' when using postman defect minor nginx-1.21.5 nginx-core
#2298 Documentation or subtle bug - "listen" directive defect minor documentation
#2299 Nginx Plus enhancement minor documentation
#2302 Adding `proxy_hide_header` to `location` context completely deactivates `proxy_hide_header` directives in `server` context defect minor nginx-core
#2304 error_page not applied vs Transfer-Encoding: chunked defect minor nginx-core
#2306 One limit_req_zone for multiple vhosts not working defect minor nginx-module
#2307 Can not use variable in error_log filename defect minor other
#2311 alternative openssl path not recognized by configure/build defect minor nginx-package
#2312 master does not compile defect minor nginx-core
#2324 error_page disables add_header defect minor nginx-core
#2325 Server chooses hq-interop instead of h3 defect minor http/3
#2326 One server directive, and logging stops to function after EKS upgrade in AWS defect minor http/3
#2330 nginx does not choose the right certificate (with "IP" server block) defect minor nginx-core
#2331 proxy_cookie_path / proxy_cookie_domain and custom cookie fileds enhancement minor nginx-module
#2334 regex capture with $1 not work in 1.20.0 but in 1.19.10 defect minor documentation
#2335 no resolver defined to resolve localhost defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2336 mTLS client verification fails in >=1.21.4 defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2337 Version disclosure when server_tokens is set off defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2338 why nginx output status 200 in access.log when client get unexpected data length defect minor documentation
#2342 Setting a very high max-age value for Cache-Control causes int overflow defect minor nginx-core
#2344 Please allow to change the timezone for logs in the config file enhancement minor documentation
#2346 limit_req_zone is incorrect block requests defect minor nginx-module
#2357 Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 7bd9bf62: BAD thresh defect minor nginx-core
#2360 Oip defect minor documentation
#2362 FancyIndex does not escape html tags (like autoindex does) defect minor nginx-module
#2364 SSL Sendfile Client Rate Limit Can Cause Incorrect Report of File Truncated defect minor nginx-core
#2370 PKCS#11 - Nginx Memory Error defect minor documentation
#2371 nginx + POST reqsuest = 408 for 0.1% of users, probably SSL related defect minor nginx-core
#2373 1.23.0 - Spaces in path name result in 400 error when using a proxy server to generate thumbnails defect minor nginx-core
#2383 nginx grpc have bug that when the backend grpc server repsonse over 64k will timeout(http 504) defect minor documentation
#2384 http upstream cache and slicing leaks open files defect minor nginx-core
#2385 missing r/w permissions on socket result in "invalid URL prefix" defect minor nginx-module
#2390 Debian bug nginx build_module Cannot specify nginx version defect minor documentation
#2394 [Windows] nginx does not stop after Ctrl+C defect minor nginx-core
#2399 $request_body incomplete if the request body contains NUL/control characters defect minor nginx-core
#2402 Not right to skip location rewrite phase for server null location. defect minor documentation
#2405 OCSP issue to specific responder defect minor nginx-module
#2406 nginx defect minor other
#2423 Segmentation fault in ngx_http_variable_headers_internal defect minor nginx-core
#2424 quic_bpf failed defect minor nginx-1.23 nginx-core
#2437 upstream sent invalid header defect minor documentation
#2443 why ngx_clone_listening? defect minor nginx-core
#2456 Does not discard request body for unnormal close defect minor documentation
#2458 Unexpected intermittent behavior of map directive(s) defect minor nginx-module
#2459 X-Accel-Redirect'ed response contains both upstreams Cache-Control headers, not only the last one defect minor nginx-core
#2461 Unable to identify upstream errors defect minor nginx-1.23 nginx-module
#2463 ssl_reject_handshake allows some connections through defect minor nginx-core
#2464 nginx doesn't disable stderr logging when using syslog as it does when using a log file defect minor nginx-core
#2470 Add support for the systemd directive OpenFile= for passing UNIX socket FDs to nginx enhancement minor nginx-1.23.4 nginx-module
#2472 Invalid request caused by '.' in the first URI component defect minor nginx-core
#2473 Error compiled nginx with '--with-zlib=zlib-ng-2.0.7' defect minor documentation
#2474 Why is the rewritten uri not validated? defect minor nginx-1.23.4 documentation
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