Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#748 proxy_pass not working on arm with nginx 1.6.3 defect minor nginx-core
#1246 proxy_pass does not form correct URI when declared with $scheme variable defect major nginx-core
#1370 proxy_pass changes Content-Type to html when use variables defect minor other
#1099 proxy_http_version 1.1 is ignored for incoming https request defect critical nginx-module
#1962 proxy_hide_header don't work, why? defect minor nginx-module
#2331 proxy_cookie_path / proxy_cookie_domain and custom cookie fileds enhancement minor nginx-module
#83 proxy_cache_valid 200 being ignored somebody defect minor nginx-core
#922 proxy_cache use wrong file name, if set on backend "gzip on". defect minor nginx-module
#281 proxy_cache_use_stale conflicts with proxy_intercept_errors defect minor nginx-core
#473 proxy_cache_revalidate does not distinguish through the cache key defect minor nginx-module
#1304 proxy_cache not support slice defect minor other
#729 proxy_cache_methods is ignored defect minor nginx-core
#2204 proxy_cache_methods DELETE defect major nginx-core
#130 proxy_cache_lock does not work as expected somebody defect minor nginx-module
#2231 proxy_cache_bypass sets variable defined in map defect minor nginx-core
#1545 proxy_cache_bypass does not work when a period characer is part of the name of a cookie defect minor 1.15.0 nginx-module
#442 proxy defect minor nginx-core
#533 Progressive download (http_mp4): delays before responding with actual data streams defect major nginx-module
#2020 Problem with statically linking Nginx defect trivial documentation
#174 Problem with redirection when subdomain string is the same as the upstream name somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#1342 Problem without server_name with directive `index` defect minor nginx-core
#168 Problem with mp4 pseudostreaming module somebody defect minor nginx-module
#502 Problems with serving content on 1.4.4 defect major nginx-core
#1189 Problems with SELinux on CentOS 7/Virtualmin/Webmin defect minor other
#1669 Problems with map + subfilter defect critical nginx-module
#1838 problem in http2 defect minor nginx-core
#1886 Privet Obrekotivich defect minor other
#1694 Prefer SNI name to Host header when selecting server block defect minor nginx-core
#139 pread() read only somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1776 Pre-Access Phase Bug defect major nginx-core
#207 PPA install - website directory name mismatch somebody defect minor nginx-package
#570 Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response defect major 1.7.2 nginx-core
#529 Potential trouble with exit after fork defect minor nginx-core
#588 POST Request with response 302 and content-length 0 crashes nginx defect critical nginx-core
#876 POST error_page handling sends bad GET request with content-length defect minor nginx-core
#370 Possible null pointer dereference? defect major nginx-core
#1873 possible memory leak in stream modules defect critical nginx-module
#2080 Possible mem leak in nginx defect major nginx-1.19 other
#1679 Possible infinite loop in function ngx_cache_manager_process_cycle and ngx_cache_loader_process_handler in src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c defect minor nginx-core
#2583 possible bug in http/modules/ngx_http_limit_req_module.c defect minor nginx-module
#1641 Possible buffer overflow in ngx_http_request (1.15.3) defect critical nginx-core
#2592 Ports are not forwarded defect critical nginx-1.26 other
#103 Point at the end of the domain. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2344 Please allow to change the timezone for logs in the config file enhancement minor documentation
#2370 PKCS#11 - Nginx Memory Error defect minor documentation
#897 $pipe variable never set defect minor nginx-core
#424 PID file race condition defect major nginx-core
#842 php not working on nginx when using ssl defect major documentation
#402 PHP not working on Nginx defect major nginx-package
#115 php-fpm process not killed after timeout / client abort somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1275 php-fpm incorrectly populates PATH_INFO defect minor nginx-module
#2611 defect minor documentation
#1784 Pass cookie between `location` defect minor other
#1491 Package built by nginx does not have IPV6 enhancement minor nginx-package
#2246 Our QUIC implementation currently supports BoringSSL and the quictls fork of OpenSSL enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#1706 Orphan processes after fatal signals defect minor other
#167 order of locations with regular expressions somebody defect major nginx-core
#337 Opera sends an invalid "Content-Length" header over SPDY in some cases Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#1630 open_file_cache loses trailing newline on changed files defect major nginx-core
#1235 open_file_cache issues with symlinks defect minor nginx-core
#2326 One server directive, and logging stops to function after EKS upgrade in AWS defect minor http/3
#2306 One limit_req_zone for multiple vhosts not working defect minor nginx-module
#2154 old devices and "ssl_verify_ssl optional" fails with 400 defect major documentation
#2360 Oip defect minor documentation
#703 Official nginx Docker images use OpenSSL 1.0.1e defect minor other
#1473 Odd variable sets with proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#2557 Odd STALE reponse under long run stability test defect minor nginx-core
#2116 OCSP verification fails if response is signed by a designated authority defect minor nginx-core
#865 OCSP (ssl module) defect major nginx-module
#1413 OCSP no response sent defect major 1.13 nginx-core
#2405 OCSP issue to specific responder defect minor nginx-module
#1813 OCSP does not work with $ssl_server_name defect minor nginx-core
#911 could not be resolved defect minor documentation
#78 Objects are not stripped anymore somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2402 Not right to skip location rewrite phase for server null location. defect minor documentation
#2139 not correctly load posts pictures defect minor documentation
#2335 no resolver defined to resolve localhost defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#1932 No module http-auth-spnego on nginx version 1.14 defect critical nginx-module
#2185 ngx_write_chain_to_file cannot be closed file when write error defect minor documentation
#1081 ngx_stream_core_module proxy_pass dynamic resolve enhancement major nginx-module
#1518 ngx_rbtree small bug defect minor other
#1531 ngx_rbtree.h defect minor other
#866 ngx_pstrdup() and ngx_copy() problems defect minor nginx-core
#1683 ngx_parent in ngx_daemon() can not work properly? defect minor nginx-core
#1474 ngx_http_variable_unknown_header crash defect critical nginx-core
#2328 ngx_http_uwsgi_module removes chunked-encoding, but doesn't modify Transfer-Encoding header defect major nginx-module
#124 ngx_http_subrequest() supports only GET method? somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#464 ngx_http_ssl_module and ssl_ciphers (use of RC4) defect major nginx-core
#540 ngx_http_spdy_module $spdy variable empty with SPDY connections defect minor nginx-module
#1120 ngx_http_redis doesn't support redis AUTH enhancement minor nginx-module
#1831 ngx_http_perl_module + Perl 5.30.0 defect minor nginx-module
#1502 ngx_http_parse remove /../ from the uri defect minor other
#264 ngx_http_parse.c does'not like LFCR enhancement minor nginx-core
#1514 ngx_http_mirror_module does not send body defect minor 1.13 other
#1848 ngx_http_mirror_module defect blocker nginx-module
#1603 ngx_http_limit_req_module 模块限制不准确 enhancement critical other
#1203 ngx_http_limit_req_module: limit_req_log_level documentation is incorrect defect minor documentation
#2253 ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range interval enhancement minor nginx-module
#231 ngx_http_internal_redirect bypasses explicit location block somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2321 ngx_http_geoip_module problem defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-module
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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