- 17:54 Ticket #877 (Support HTTP 308 in return and error_page directives) closed by
- fixed: Patch committed, thanks.
- 17:00 Ticket #877 (Support HTTP 308 in return and error_page directives) updated by
- In [changeset:"be5cfa918bfc07f378c8f905e5e9349f1825c268/nginx" …
- 15:35 Ticket #1249 (Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker) updated by
- The patch solved the issue perfectly. Thank you! Will the patch be …
- 09:49 Ticket #1249 (Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker) updated by
- This looks like a known issue. Can you try the patch and report if it …
- 09:29 Ticket #1249 (Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker) created by
- When running nginx within a Docker container operating in bridged …
- 17:43 Ticket #1248 (syslog UDP sockets growing until 28230 connections.) updated by
- First of all you may want to check if you see the problem with a less …
- 16:47 Ticket #1248 (syslog UDP sockets growing until 28230 connections.) created by
- On Linux server with large number of traffic, using syslog for remote …
- 14:40 Ticket #1022 (Nginx graceful shutdown doesn't inform clients to close "keep-alive" ...) updated by
- See also #1247.
- 14:39 Ticket #1247 (Nginx worker process closes connection and dies prematurely on http ...) closed by
- duplicate: Duplicate of #1022.
- 12:09 Changeset in nginx_org [1963:351cefd5ff9c] by
- Documented rcvbuf and sndbuf for mail and stream listen directive.
- 22:01 Ticket #1247 (Nginx worker process closes connection and dies prematurely on http ...) updated by
- Commenting here in hopes that TracTickets will notify me of updates on …
- 21:58 Ticket #1247 (Nginx worker process closes connection and dies prematurely on http ...) created by
- When clients send a request with a request header of "Connection: …
- 19:47 Changeset in nginx [6974:289403abc84e] by
- Core: improved JSON escaping. Two-character representations are now …
- 19:21 Changeset in nginx [6973:99934aade555] by
- Use ngx_calloc_buf() where appropriate.
- 19:14 Changeset in nginx [6972:6e8c249b34ea] by
- Version bump.
- 15:55 Milestone 1.11 completed
- Status: completed Trunk: mainline 1.11 planned features and …
- 15:55 Changeset in nginx_org [1962:abc05dc025d9] by
- Linux packages: updated the list of supported distributions. - CentOS …
- 15:55 Milestone 1.12.0 completed
- Status: released Trunk: stable * The first cut of 1.12 branch
- 15:47 Ticket #1246 (proxy_pass does not form correct URI when declared with $scheme variable) created by
- proxy_pass does not form correct URI when declared with $scheme …
- 15:02 Changeset in nginx_org [1961:dd4b6c564e10] by
- nginx-1.12.0
- 14:46 Changeset in nginx [6971:f1b6cfe7459f]stable-1.12 by
- release-1.12.0 tag
- 14:46 Changeset in nginx [6970:e265d962841f]stable-1.12release-1.12.0 by
- nginx-1.12.0-RELEASE
- 13:42 Changeset in nginx [6969:92a5bbb7c727]stable-1.12 by
- Stable branch.
- 09:58 Changeset in nginx-tests [1163:bd1cf0a80b28] by
- Tests: Cache-Control max-age/s-maxage set in response.
- 18:34 Ticket #750 (nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is ...) updated by
- See also #1245.
- 18:26 Ticket #1245 (proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, ...) closed by
- duplicate: Duplicate of #750.
- 18:10 Ticket #1245 (proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, ...) created by
- proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, …
- 17:53 Ticket #1243 (Add primary media type for font) updated by
- IMHO, I suggest to add new mime-types and save old one for compatibility
- 16:05 Ticket #1244 (Externalize ngx_udp_connect and ngx_tcp_connect functions) closed by
- wontfix: These function were never publicly available, they never have public …
- 15:49 Ticket #1244 (Externalize ngx_udp_connect and ngx_tcp_connect functions) created by
- The aforementioned functions are …
- 13:41 Changeset in nginx [6980:dbb0c854e308] by
- Set UDP datagram source address (ticket #1239). Previously, the …
- 10:56 Ticket #1243 (Add primary media type for font) created by
The IANA has deprecated the use of the
MIME type for … - 01:13 Changeset in nginx [6977:be5cfa918bfc] by
- Added support for the "308 Permanent Redirect" (ticket #877).
