Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1030 100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams defect major nginx-core
#1032 1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without streaming SSL support defect trivial other
#1478 1.13.9 HTTP/2 SERVER PUSH non-compressed assets Ruslan Ermilov defect minor 1.13.9 nginx-core
#357 1.4.1 + spdy + centos 6 + openssl-1.0.1e (static), firefox 21 ajax requests ssl spdy = segfault Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-module
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect minor documentation
#2008 699f6e55bbb4 causes request for client certificate Maxim Dounin defect minor documentation
#214 Ability to detect presence of SNI header somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#1237 ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action enhancement major other
#615 Ability to specify different SSL certificate based on negotiated cipher suites and tls versions enhancement minor nginx-core
#392 About your channel #nginx on Freenode IRC server defect trivial other
#625 access_log directive: if= bug for buffered logs Sergey Kandaurov defect minor nginx-core
#1512 A confusion about code in function ngx_process_options Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#113 Add apache ExpiresByType equivalent functionality somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#826 Add config option for NGX_HTTP_CACHE_VARY_LEN enhancement minor nginx-core
#1075 Add german book to website task trivial documentation
#292 Add mime application/font-woff for `woff` fonts Sergey Kandaurov enhancement minor nginx-core
#42 Add mime.type for .m4v files somebody enhancement trivial nginx-package
#479 Add mimetype for XSPF enhancement trivial 1.5 nginx-core
#1243 Add primary media type for font enhancement minor nginx-core
#885 Add support for multiple elliptic curves enhancement major nginx-core
#437 Add Support for SPDY/3 Valentin V. Bartenev enhancement major nginx-core
#1183 Add support for variables (or pool) inside ssl_certificate / ssl_certificate_key directives enhancement minor nginx-module
#870 Add variable containing list of client-supported cipher suites enhancement minor nginx-module
#1088 Add variable $ssl_dhe (possible values: curve name or dh<keylength>, e.g. dh3072 etc.) enhancement minor nginx-module
#2500 After update to nginx 1.25 and configure vhost to enable http/3 quic error generated defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#132 alert "the http output chain is empty" triggered by ssi somebody defect minor nginx-core
#125 Allow add_header to affect 201 responses (and possibly any 2xx code). somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#1450 Allow for unescaped access logs enhancement minor other
#816 Allow h2c and HTTP/1.1 support on the same listening socket enhancement minor nginx-core
#923 Allow proxy_http_version 2.0 enhancement minor nginx-core
#34 Allow rewrites in case of proxy_pass backend is configured as variable somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#872 allow to switch off disabled renegotiation proxy to SSL client certificate protected backends enhancement minor documentation
#1180 Allow use of hostnames in set_real_ip_from enhancement minor nginx-module
#1657 A minor code clean for ngx_event.h defect trivial nginx-core
#647 Any plans for dynamic load of modules? enhancement trivial nginx-module
#2505 A question about the way of rttvar calculation in QUIC enhancement minor other
#62 Audio fails when seeking with ngx_http_mp4_module somebody defect minor nginx-module
#1218 Authorization on does not work defect minor other
#1439 auto_index module should discard request body explicitly defect minor nginx-module
#950 Bad gateway with http2 requests on hhvm fastcgi since 1.9.14 defect major nginx-module
#72 Bad mp4 handling Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-module
#50 Basic Auth does not seem to work with SHA1 hashs Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#1408 Big file download via php-fpm on fast networks eats up memory defect minor nginx-core
#1249 Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker defect minor nginx-core
#2247 Broken link in ngx_http_mp4_module docs defect minor documentation
#162 buffer overflow under a particular rewrite configuration somebody defect major nginx-core
#2067 bug nginx build_module Cannot specify nginx version Andrei Belov defect minor nginx-package
#175 Bug Report about mp4 module somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1229 Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only defect minor nginx-module
