

23:59 Changeset in nginx [7166:a762ddf22dbb] by Patryk Lesiewicz <patryk@…>
Upstream: flush low-level buffers on write retry. If the data to …
16:14 Ticket #1439 (auto_index module should discard request body explicitly) updated by Maxim Dounin
Status changed
Thanks for reporting this.
03:25 Ticket #1362 (gzip_proxied default) updated by mnot@…
Server support for Vary is irrelevant to this issue, so I'm not sure …


16:47 Changeset in nginx_org [2080:8f885a69374d] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Fixed the "pid" directive default value.
15:27 Ticket #1440 (Mistake in manual for https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/websocket.html) closed by Valentin V. Bartenev
invalid: This looks like a bug in your websocket-server. As per …
14:59 Ticket #1440 (Mistake in manual for https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/websocket.html) created by dmeatriy@…
There is a mistake in manual in chapter with code snippet: "location …
13:54 Changeset in nginx_org [2079:05f5bfdaffa3] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Development guide: fixed formatting function names. Reported by Yves …
09:42 Ticket #1439 (auto_index module should discard request body explicitly) created by Alex Zhang
Hi all! I found that auto_index module doesn't call the …


22:12 Ticket #798 (Implement http_brotli_static module) updated by marbacz@…
What needs to be done to get the attached patch merged? The …
20:48 Ticket #1209 (Weird net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR errors when http2 emabled) updated by ericlaw1979@…
Maybe there should be some sort of basic linter or other tool to flag …
12:26 Changeset in nginx-tests [1254:6fff42643fd7] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: binary upgrade.
11:55 Changeset in nginx-tests [1253:86e6287707ee] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: skip "no headers" test in h2_proxy_cache.t on win32. Small …
11:48 Changeset in nginx-tests [1252:93453d7858ce] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: removed rewrite dependency in h2_proxy_cache.t.
11:00 Changeset in nginx [7165:1cb92a2d672e] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Upstream keepalive: clean read delayed flag in stored connections. If …
10:09 Changeset in nginx [7163:fc0d06224eda] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Removed unused FreeBSD-specific definitions in ngx_posix_config.h.
09:00 Changeset in nginx [7162:8b84d60ef13d] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Fixed "changing binary" when reaper is not init. On some systems, …


14:22 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) updated by Maxim Dounin
You can implement any request checking you want using the …
14:02 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) updated by kevinnguyen2512@…
Replying to mdounin: > You have to either switch off …
13:50 Ticket #1436 (ngx_http_upstream_test_next u->peer.tries > 1) closed by Maxim Dounin
worksforme: http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx/2017-November/055203.html
13:27 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) updated by Maxim Dounin
You have to either switch off …
13:22 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) updated by kevinnguyen2512@…
"23:48:59" is letsencrypt process. Btw, how can I get rid of it?
13:14 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: These are normal errors as returned by your OS for filenames which are …
13:01 Ticket #1330 (OCSP stapling non-functional on IPv6-only host) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to ramcq@…: > This workaround worked, with one …
12:34 Ticket #1330 (OCSP stapling non-functional on IPv6-only host) updated by ramcq@…
Replying to mdounin: > The following workarounds should …
08:56 Changeset in nginx_org [2078:26e547b1022d] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
DevGuide: changed nginx-dev-examples repository.
05:28 Ticket #1438 (failed (36: File name too long)) created by kevinnguyen2512@…
I'm using Nginx 1.12.2 on Debian 8. Today my nginx is totally down. i …


16:58 Changeset in nginx-tests [1251:766bcbb632ee] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: removed TODO and try_run() checks for legacy versions.
15:06 SO_INCOMING_CPU.patch attached to Ticket #1437 by vadimjunk@…
15:05 Ticket #1437 (Optimize locality for listening sockets with the help of SO_INCOMING_CPU) created by vadimjunk@…
To achieve the best cpu locality for listening sockets with …
08:41 Ticket #1436 (ngx_http_upstream_test_next u->peer.tries > 1) created by crasyangel.lhy@…
assume all servers always fail in upstream nginx would call …


13:33 Changeset in nginx [7161:325b3042edd6] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Configure: fixed clang detection on MINIX. As per POSIX, basic …
13:32 Changeset in nginx [7160:0a5e3d893a0c] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Version bump.
11:42 Changeset in nginx-tests [1250:b708848eb49a] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: handled Cache::Memcached::Fast brokenness.