- 12:09 Changeset in nginx_org [1960:9550ea66abdd] by
- HTTP response section of the development guide.
- 10:13 Changeset in nginx-tests [1162:feb91ae3fca3] by
- Tests: reduced race in worker_shutdown_timeout test. Made sure that …
- 06:44 Ticket #1240 (ngx_http_userid_module uid_set) updated by
- Если кто-то сюда придет после. то проблема решилась через с помощью …
- 04:31 Ticket #1239 (Multiple IP address UDP response error) updated by
- Use the patch to work properly Thanks
- 14:29 Ticket #1242 (nginx stub_status exhancement) created by
- Патч добавляет новый функционал - подсчет количества различных http …
- 15:07 Changeset in nginx_org [1959:d0aebb2337ec] by
- Added the "Variables" section to the development guide.
- 13:44 Changeset in nginx_org [1958:95a7e6eb5270] by
- Fixed spelling.
- 13:33 Ticket #1241 (Using uninitialized variable warning in SSI module) closed by
- invalid: The warning is generated by the rewrite module when trying to access …
- 13:16 Ticket #1240 (ngx_http_userid_module uid_set) closed by
- wontfix: Вероятнее всего, ваша проблема не в том, что uid не тот, что сохранён …
- 12:49 Ticket #1239 (Multiple IP address UDP response error) updated by
- Thanks for reporting this. Please try the patch.
- 12:45 Ticket #189 (timeouts break when time changes) updated by
- We also ran into this issue. Is there any update on this?
- 12:27 Ticket #1241 (Using uninitialized variable warning in SSI module) created by
- I have the following SSI code in my page: […] If variable …
- 10:26 Ticket #1240 (ngx_http_userid_module uid_set) created by
- была попытка использования модуля ngx_http_userid_module совместно с …
- 09:19 Ticket #1239 (Multiple IP address UDP response error) created by
- ### nginx conf sh-4.2#cat nginx.conf user nobody; worker_processes …
- 17:18 Ticket #1238 (Core dump when $limit_rate is set both in a map and in a location) updated by
Status, Description changed
Thanks, certainly bad things will happen when trying to use standard … - 17:13 Ticket #1158 (Document volatile parameter for map module) closed by
- fixed: Sure, thanks.
- 17:00 Ticket #1238 (Core dump when $limit_rate is set both in a map and in a location) created by
- This is a minimal server configuration used to reproduce the problem …
- 16:45 Ticket #1158 (Document volatile parameter for map module) updated by
- After documentation update this ticket is no longer actual, can be closed!
- 15:42 Ticket #1234 ("proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when ...) updated by
- Thanks for the info!
- 14:44 Ticket #1236 (MP4 module) closed by
- wontfix: This is expected behaviour. The mp4 module do not try to search for …
- 14:21 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) closed by
- invalid: Closing this, observed behaviour is as intended and not a bug. It is …
- 14:11 Ticket #1234 ("proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when ...) updated by
directive do not affects SSL context, only a … - 12:19 Ticket #1237 (ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action) created by
- A lot of us want to mirror traffic from production setups to another …
- 02:33 Ticket #1236 (MP4 module) created by
- #curl if start=10 is not the …
- 18:43 Ticket #1234 ("proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when ...) updated by
In our case
is different for every location with a … - 08:21 Changeset in nginx-tests [1161:e1225e304e46] by
- Tests: special test with subrequest. Test is checking sending data to …
- 15:24 Milestone 1.11.13 completed
- Status: released Trunk: mainline * Bug fixes
- 15:12 Changeset in nginx_org [1957:0cda46808207] by
- nginx-1.11.13
- 15:01 Changeset in nginx [6968:29ba1d6a2da9] by
- release-1.11.13 tag
- 15:01 Changeset in nginx [6967:3d0e8655f897]release-1.11.13 by
- nginx-1.11.13-RELEASE
- 14:43 Changeset in nginx_org [1956:dd96a09dd4f7] by
- Documented support for "429 Too Many Requests" response.