#275 Build error __warn_memset_zero_len Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-module
#1284 Build failure if defined IP_PKTINFO but missing ipi_spec_dst in struct in_pktinfo defect minor other
#2201 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory thresh defect minor nginx-package
#352 cache line size wrongly detected on virtual instance defect minor nginx-core
#157 cache max_size limit applied incorrectly with xfs somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2029 Cache miss due to "cache file .. has too long header" when using "Vary" defect major nginx-module
#48 Cannot build nginx on OpenSolaris: builder of perl modules cannot find pcre.h somebody defect minor nginx-package
#201 cannot build with gcc 4.7.1 and -O2 somebody defect major nginx-core
#240 cannot find files when ssi subrequest ended by a interrogation mark somebody defect minor nginx-core
#111 Can't build 1.1.5 on Solaris-like system somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1743 Can't flush HTTP response header under TLS+HTTP2 defect minor nginx-module
#2035 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#380 can't make nginx --- ngx_http_request defect minor 1.5.2 nginx-module
#928 Can't use If-Modified-Since with defect minor other
#2135 capture negotiated ssl_curve enhancement minor documentation
#65 CFLAGS and SunPRO linkage somebody defect minor nginx-core
#46 Changeset 3900 st_blocks and ZFS problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#334 Changeset 5169 breaks building on Debian / Ubuntu defect minor nginx-module
#901 Changes in openssl master wrt SSL_shutdown() defect minor nginx-core
#792 Chrome can't establish HTTP2 connection to nginx when URL contains long query string. Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#396 Chrome <--> nginx SPDY/2 misunderstanding defect minor 1.5.3 nginx-core
#731 client_body_temp_path with levels does not work in some cases. defect major nginx-core
#1005 client_body_timeout does not send 408 as advertised defect major documentation
#145 Client disconnect issue lasts for 24 hours somebody defect major nginx-core
#195 Close connection if SSL not enabled for vhost somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#1708 closed_nodes in h2c should define as ngx_uint_t defect minor nginx-module
#2145 CLOSE_WAIT socket leak in downstream connections with keepalive defect minor nginx-core
#2152 compile error on armv7 (Raspberry Pi) quic branch vl defect critical nginx-core
#1396 Compiling for win32 fails with VS2017 defect minor documentation
#558 Conditional (If-None-Match) requests against cached content require Last-Modified header enhancement minor nginx-core
#268 Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-core
#986 configure not passing additional --with-ld-opt to obj/Makefile defect minor nginx-package
#1823 Connection header for inflight return messages during shutdown enhancement minor nginx-core
#1250 Connection reset with low http2_max_requests defect major nginx-module
#1890 Cookie SameSite support for userid module enhancement major other
#1819 Core dump when http2 client cancelled stream while upstream defect minor nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#621 Could not allocate new session in SSL session shared cache defect major nginx-core
#1529 Could not configure TLS1.3 ciphers in OpenSSL 1.1.1 pre4 task minor 1.13 nginx-module
#528 crash on win32 with shared ssl_session_cache defect trivial nginx-core
#910 CreateFile() "E:/tmp/0000000001" failed (80: The file exists) defect minor nginx-core
#1695 Data is corrupted in static large objects (SLO swift API) when using nginx as a GET cache. defect minor other
#1368 Date oveflow problems with ngx_gmtime() defect minor nginx-core
#1096 dav_access user:r is not respected defect minor other
#362 deadlock on win32 with accept_mutex and multiple worker_processes defect minor nginx-module
#2512 Debian 12 install nignx warning thresh defect major nginx-package
#15 Debian pacakges failing because it is building with --with-file-aio somebody defect blocker nginx-package
#158 Debian package does not provide package name httpd Sergey Budnevitch defect minor nginx-package
#1198 debian postrm script deletes log folder thresh enhancement minor other
#519 defect in ngx_mail_send function defect minor nginx-module
#359 DENY ALL ignored when using unix sockets enhancement minor nginx-core
#2432 deprecate HTTP/2 Server Push and port to 103 Early Hints enhancement minor nginx-core
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