Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1944 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream defect major nginx-1.17 documentation
#1945 Caching proxy error with large files defect minor nginx-module
#1946 Mixed up HTTP responses when two requests with different hosts made in succession defect minor documentation
#1947 Реверсный прокси не передает звук и динамическую графику defect critical nginx-core
#1953 nginx -V Website down defect critical documentation
#1954 service file for CentOS 8 uses wrong variable for ExecReload defect minor nginx-package
#1956 duplicate requests in ssl environments when favicon is enabled defect minor nginx-1.17 documentation
#1957 http2 window_size defect minor nginx-module
#1959 Unexpected invalidation of embedded variables in ngx_http_ssl_module task minor documentation
#1962 proxy_hide_header don't work, why? defect minor nginx-module
#1963 Documentation does not mention important info about named locations at try_files defect minor documentation
#1969 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect major nginx-core
#1971 Invalid 200 (OK) response code to range request defect minor nginx-module
#1974 Custom variable not written to access_log when nginx.status is 400 defect minor nginx-core
#1976 Nginx DNS cache issue. ngx_http_core_module valid config is not working. defect major nginx-core
#1986 Proxy SSL Verify task major documentation
#1988 nginx: [emerg] too long parameter, probably missing terminating "'" character defect blocker nginx-core
#1991 Empty response of nginx with ngx_http_perl_module defect minor nginx-module
#1993 --with-ld-opt fails with multiple options defect blocker documentation
#1994 $CPPFLAGS lost and handling of C++ files broken defect blocker nginx-core
#1995 Regular expression with Unicode property test doesn't match as expected defect minor nginx-core
#1997 Error nginx: [emerg] unknown "upstream_first_byte_time" variable defect major nginx-module
#2000 "upstream sent invalid chunked response while reading upstream" when responding a stream. defect major nginx-core
#2003 regex generated variable loses character encoding when used in proxypass rule defect minor documentation
#2004 nginx temp files deleting problem defect minor nginx-core
#2006 unusual behavior when proxy_set_header Host $host defined defect major nginx-core
#2009 dfgdfg defect minor documentation
#2013 auth_basic cannot be overwritten from other context defect minor nginx-core
#2014 nginx dynamic configuration reload is jittery defect minor nginx-core
#2019 location = / is very tricky defect minor nginx-module
#2020 Problem with statically linking Nginx defect trivial documentation
#2021 try_files not always sending full $uri to proxy_pass and upstream defect minor nginx-module
#2022 nginx proxy_next_upstream works weird defect minor documentation
#2023 401 when not authenticated yet defect minor documentation
#2025 additional headers not sent when directory index is forbidden defect major nginx-core
#2026 Excessive attempts to reconnect when upstream connection refused defect major nginx-core
#2027 How to add a log_format structure as a header in Nginx defect minor documentation
#2028 Why is it not possible to cache PUT requests (proxy_cache_methods)? enhancement minor nginx-core
#2030 Repo Issue on Rhel 7.7 defect critical nginx-package
#2031 gRPC connections ingressed through nginx closed with RST_STREAM error code 2 defect major nginx-core
#2034 Can't log http2 custom header in Nginx access log enhancement minor nginx-module
#2045 error: upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header on 408 or 444 defect minor nginx-core
#2047 nginx is not receiving cookies/header if many workers are spawned defect major nginx-core
#2051 Issue with auth_request directive defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#2052 Slice module closes connection on upstream error codes 4xx and 5xx other than 416 defect major nginx-core
#2053 ignore_invalid_headers required, but only for websockets defect minor documentation
#2054 nginx returns a blank page defect major nginx-core
#2057 $slice_range variable does not work in set directive. enhancement minor nginx-module
#2059 add_header does not work inside if+location, http, or server blocks defect major nginx-core
#2062 Nginx doesn't support HTTP status code 417 (Expectation Failed) defect minor nginx-core
#2063 nginx reports seemingly incorrect “upstream split a header line in FastCGI records” defect minor documentation