19:44 monotonic_timers.2.patch attached to Ticket #189 by flixr@…
fixed previous patch
19:43 Ticket #189 (timeouts break when time changes) updated by flixr@…
I also ran into this. To fix it I slightly updated the patch and built …
18:33 Changeset in nginx_org [2077:92fbbf99776f] by Yaroslav Zhuravlev <yar@…>
Updated with Netcraft November 2017 Web Server Survey stats.
18:30 Changeset in nginx_org [2076:07239ff77f50] by Yaroslav Zhuravlev <yar@…>
Updated supported functionality for nginScript.
18:29 Changeset in nginx_org [2075:bea2d4e62376] by Yaroslav Zhuravlev <yar@…>
Updated OpenSSL version used for win32 builds.
15:40 Changeset in nginx-tests [1249:673c3e12214e] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: removed unneeded use of Config module.
15:22 Ticket #86 (the "if" directive have problems in location context) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #1434.
15:21 Ticket #1434 (Strange behaviour with' if' & 'try_files' directives inside a 'location'.) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: That's a bug in if interaction with try_files, see #86.
14:57 Ticket #1433 (WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows) updated by Maxim Dounin
Keywords, Status changed
See also #458.
14:55 Ticket #458 (Win32: autoindex module doesn't support Unicode names) updated by Maxim Dounin
Keywords changed
See also #1433.
14:22 Ticket #1435 (NGINX allows sending of a malformed header per RFC7540 Section 10.3) created by saeohioalpha@…
NGINX allows a header to be sent containing CRLF. At the moment …
13:39 Ticket #1434 (Strange behaviour with' if' & 'try_files' directives inside a 'location'.) created by enrico-sorcinelli@…
I used simple configuration with if & try_files inside a …
11:09 Ticket #1431 (Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy) updated by Samuel Rats
Hi! Thanks for the information, we'll try to play with …
07:20 Ticket #1433 (WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows) updated by ztyzbb@…
nginx -V: nginx version: nginx/1.12.1 built by cl 16.00.40219.01 for …
07:17 Ticket #1433 (WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows) updated by ztyzbb@…
charset has been set to utf-8 in nginx.conf.
07:14 Ticket #1433 (WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows) created by ztyzbb@…
I'm using Nginx as a static resource server on Windows 10. And I use …
00:20 Ticket #1432 (Can't build connection ID) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The message in question is not from nginx, it does not use …


21:04 Ticket #1432 (Can't build connection ID) created by dimaslv@…
We have got this error: getpeername(): Transport endpoint is not …
15:22 Changeset in nginx_org [2074:c8a2ae52f4ae] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
15:21 Milestone 1.13.7 completed
Status: scheduled Trunk: mainline * Bug fixes
15:09 Changeset in nginx [7159:679ea950eae9] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
release-1.13.7 tag
15:09 Changeset in nginx [7158:47cca243d0ed]release-1.13.7 by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
14:32 Changeset in nginx [7157:1af00446f23e] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Updated OpenSSL used for win32 builds.
12:29 Changeset in nginx_org [2073:75882a2ca9dd] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
DevGuide: added examples section.
10:16 Changeset in nginx-tests [1248:70192b1baf01] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added exception test to stream_js.t using 'require'. The …


18:11 Changeset in nginx [7168:46ebff8c6396] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Inherit valid_unparsed_uri in cloned subrequests (ticket #1430). …
17:50 Changeset in nginx [7169:e8e19f5e0b8b] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Proxy: escape explicit space in URI in default cache key. If the flag …
17:23 Changeset in nginx-tests [1247:edf5a3c9e36a] by Dmitry Volyntsev <xeioex@…>
Tests: added tests for js backtraces.
16:44 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
fixed: Fix committed, thanks.
16:43 Ticket #1431 (Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy) updated by Maxim Dounin
When an even happens on a connection, nginx generally works with the …
14:59 Changeset in nginx-tests [1246:ebaa2c72879d] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: worker_shutdown_timeout on upgraded http connection.
14:55 Changeset in nginx-tests [1245:6d7707405632] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: worker_shutdown_timeout within the stream module.
14:55 Changeset in nginx-tests [1244:575d39cc0e35] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: worker_shutdown_timeout within the mail module.
14:40 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) updated by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
In [changeset:"9c29644f6d034ac93b704edc83beeb33a7452cef/nginx"
13:55 logs.tar.xz attached to Ticket #1431 by Samuel Rats
nginx debug logs
13:54 Ticket #1431 (Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy) created by Samuel Rats
Hi! First of all, thanks for the great product :) Today, we are …
13:31 Changeset in nginx [7156:9c29644f6d03] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Fixed worker_shutdown_timeout in various cases. The …
12:06 Ticket #1430 (Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using ...) updated by Roman Arutyunyan
Replying to amotzte@…: > Thanks Roman. > Yep, that seems …
10:47 Changeset in nginx [7167:8530aea9aa50] by Roman Arutyunyan <arut@…>
Proxy: simplified conditions of using unparsed uri. Previously, the …
09:42 Changeset in nginx-tests [1243:6ea73d9f42e0] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: removed http prerequisite from mail_smtp_greeting_delay.t. …


