Custom Query (958 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 958)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1130 GeoIP module does not work on 1.10.2 defect minor nginx-module
#1241 Using uninitialized variable warning in SSI module defect minor nginx-module
#1260 Regex Location fails resolver DNS lookup defect minor nginx-module
#1264 proxy_set_header directives unable to be set in condition blocks defect minor nginx-module
#1267 TLS 1.0 handshake fails on upstream when TLS1.2 is enabled defect minor nginx-module
#1275 php-fpm incorrectly populates PATH_INFO defect minor nginx-module
#1291 TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1297 Javascript Engine:IoT tutorial not working defect blocker nginx-module
#1307 proxy_ssl_verify fails with multiple upstreams defect blocker nginx-module
#1312 In fastcgi_pass does not correctly handle variables defect critical nginx-module
#1319 Периодическое завышение данных в статистике defect minor nginx-module
#1328 Incorrect value of $upstream_addr in access_log defect major nginx-module
#1332 gunzip module works inappropriately defect minor nginx-module
#1359 Map command map $upstream_http_cache_control $bypass_cache_control ignored with proxy_cache_bypass $bypass_cache_control defect minor nginx-module
#1375 Can‘t use parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates in BoringSSL defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1377 invalid option "--with-compat" defect minor nginx-module
#1385 how to uninstall nginx from RHEL 6.6 linux task minor nginx-module
#1395 Wrong request_time defect minor nginx-module
#1414 ACLs have no effect for root location with `return 301 ...` or `rewrite ... permanent` defect minor nginx-module
#1452 gzip doesn't work with nginx+modsecurity task major nginx-module
#1471 Nginx ignores proxy_read_timeout inside location context defect major nginx-module
#1545 proxy_cache_bypass does not work when a period characer is part of the name of a cookie defect minor 1.15.0 nginx-module
#1550 Slice module closes connection unexpectedly defect minor nginx-module
#1574 Использование alias и php-fpm defect trivial nginx-module
#1578 Используется HTTP/2 даже есть нет http2 в listen defect minor nginx-module
#1587 memory leak with ngx_http_image_filter_module defect major nginx-module
#1590 grpc nginx connection issue (draining and no connection available) defect blocker nginx-module
#1604 disable https for UNIX-domain socket path defect major nginx-module
#1628 $ssl_session_id is not set when client connected via MSIE11 defect major nginx-module
#1636 CPU 100% with njs on simple base64 decode (2.3.1) defect minor nginx-module
#1664 sub_filter not PCRE compliant defect major nginx-module
#1669 Problems with map + subfilter defect critical nginx-module
#1680 Nginx HTTP Proxy Module enhancement major nginx-module
#1686 Log files ownership defect minor nginx-module
#1691 ngx_http_browser_module treats amazon web service health checker as ancient_browser defect major nginx-module
#1709 Не формируется Push-запрос defect major nginx-module
#1726 Как собирать модуль из ядра динамическим? task minor nginx-module
#1727 Don't create file in put method defect critical nginx-1.15.9 nginx-module
#1733 "image_filter resize/crop" action replaces transparent background on black one defect major nginx-module
#1736 Cannot build dynamic modules: "Can't open auto/module" defect blocker nginx-module
#1761 Unknown directive "fastcgi_cache_purge" defect minor nginx-module
#1771 the buffer used to send PROXY protocol header to upstream do not reused in stream module defect trivial nginx-module
#1793 auth_request does not expand variables defect minor nginx-module
#1811 proxy server,slice+limit_rate,keepalived connection will be delayed to receive defect critical nginx-module
#1818 Custom Error Pages fails to return the correct Content-Type header in its response defect blocker nginx-module
#1831 ngx_http_perl_module + Perl 5.30.0 defect minor nginx-module
#1847 Client certificate verification failed if use Nginx with Openssl 1.1.1 defect minor nginx-module
#1848 ngx_http_mirror_module defect blocker nginx-module
#1856 Connection Reset due to "unexpected range in slice response" error defect major nginx-module
#1873 possible memory leak in stream modules defect critical nginx-module
#1925 Ability to change the time format of the log. task minor nginx-1.17 nginx-module
#1928 browser cannot correctly decode http response headers when http2 is used defect major nginx-module
#1932 No module http-auth-spnego on nginx version 1.14 defect critical nginx-module
#1936 'set_real_ip_from' in location section is not processed before REWRITE_PHASE defect minor nginx-module