- 14:25 Changeset in nginx_org [1955:182bbf9034c4] by
- Removed nested functions from njs not supported features.
- 14:03 Changeset in nginx_org [1954:bbc167d437c2] by
- Added ES6 Array methods support to "About nginScript".
- 13:14 Ticket #1235 (open_file_cache issues with symlinks) closed by
invalid: With
open_file_cache_valid 1h;
nginx will cache any open files for 1 … - 10:46 Ticket #1235 (open_file_cache issues with symlinks) updated by
- Might be more of a caveat than a bug, but then it should maybe be …
- 20:02 Ticket #1235 (open_file_cache issues with symlinks) created by
- It appears that nginx doesn't handle symlinks that get updated, ie. by …
- 17:57 Changeset in nginx-tests [1160:4ed2226d47de] by
- Tests: increased read timeout in worker_shutdown_timeout test.
- 15:51 Ticket #1230 (proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors) updated by
- My problem with the 404 is they are not cached in the CDN, so i get …
- 14:30 Changeset in nginx [6976:6c13008ad503] by
- Mail: configurable socket buffer sizes. The "rcvbuf" and "sndbuf" …
- 14:29 Changeset in nginx [6975:d7ce41bdf050] by
- Stream: configurable socket buffer sizes. The "rcvbuf" and "sndbuf" …
- 10:51 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) closed by
- fixed
- 10:50 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) updated by
- In [changeset:"3ff293cfdab85082a9560ab56ea9f16b02a8a8c8/nginx" …
- 06:29 Changeset in nginx [6964:5d3d9b52327d] by
- Fixed type.
- 14:08 Changeset in nginx-tests [1159:a0324ac9addc] by
- Tests: perl $r->sleep tests.
- 14:07 Changeset in nginx-tests [1158:3a3a7f68c6d7] by
- Tests: removed unneeded use of Socket module from perl_ssi.t.
- 13:37 Ticket #776 (Hang after NGX_AGAIN) closed by
- fixed: Fix committed.
- 13:36 Ticket #1228 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) closed by
- fixed: Fix committed.
- 13:30 Tickets #776,1228 batch updated by
- In [changeset:"903fb1ddc07f6b4345d88428898d95aadfc0223f/nginx" …
- 11:32 Changeset in nginx [6961:903fb1ddc07f] by
- Moved handling of wev->delayed to the connection event handler. With …
- 11:32 Changeset in nginx [6960:1c5e5e5b008d] by
- Perl: fixed delaying subrequests. Much like in limit_req, use the …
- 11:32 Changeset in nginx [6959:7fcf209d40c8] by
- Limit req: fixed delaying subrequests. Since limit_req uses …
- 12:40 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
- > Though for obvious reasons this solution isn't something can be …
- 22:46 Ticket #1234 ("proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when ...) updated by
Type changed
Each location withproxy_pass
to https creates it's own SSL context … - 22:08 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
- Yes, obviously this won't be as effective as serving static files …
- 21:56 Ticket #1230 (proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors) updated by
- Could you please clarify reasons why you use 410 instead of 404? The …
- 19:13 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- That's interesting, and thank you for suggesting that. However, we …
- 18:47 Changeset in nginx [6963:3ff293cfdab8] by
- Slice filter: prevented slice redirection (ticket #1219). When a …
- 18:13 Ticket #1234 ("proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when ...) created by
When enabling
we set the … - 17:54 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- What you can do is disable getting cache time from the response using …
- 16:59 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- Thank you for your reply. In that case, how do we configure nginx to …
- 16:17 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- When proxy_cache_background_update is disabled, there's a client, …
- 15:56 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- But that's not the case when proxy_cache_background_update is …
- 15:07 Ticket #1230 (proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors) updated by
- For static content, i return 410 instead of 404, so that the CDN …
- 14:42 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- The background cache updater receives an uncacheable response (expires …
- 14:39 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
> use proxying with
headers removed afterX-Accel-Redirect
I … - 14:18 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) updated by
- Update: The original page had the X-Accel-Expires header set at …
