Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (2601 - 2644 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2146 Accessing illegally my devices using your server defect closed critical
#2261 A case of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade defect closed blocker
#398 a bug about config file test defect closed minor
#1526 Absolute redirect auto-triggered by location does not include port from Host header defect closed minor
#1026 Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx 1.10.1 on FreeBSD based proxy defect closed major
#392 About your channel #nginx on Freenode IRC server defect closed trivial
#1588 about realip module defect closed minor
#615 Ability to specify different SSL certificate based on negotiated cipher suites and tls versions enhancement closed minor
#1237 ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action enhancement closed major
#214 Ability to detect presence of SNI header somebody enhancement closed minor
#1925 Ability to change the time format of the log. task closed minor nginx-1.17
#241 Ability to align cropped images in image_filter somebody enhancement new trivial
#2008 699f6e55bbb4 causes request for client certificate Maxim Dounin defect closed minor
#192 504 Gateway Time-out for proxyed site after Server IP change somebody defect closed minor
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect closed major
#590 444 response violates SPDY protocol defect closed minor
#2126 443 порт и последний блок в адресе ipv6 defect closed minor
#2408 413 error_page directive in server or location context returns default 413 error page when using HTTP/2 defect closed minor
#1468 408 generated during active transfer to upstream defect closed minor
#2023 401 when not authenticated yet defect closed minor
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect closed minor
#1752 400 Bad Request when Content-Length header value starts with HT defect closed minor
#830 400 Bad Request - No required SSL certificate was sent occurs randomly during a valid SSL session defect closed major
#1019 400 Bad request error on Edge Browser defect closed critical
#716 400 Bad Request Client sent invalid request while reading client request line defect closed blocker 1.7
#577 30000 worker_connections are not enough defect closed major
#2220 2 way communication over single tcp connection defect closed minor
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect closed major
#515 1.4.6 quietly dropped support for secp521r1 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect closed major
#357 1.4.1 + spdy + centos 6 + openssl-1.0.1e (static), firefox 21 ajax requests ssl spdy = segfault Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed major
#2439 1.23.3: test suite is failing defect closed minor
#2373 1.23.0 - Spaces in path name result in 400 error when using a proxy server to generate thumbnails defect closed minor
#2358 [1.23.0] FTBFS: ‘ngx_http_headers_in_t’ has no member named ‘cookies’; did you mean ‘cookie’? defect closed blocker
#2194 1.21.0: test suite is failing defect closed minor
#161 1.2.0 compilation fails on Lion somebody defect closed major
#1780 1.16.0-alpine docker image CrashLoop defect closed critical
#1478 1.13.9 HTTP/2 SERVER PUSH non-compressed assets Ruslan Ermilov defect closed minor 1.13.9
#94 1.1.14 compilation fails on Mac OS X 10.7.2 somebody defect closed blocker
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect closed minor
#1032 1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without streaming SSL support defect closed trivial
#1503 10x Massive performance hit on fastcgi_pass defect closed critical
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect closed major
#1030 100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams defect closed major
#670 %0a. routing bypass defect closed major
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