Custom Query (334 matches)


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Results (301 - 334 of 334)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2300 Link variable index from map module docs new enhancement minor
#2301 Add examples for core variables new enhancement minor
#2332 Include $request_id in error.log messages new enhancement minor
#2350 Option to have set_real_ip_from use the proxied client ip when using proxy protocol. new enhancement minor
#2351 Support reading file ETag from additional sources new enhancement minor
#2391 bad parsing of Content-Type (sub_filter_types) new enhancement minor
#2395 `proxy_pass https://example` if `upstream example { server; }` is defined, uses port `80`, not `443` per `https` new enhancement minor
#2401 Deployment on Heroku: add options to handle SIGTERM new enhancement minor
#2410 Add a doctype to autoindex HTML output accepted enhancement minor
#2419 new variable is needed(the port of nginx server which sending the request to back-end) new enhancement minor
#2421 proxy_next_upstream_tries might be ignored with upstream keepalive accepted enhancement minor
#2434 Support dark mode in error pages new enhancement minor
#2448 Restrict Request Response Cycle Length new enhancement minor
#2449 Allow using OpenSSL 3.0 "provider" API instead of deprecated "engine" API new enhancement minor
#2465 Execute system commands with njs (JavaScript) new enhancement major
#2477 proxy_redirect is missing feature for HTTP header "Link" new enhancement critical
#2482 * is not evaluated to :: new enhancement major
#2486 Documentation for client_max_body_size may contain an error new enhancement minor
#2509 Support IPv6 interface identifiers outside of URLs new enhancement minor
#2546 Support RFC 8879: certificate compression new enhancement minor
#2547 Support Partitioned Cookies for load balancing according to CHIPS new enhancement minor
#2552 Correct xsl and xslt mimetypes missing from ngxinx mime.types file new enhancement minor
#2560 Inclusive language: rename default branch of official GitHub tracker repo nginx/nginx from "master" to "main"? new enhancement minor
#2562 SSL: use server names from upstream configuration for proxied server's name validation new enhancement minor
#2567 sub_filter and gziped payload should trigger warning new enhancement minor
#2568 Introduce send_timeout and proxy_send_timeout in the stream module new enhancement minor
#2580 Full native WebDAV support new enhancement major
#2603 RFE: please provide installable interface to allow build and install own ngingx modules new enhancement minor
#2608 Request to Add Documentation Link on Trailing Slash Behavior in Reverse Proxy Setup new enhancement trivial
#2615 Don't proxy connection-specific headers by default new enhancement major
#2653 MIME type image/jpeg for filename extension .jfif new enhancement major
#781 Documentation not clear on auth_basic_user_file new task minor
#2438 Improve fastcgi_cache_key documentation accepted task minor
#2640 Rewrite module directives are not inherited into the limit_except block new task minor
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.