Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2601 NGINX Repositories are down - 404 task closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2503 Unable to build nginx quic defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#2592 Ports are not forwarded defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#2602 down task closed critical nginx-1.26
#2500 After update to nginx 1.25 and configure vhost to enable http/3 quic error generated defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2515 Can't build QUIC binaries for windows defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2539 --with-http_v3_module changes the layout of the ngx_connection_s structure that can be used by modules, but does not change the signature defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2565 ویکی defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2581 quic: virtual host not working defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2585 segfault in quic defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2589 http write filter limit enhancement closed major nginx-1.26
#2612 Unable to build nginx with latests BoringSSL version defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2483 http/3 behaves differently with fastcgi_param/php variables breaks Magento admin page redirection enhancement closed minor nginx-1.26
#2484 When reuseport is not present with listen 443 quic, only HTTP/2 works not HTTP/3 defect reopened minor nginx-1.26
#2485 If chrome browser has '--enable-quic --quic-version=h3-29' set as start up command line, then HTTP/3 does not work defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2517 QUIC:After sending a RESET_STREAM, nginx does not cease transmission of STREAM frames? defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2564 nginx returns 501 when 400 is expected defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2571 Start non-blocking error when using the "user" setting defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2606 Issues building Nginx using boringssl defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2605 NGINX + BoringSSL build error (NGINX 1.25.4 required Openssl) defect closed trivial nginx-1.26
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