#2064 $time_iso8601 not set or invalid value? defect minor documentation
#2065 Build error on Centos 7 defect critical other
#2066 When proxying 204 responses with a Transfer-Encoding body, the body is not decoded but the header is dropped defect minor nginx-module
#2068 ngx_http_copy_pipelined_header didn't adjust buffer pointer after copy data defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#2072 memcached_pass with localhost:11211 sometimes ignore port and name resolve. defect minor nginx-module
#2080 Possible mem leak in nginx defect major nginx-1.19 other
#2089 Directive "if" embeding is not allowed but not record. enhancement minor documentation
#2098 nginx is actively requesting VIP access, which causes mariadb to receive a large number of error logs defect minor documentation
#2099 allow doesn't stop when matching - since at least nginx 1.18 - ngx_http_access_module defect major nginx-module
#2103 First declared upstream site returns 403 forbidden when used with proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#2110 nginx as grpc reverse proxy report 499 after few weeks of work defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#2112 Domain Redirection. task trivial other
#2116 OCSP verification fails if response is signed by a designated authority defect minor nginx-core
#2124 Round robin defect major nginx-package
#2125 ssl_trusted_certificate for parallel ECDSA and RSA usage defect major nginx-core
#2126 443 порт и последний блок в адресе ipv6 defect minor documentation
#2129 --with-openssl= extra .openssl injected in path defect minor nginx-core
#2133 windows version will not access nework mapped drives defect minor nginx-core
#2137 TLS1.3 defect minor documentation
#2139 not correctly load posts pictures defect minor documentation
#2140 nginx doesn't use the path specified by root directive as document_root in a location directive defect minor documentation
#2146 Accessing illegally my devices using your server defect critical documentation
#2150 comments in systemd documents may use the wrong signal defect minor nginx-package
#2153 Race in proxy_cache_background_update with proxy_cache_use_stale = updating defect minor documentation
#2154 old devices and "ssl_verify_ssl optional" fails with 400 defect major documentation
#2157 it would be great if module ngx_http_upstream_module could use domain name without translating to it's ip enhancement major nginx-module
#2163 nginx suddenly stop accepting request & returns 499 defect blocker nginx-core
#2169 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1. defect critical documentation
#2172 it will be core when ngx_event_connect_peer connect fail defect minor documentation
#2173 Nginx simple proxy set-up returns 400 (Bad Request) task minor other
#2174 Confusion Around Time Units for Directives like proxy_read_timeout defect minor documentation
#2179 QUIC: multiple hosts listening on quic cause config verification fail defect major nginx-core
#2181 Custom access log is not working when error occurs. defect major nginx-core
#2185 ngx_write_chain_to_file cannot be closed file when write error defect minor documentation
#2186 Nginx issue for only specific url defect critical nginx-core
#2193 incorrect responce code for corrupted proxied request defect major nginx-core
#2194 1.21.0: test suite is failing defect minor documentation
#2195 after upgrade to 1.21.0,it cover my nginx.conf setting / and make a new default.conf defect major nginx-1.21 documentation
#2197 why keepalive conf store in server conf? defect minor nginx-module
#2198 Authorization from auth_request defect major nginx-core
#2204 proxy_cache_methods DELETE defect major nginx-core
#2205 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number) while SSL handshaking to upstream defect major nginx-module
#2206 Segfault at src/core/ngx_palloc.c defect minor documentation
#2210 epoch != no-cache defect minor documentation
#2214 The NGX_CHANGEBIN_SIGNAL-induced restart does not preserve the original environment variables defect minor nginx-core
#2218 Support RTMPS with non-standard ports enhancement minor nginx-core
#2220 2 way communication over single tcp connection defect minor documentation
#2221 log_format with escape=json doesn't encode $status correctly defect minor nginx-module
#2223 Need info about Nginx cache purge enhancement minor documentation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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