- 14:16 Ticket #1233 (Stale 200 Served even when backend sets 404 with new ...) created by
- Hi there, We have recently enabled …
- 12:09 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
Ok, so the only way seems to use proxying with
headers removed … - 12:01 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
- > while it is possible to add any headers to the response using the …
- 11:38 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
- > If you want to supply custom ETag's by your backend, consider …
- 10:58 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) updated by
- That's expected behaviour. Custom headers as configured with …
- 10:03 Ticket #1232 (nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream) created by
- The used workflow as follows: the upstream wsgi server knows …
- 09:30 Ticket #1231 (Testconfig using filename doesn't test includes) updated by
- Replying to mdounin: You're right, I completely missed …
- 08:44 Ticket #1231 (Testconfig using filename doesn't test includes) closed by
- invalid: The nginx.conf configuration file uses: […] and there is no …
- 08:30 Ticket #1231 (Testconfig using filename doesn't test includes) created by
- It looks like when testing a specific configuration file using -t -c …
- 16:54 Ticket #1228 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) updated by
- See also ticket #776 and …
- 16:53 Ticket #776 (Hang after NGX_AGAIN) updated by
- See also #1228.
- 16:31 Ticket #1230 (proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors) updated by
Could you please clarify why you want
for 410? … - 15:48 Ticket #1230 (proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors) created by
- Hi i need to set a proxy_next_upstream on errors "410 Gone", but …
- 12:26 Changeset in nginx-tests [1157:06bb6af4324e] by
- Tests: adjusted worker_shutdown_timeout test. Use select on socket to …
- 09:57 Ticket #1229 (Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only) closed by
- fixed: Please update. This has been fixed in 1.11.0 …
- 09:18 Ticket #1229 (Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only) created by
- Hello, I want to load-balance TCP and UDP stream on the same port …
- 06:40 Ticket #1228 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) updated by
- Replying to arut: > This looks like a known issue. When …
- 17:21 Changeset in nginx [6957:83bae3d354ab] by
- HTTP/2: fixed connection finalization. All streams in connection must …
- 17:16 Changeset in nginx [6956:9b5f31fdb850] by
- HTTP/2: fixed stream finalization. In order to finalize stream the …
- 11:04 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) updated by
- Проблема была в реализации sendfile внутри ядра FreeBSD 11.0.
- 10:41 Ticket #1228 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) updated by
- This looks like a known issue. When limit_rate/sendfile_max_chunk are …
- 09:24 Ticket #1228 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) created by
- • Nginx -1.10.2 • Uname -Linux 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64 We use …
- 09:22 Ticket #1227 (One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server) created by
- • Nginx -1.10.2 • Uname -Linux 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64 We use …
- 17:30 Ticket #1174 (Partial downloads (sendfile)) closed by
- fixed: Fix committed.
- 16:30 Ticket #1174 (Partial downloads (sendfile)) updated by
- In [changeset:"ff0c8e11edbc590ba3b6609aa6b8ac2260580775/nginx" …
- 15:15 Changeset in nginx [6951:ce37362a7a70] by
- Copy filter: wake up subrequests after aio operations. Previously, …
- 15:15 Changeset in nginx [6950:4cb4ffe06785] by
- Threads: fixed request hang with aio_write and subrequests. If the …
- 15:15 Changeset in nginx [6949:ff0c8e11edbc] by
- Simplified and improved sendfile() code on Linux. The …
- 14:58 Changeset in nginx-tests [1156:d12c45f14102] by
- Tests: handled EOF in ssl_proxy_upgrade.t.
- 14:57 Changeset in nginx-tests [1155:d37983612b04] by
- Tests: adjusted read timeout in proxy upgrade tests for slow hosts.
- 11:21 Changeset in nginx [6948:3fb9b5eb75c0] by
- Fixed ngx_open_cached_file() error handling. If of.err is 0, it means …
- 11:03 Changeset in nginx [6962:a97ad1663ef4] by
- Slice filter: allowed at most one subrequest at a time. Previously, …
- 08:28 Changeset in nginx [6947:a8d7c9139831] by
- Core: set nginx_shared_zone name via ngx_str_set().
