Custom Query (131 matches)


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Results (101 - 131 of 131)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2673 ngx_http_limit_req_module race condition that can potentialy result in wrong delay calculation new minor nginx-module
#2677 Support for resumable uploads new minor documentation
#2678 resumeable uploads new minor documentation
#2679 Low throughput with HTTP/3 new minor http/3
#2685 stub_status counter leak when killing old workers new minor nginx-core
#508 nginx rewrite URL decoding first encoded character in URI new major nginx-core
#644 nginx rewrite $uri not right reopened major nginx-module
#1841 Dynamic access log and rewrites new major nginx-core
#2213 The get_handler of ngx_http_variable_t is overwritten by ngx_http_regex_compile if existing new major nginx-module
#2389 "proxy_cache_background_update on" ignored using subrequest (more exactly: nested subrequest) reopened major nginx-core
#2554 Some of the requests getting stuck after reload. new major http/3
#2579 OCSP stapling vs. $ssl_server_name reopened major other
#2582 HTTP3 working with curl but not in Browser new major nginx-1.27 http/3
#2626 cannot use mTLS on nginx via http3 protocol new major nginx-1.27 http/3
#2639 Embedded trailer variables have no value new major nginx-module
#2648 Nginx will disable ocsp stapling over all domains even if one is bogus new major documentation
#2649 ngx_mail_ssl_module "starttls only" issue if without smtp authentication new major nginx-module
#2660 SSI is included twice when empty response is loaded from proxy cache new major nginx-core
#2661 ssl_verify_client can't configured with result of map operation new major nginx-module
#2668 client_body_buffer_size - Body Larger Than Buffer Size Is Omitted new major other
#2674 Unable to set `proxy_max_temp_file_size` greater than 1024m new major nginx-module
#2676 Nginx over Docker goes to endless loop and never replies new major nginx-core
#2680 Error Signal 11 on reload if any dynamic module is loaded new major nginx-core
#2600 down? reopened critical nginx-package
#2610 Nginx returning 502 gateway error repeatedly new critical other
#1463 Build in --builddir throws error on nginx.h accepted blocker nginx-core
#2618 HTTP session is finalized early new blocker nginx-module
#2619 Issues with HTTP/3 Configuration and listen 443 quic reuseport; Directive Affecting Server Block Functionality new blocker documentation
#2656 The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG ABF5BD827BD9BF62 nginx signing key <> new blocker documentation
#2664 broken header while reading PROXY protocol in nginx stream with pass module new blocker nginx-core
#2671 Nginx Mail Proxy TLS Problem On Postfix new blocker nginx-core
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