16:27 Ticket #1430 (Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using ...) updated by Amotz Terem
Thanks Roman. Yep, that seems to fix it :) Do you intent to push this …
01:03 Changeset in nginx [7155:29e9571b1989] by Maxim Dounin <mdounin@…>
Gzip: support for a zlib variant from Intel. A zlib variant from …


18:08 Ticket #1430 (Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using ...) updated by Roman Arutyunyan
Please try the following patch. […]
16:58 Changeset in nginx_org [2072:116994597b0e] by Yaroslav Zhuravlev <yar@…>
Changed the type of the "drain" parameter to boolean.
16:29 Ticket #1430 (Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
Status changed
Just for the record, likely the reason is r->valid_unparsed_uri
12:05 ngnix.log attached to Ticket #1430 by Amotz Terem
nginx debug log
12:02 Ticket #1430 (Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using ...) created by Amotz Terem
== Description == It seems that there is some inconsistency with …


15:53 Ticket #1429 (Cannot compile nginx 1.13.6 with http_v2_module) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to [comment:2
11:08 Ticket #1429 (Cannot compile nginx 1.13.6 with http_v2_module) updated by https://stackoverflow.com/users/973237/vincent
OpenSSL version is 1.1.0f
10:32 Ticket #1429 (Cannot compile nginx 1.13.6 with http_v2_module) closed by Sergey Kandaurov
wontfix: It's not clear what OpenSSL version is used. Using old unreleased …
10:31 Ticket #1416 (xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request) closed by Ruslan Ermilov
10:30 Ticket #1416 (xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request) updated by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
In [changeset:"595a3de03e91742d26dda9778d3ad9072e73a0c6/nginx"
10:20 Changeset in nginx [7154:595a3de03e91] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Xslt: fixed parameters parsing (ticket #1416). If parameters were …
10:11 Ticket #1429 (Cannot compile nginx 1.13.6 with http_v2_module) created by https://stackoverflow.com/users/973237/vincent
I'm trying to compile nginx-1.13.6 with http/2 module OpenSSL version …
09:52 Changeset in nginx-tests [1242:1755891577af] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: xslt_params.t TODO adjusted, fix committed.
09:50 Changeset in nginx-tests [1241:6b4c0c80cd00] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: added test for xslt_stylesheet configuration immutability.


17:50 Ticket #1416 (xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request) updated by kmq@…
Further investigation reveals the cause of the error: …
17:16 Changeset in nginx-tests [1240:f7eb2875ed45] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: avoid interleaved output in Upgrade handling tests. When the …


18:41 Changeset in nginx_org [2071:838c503fd2f7] by Yaroslav Zhuravlev <yar@…>
Documented JSON object support for njs.
18:37 Changeset in nginx-tests [1239:4a825ec85c8d] by Andrey Zelenkov <zelenkov@…>
Tests: added tests for js_access, js_preread, and js_filter.
17:15 Ticket #1206 (Proxy protocol server information is not surfaced) updated by Maxim Dounin
See also #1428.
17:15 Ticket #1428 (Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable) closed by Maxim Dounin
duplicate: Duplicate of #1206.
16:38 Ticket #1409 (ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR) updated by kris.spam.kauper.net@…
Replying to linuxhpceng@…: > I read your comment exactly …
13:35 Ticket #1428 (Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable) updated by Ruslan Ermilov
Replying to ru: > http://nginx.org/r/$proxy_protocol_port
13:35 Ticket #1428 (Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable) reopened by Ruslan Ermilov
13:34 Ticket #1428 (Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable) closed by Ruslan Ermilov
worksforme: http://nginx.org/r/$proxy_protocol_port
12:34 Changeset in nginx-tests [1238:e35cc79ed4a1] by Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…>
Tests: show try_run() errors in verbose mode.
09:39 Ticket #1423 (response vary headers not used in the cache key) updated by gedl@…
Yes, agreed. It'd be much more interesting to respect all Vary …
08:32 Ticket #1420 (URL with long query string) updated by riccardo.casatta@…
I confirm the issue was using the wrong parameter. Using …
07:58 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) updated by lazyvislee@…
The patch is effective. Will be merge into the mainline version?
02:53 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) updated by lazyvislee@…
I will try it. Thank you!


