Custom Query (319 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 319)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#69 remote_user not being passed through to uwsgi from uwsgi_params closed somebody defect minor
#108 ssl_protocols needs warning if only unsupported protocols are enabled closed somebody defect minor
#148 Обработка кириллических доменов closed somebody defect minor
#166 -c option fails with pipes closed somebody defect major
#205 nginx-1.2.3.tar.gz signed with wrong key closed somebody defect major
#223 when using proxy_buffer_size 0 instead proxy_buffering off gives bad gateway closed somebody defect major
#247 IPv6 not working over Windows XP Teredo closed somebody defect minor
#265 Nginx не запускается с ошибкой: the event "ngx_master_xxx" was not signaled for 5s closed defect minor
#269 DAV crash if reading body would block closed defect minor
#291 CentOS package doesn't actually use included PGP key closed sb defect major
#321 try_files & $fastcgi_path_info closed defect major
#332 request method in subrequest not honored by uwsgi module closed defect critical
#374 Nginx not detecting malformed percent encoding in query string closed defect minor
#410 Valgrind falsepositive with ngx_string length 0 closed defect minor
#462 Server: OpenSSL Safari Workaround (SSL_OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG) closed defect minor
#478 open_file_cache doesn't invalidate cache entries when it should closed defect minor
#493 nginx always sends 100-continue instead of delegating that responsibility to upstream server closed defect major
#510 DAV module COPY & MOVE can't handle regex destination URI closed defect minor
#520 Не определяется расширение файла при отсутствии названия файла closed defect minor
#538 Server origin header not passed through the proxy closed defect trivial
#548 A wrong server config in upstream get an error ip addr closed defect minor
#555 missing fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME variable in default package conf files closed defect minor
#556 OCSP stapling not working with comodo PositiveSSL closed defect major
#592 Why write nginx version on stderr? closed defect minor 1.6.1
#603 Can't get original downstream IP when using the realip module closed defect minor
#604 WebDAV: мелкие косяки closed defect minor
#610 SSL parser bug while parsing SSL key/pem/crt file with BOM in windows system version closed defect minor 1.6.2
#614 nginx eats "%25" from URL closed defect minor
#676 Different ssl_protocols per server won`t work closed defect major
#678 Image_filter don't turn the interlace bit on without resize. closed defect minor
#686 With some condition,ngx_palloc() function will alloc a illegal memory address closed defect minor
#687 Keep-alive with fastcgi not working with HEAD closed defect minor
#691 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Chrome when doing add_header closed defect minor
#696 host not found prevents nginx from starting closed defect major
#707 Failure to process cookies containing a dot closed defect minor
#718 Simultaneous xslt and gzip_static yields error 500 closed defect minor
#724 Init script does not check config on reload for Ubuntu mainline packages closed defect minor
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. closed defect major
#728 alias lost last path character closed defect critical
#736 Nginx responses 412 to invalid If-Unmodified-Since request-header closed defect major
#740 ssl_staping not working with WoSign SSL certificates closed defect critical
#743 Warn on Google DNS resolver use, issue a notice on non-localhost use closed defect major
#746 Cached objects wit expires headers in the past served up with proxy_cache_revalidate closed defect minor
#750 nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is a symlink to not yet existing directory closed defect minor
#755 nginx нельзя заставить использовать только syslog closed defect minor
#765 should not perform consistent hash on empty string closed defect major
#767 Deleted fastcgicache items are used with open_file_cache enabled closed defect major
#786 url decoding is senseless for proxy_pass closed defect minor
#796 is removed during reload if pid path is changed in nginx.conf but points to the same file through a symlink closed defect minor
#806 ngx_http_ssl_module: Turn off 'ssl_session_tickets' by default closed defect minor
#807 ngx_http_rewrite_module duplicate Server header closed defect minor 1.9.6
#810 OCSP Stapling fails if first relevant server block lacks ssl_stapling directive closed defect minor
#829 Drupal 8 and Nginx Configuration closed defect minor
#832 OCSP_basic_verify : unable to get certificate CRL closed defect minor
#859 -lpcre should preceed -lpthread in objs/Makefile closed defect minor
#860 NGINX 1.9.9 fails to build against OpenSSL 1.1.0 closed defect minor
#874 Incorrect $upstream_http_location value closed defect minor
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 closed defect major
#920 SSLv3 is still enabled by default in Stable closed defect minor
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t closed defect minor
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 closed defect critical
#945 when setting master_process off, nginx segmentation fault when sent mutiple HUP singals closed defect minor
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket closed defect minor
#958 nginx-1.10.0 breaks init script status command for unprivileged user closed defect minor 1.11
#961 nginx does not load modules from --modules-path closed defect minor
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve closed defect major
#997 $body_bytes_sent compute bigger in HTTP2.0 then HTTP1.X closed defect critical
#999 sub_filter does not uncompress the data first closed defect minor
#1006 two more server listen 443(ssl), none-default server's ssl_session_cache is out of work closed defect critical
#1022 Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" connections closed defect minor
#1024 openssl: crl processing fails with X509_NAME_EX_D2I:too long closed defect critical
#1026 Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx 1.10.1 on FreeBSD based proxy closed defect major
#1035 limit_conn breaks on linux when keepalive_requests closes a connection closed defect major
#1038 Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error closed defect major
#1040 nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved closed defect minor
#1056 Maximum Content-Length value closed defect minor
#1078 FastCGI stderr gets split into two lines closed defect minor
#1089 ssl_ecdh_curve not honored in server block closed defect minor 1.11.5
#1136 `ngx_stream_proxy_process_connection` does not terminate udp session correctly with param `proxy_responses` closed defect minor
#1144 BUG - cannot include files with * mask on windows server 2012r2 closed defect minor
#1147 RPM: Conflict with EPEL package closed defect minor
#1153 Nginx reload hang closed defect major
#1159 gzip doesn't work for HTTP status 202 closed defect minor
#1161 POST to static file causes 405 but lacks Allow header closed defect minor
#1169 TLS works without supplying the ssl parameter without a WARN closed defect minor
#1185 http response header ends with \0x00\0x0d\0x0a cause 502 closed defect minor
#1201 Realip module fails if X-Forwarded-For includes port number closed defect minor
#1210 connections not distributed evenly after restart under high load with accept_mutex enabled closed defect minor
#1232 nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream closed defect minor
#1236 MP4 module closed defect minor
#1240 ngx_http_userid_module uid_set closed defect major
#1244 Externalize ngx_udp_connect and ngx_tcp_connect functions closed defect minor
#1254 nginx leaks Basic Auth password through timing side channel when {PLAIN} method is used closed defect critical
#1270 TCP RST with SSL and HTTP Connection:close header closed defect minor
#1271 $arg_s:event:id does not work closed defect blocker
#1273 Missing default secure configuration: proxy_ssl_verify closed defect major
#1274 nginx does not start in Windows Nano Server closed defect blocker
#1277 u-> in ngx_http_upstream_finalize_request closed defect minor
#1305 OCSP stapling fails due to not working DNS resolution closed defect minor
#1335 pkg-oss uses insecure http:// to download sources and link to content closed defect minor
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