#1945 Caching proxy error with large files defect minor nginx-module
#1957 http2 window_size defect minor nginx-module
#1962 proxy_hide_header don't work, why? defect minor nginx-module
#1971 Invalid 200 (OK) response code to range request defect minor nginx-module
#1991 Empty response of nginx with ngx_http_perl_module defect minor nginx-module
#1997 Error nginx: [emerg] unknown "upstream_first_byte_time" variable defect major nginx-module
#2019 location = / is very tricky defect minor nginx-module
#2021 try_files not always sending full $uri to proxy_pass and upstream defect minor nginx-module
#2034 Can't log http2 custom header in Nginx access log enhancement minor nginx-module
#2051 Issue with auth_request directive defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#2057 $slice_range variable does not work in set directive. enhancement minor nginx-module
#2066 When proxying 204 responses with a Transfer-Encoding body, the body is not decoded but the header is dropped defect minor nginx-module
#2072 memcached_pass with localhost:11211 sometimes ignore port and name resolve. defect minor nginx-module
#2099 allow doesn't stop when matching - since at least nginx 1.18 - ngx_http_access_module defect major nginx-module
#2110 nginx as grpc reverse proxy report 499 after few weeks of work defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#2157 it would be great if module ngx_http_upstream_module could use domain name without translating to it's ip enhancement major nginx-module
#2197 why keepalive conf store in server conf? defect minor nginx-module
#2205 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number) while SSL handshaking to upstream defect major nginx-module
#2221 log_format with escape=json doesn't encode $status correctly defect minor nginx-module
#2234 NGINX 1.19.2 TCP RST/ACK TLSv1.0 Client Hello of Tor Relay ORPort Self-Test in TCP Stream Mode defect minor nginx-module
#2249 nginx proxy makes grpc two-way authentication fail defect minor nginx-module
#2250 nginx does not response via TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 when built with OpenSSL 3.0.0 defect minor nginx-module
#2253 ngx_http_limit_req_module: incorrect work logic with minute time range interval enhancement minor nginx-module
#2259 Variables in proxy_pass url lead to unresovable host if host is only defined in /etc/hosts defect major nginx-1.21 nginx-module
#2279 cppcheck find bug defect minor nginx-module
#2306 One limit_req_zone for multiple vhosts not working defect minor nginx-module
#2321 ngx_http_geoip_module problem defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-module
#2328 ngx_http_uwsgi_module removes chunked-encoding, but doesn't modify Transfer-Encoding header defect major nginx-module
#2331 proxy_cookie_path / proxy_cookie_domain and custom cookie fileds enhancement minor nginx-module
#2346 limit_req_zone is incorrect block requests defect minor nginx-module
#2347 ssl_protocol and ssl_cipher are hyphens defect major nginx-module
#2362 FancyIndex does not escape html tags (like autoindex does) defect minor nginx-module
#2380 Nginx left open proxy_temp files(deleted) defect critical nginx-module
#2385 missing r/w permissions on socket result in "invalid URL prefix" defect minor nginx-module
#2405 OCSP issue to specific responder defect minor nginx-module
#2458 Unexpected intermittent behavior of map directive(s) defect minor nginx-module
#2461 Unable to identify upstream errors defect minor nginx-1.23 nginx-module
#2470 Add support for the systemd directive OpenFile= for passing UNIX socket FDs to nginx enhancement minor nginx-1.23.4 nginx-module
#2476 Does the nginx supports sending the whole chain of client certificates over the ssl_client_escaped_cert defect critical nginx-module
#2495 How to create same location to point different proxy server task major nginx-module
#2496 UDP traffic bandwidth is not limited by proxy_upload_rate and proxy_download_rate defect minor nginx-module
#2537 Host not found in resolver "kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local". Apparently 'resolver' does not work with long DNS names defect major nginx-module
#2556 Module ABI breakage with NGINX Plus R30 P1 defect minor nginx-module
#2566 mail_proxy_module proxy_smtp_auth not respecting AUTH capabilities of backend defect minor nginx-module
#2583 possible bug in http/modules/ngx_http_limit_req_module.c defect minor nginx-module
#2595 Unexpected behaviour between ngx_http_rewrite_module and ngx_http_core_module defect minor nginx-module
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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