21:15 Ticket #1428 (Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable) created by Congelli501@…
The proxy protocol port provides the port used by the user to contact …
15:23 Ticket #1426 (nginx master-worker communication channel problem?) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: No, certainly it is not a bug - nothing wrong happens due to this …
14:59 Ticket #1423 (response vary headers not used in the cache key) updated by Maxim Dounin
Priority, Status changed
Strictly speaking, this not something allowed by RFC. Quoting …
13:58 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) reopened by Maxim Dounin
It looks like the problem is that the worker_shutdown_timeout
12:55 Ticket #1427 (how can I remove_header ?) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Try using appropriate default_type
12:34 Ticket #1425 (Log path is inherited from custom error page location) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Access logs are written in the context of the location which was used …
12:24 Ticket #1424 (Not consistent type cast in ngx_unix_send()) closed by Maxim Dounin
wontfix: There is no real difference. In all cases both n and size are …
12:07 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) updated by Maxim Dounin
No, the timedout flag is not set intentionally, because it is not a …
09:49 Ticket #1427 (how can I remove_header ?) created by crucifyer@…
I try add .js.gz location /gz/ { add_header Content-Type …
06:37 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) updated by lazyvislee@…
I think it might be a bug. I add a patch, The …
04:30 Ticket #1426 (nginx master-worker communication channel problem?) created by ivanzz1001@…
nginx version: nginx1.10.3 In ngx_process.c, function …
01:37 Ticket #1425 (Log path is inherited from custom error page location) created by dkanavis@…
Hello. It may be not truly a bug but it seems like an annoying …


09:59 Ticket #1424 (Not consistent type cast in ngx_unix_send()) created by Martijn81@…
Maybe their is a reason for this, but below are 2 functions. The check …


02:21 Ticket #1423 (response vary headers not used in the cache key) updated by gedl@…
Note: it appears that the problem may be related to the presence of …
02:03 Ticket #1423 (response vary headers not used in the cache key) created by gedl@…
Scenario: use nginx to cache server responses based on - scheme of the …


11:34 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by gmchain@…
Replying to vbart: > Moreover, while this change will …


10:23 Ticket #1420 (URL with long query string) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: Most likely the problem is that you are using HTTP/2 and the request …
10:03 Ticket #1421 (worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear) updated by Maxim Dounin
Both directives clearly reference to corresponding OS limits, …


20:34 Ticket #1422 (Support IPv6 zone identifiers in URLs, e.g. for proxy_pass) created by https://stackoverflow.com/users/1047642/hendrik-m-halkow
Now that RFC 6874 has matured and is a proposed standard, I'd like to …
11:54 Ticket #1421 (worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear) created by vsg@…
Currently documentation for "worker_rlimit_nofile" configuration …
09:59 Ticket #1420 (URL with long query string) created by riccardo.casatta@…
When I try to open the link which is served by nginx in this gist …


13:47 Ticket #1414 (ACLs have no effect for root location with `return 301 ...` or ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: The rewrite module directives are used to conditionally select …
13:13 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: For questions, please see [[http://nginx.org/en/support.html|support
13:07 Ticket #1418 (Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This is how it is expected to work. The set_real_ip_from directive …
07:55 Ticket #1419 (The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How ...) created by lazyvislee@…
The nginx is http proxy. when i use upgrade websocket and send …


19:19 Ticket #1418 (Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module) updated by Veselov Andrey
Request was sent from IP
17:48 Ticket #1418 (Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module) created by Veselov Andrey
http { ... deny; ... server { server_name example.com; ... …
17:34 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
Moreover, while this change will simplify your specific use-case, it …
17:22 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
It's not only about the default server. Currently, the clients …


14:40 Ticket #1417 (Nginx won't start if hostname isn't valid) created by kallisti5@…
This is the exact same issue as described in #1040 We use nginx in a …
11:25 Ticket #1413 (OCSP no response sent) closed by Maxim Dounin
invalid: This is expected behaviour. OCSP stapling is an optimization, and …
10:49 Ticket #1408 (Big file download via php-fpm on fast networks eats up memory) updated by Maxim Dounin
Replying to mmattel@…: > a.) The check in the changeset …
10:46 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by gmchain@…
Sure thing, here it is: […] Current version of nginx will use the …


20:43 Ticket #1416 (xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request) updated by Ruslan Ermilov
Status changed
19:22 Changeset in nginx [9321:c5455670befb] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Upstream: pre-resolve servers on reload. After configuration is …
19:22 Changeset in nginx [9320:8064a94198c8] by Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…>
Core: inheritance of non-reusable shared memory zones. When …
13:51 Ticket #1416 (xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request) created by kmq@…
Consider this configuration. The parameter domain is to be passed into …


15:39 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by Valentin V. Bartenev
Sorry, but I don't understand the idea how it should work... what did …
10:23 Ticket #1408 (Big file download via php-fpm on fast networks eats up memory) updated by mmattel@…
Yes buffers were set to fastcgi_buffers 64 4K; Testing with …
07:58 Ticket #1415 (HTTP/2 log status as 000, when client send invalid data, like ...) created by crasyangel.lhy@…
HTTP/2 log status as 000, when client send invalid data, like …
07:52 Ticket #1410 (default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers) updated by gmchain@…
None, in this case responding server should be taken from the servers …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.