- 08:28 Changeset in nginx [6946:99c87770b81b] by
- Use ngx_array_init() to initialize arrays.
- 08:28 Changeset in nginx [6945:6e1a0a0d5f04] by
- Version bump.
- 08:25 Changeset in nginx [6955:d38161da62cd] by
- HTTP/2: emit PROTOCOL_ERROR on padding errors. Signed-off-by: Piotr …
- 08:25 Changeset in nginx [6954:052305810ca4] by
- HTTP/2: fix flow control with padded DATA frames. Previously, flow …
- 08:25 Changeset in nginx [6953:663e6a48bfcb] by
- HTTP/2: fix $body_bytes_sent variable. Previously, its value included …
- 08:25 Changeset in nginx [6952:afc60bd9008f] by
- HTTP/2: fix $bytes_sent variable. Previously, its value accounted for …
- 08:25 Changeset in nginx [6958:28dc369899ea] by
- HTTP/2: style and typos. Signed-off-by: Piotr Sikora …
- 18:49 Milestone 1.11.12 completed
- Status: released Trunk: mainline * Bug fix
- 16:33 Changeset in nginx-tests [1154:2c120aea4362] by
- Tests: added auto redirect tests with args.
- 16:29 Changeset in nginx-tests [1153:818fbc9d1c29] by
- Tests: check Location EoLs in http_absolute_redirect.t.
- 15:05 Changeset in nginx [6944:22be63bf21ed] by
- release-1.11.12 tag
- 15:05 Changeset in nginx [6943:7f394e433f00]release-1.11.12 by
- nginx-1.11.12-RELEASE
- 13:26 Changeset in nginx [6942:1c43ac026c1d] by
- Fixed CPU hog while freeing hc->busy after e662cbf1b932 (1.11.11). …
- 12:25 Changeset in nginx-tests [1152:8241ebbe753d] by
- Tests: added perl header_out content-length tests with ranges.
- 10:37 Changeset in nginx [7036:8666da1ecf33] by
- Headers filter: added "add_trailer" directive. Trailers added using …
- 10:37 Changeset in nginx [7035:4e784e095a97] by
- HTTP/2: added support for trailers in HTTP responses. Signed-off-by: …
- 10:37 Changeset in nginx [7034:1b068a4e82d8] by
- Added support for trailers in HTTP responses. Example: …
- 09:48 Changeset in nginx [6966:fa56ab75cffc] by
- Upstream: allow recovery from "429 Too Many Requests" response. This …
- 09:48 Changeset in nginx [6965:3ef4cadfad7f] by
- Added support for "429 Too Many Requests" response (RFC6585). This …
- 21:03 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) updated by
- Replying to i.bakirov@…: > Replying to [comment:2 …
- 20:36 Changeset in nginx [6941:6e20a6479325] by
- Simplified code about duplicate root/alias directive.
- 19:49 Changeset in nginx [6940:39ff6939266e] by
- Unified error messages about duplicate directives.
- 19:49 Changeset in nginx [6939:633a36655bb6] by
- Version bump.
- 18:54 Ticket #1226 (nginx behaves weirdly when using eventport as event engine on Solaris) updated by
Status changed
Quoting … - 18:36 Ticket #1226 (nginx behaves weirdly when using eventport as event engine on Solaris) created by
- nginx behaves weirdly when using eventport as event engine. I tried to …
- 13:30 Ticket #1224 (Wildcard in server_name) closed by
- invalid: Wildcards are only allowed as the first or the last part of the name, …
- 13:29 Ticket #1225 (GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired) closed by
- invalid
- 13:13 Ticket #1225 (GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired) updated by
- argl our cache has saved the old key. After pruning the cache, I …
- 13:10 Ticket #1225 (GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired) updated by
- From here: http://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key Documented under …
- 11:13 Ticket #1225 (GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired) updated by
- Where did you get this key from? See …
- 11:03 Ticket #1225 (GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired) created by
- Your gpg key for the debian based Repro is expired. pub …
- 03:55 Ticket #1224 (Wildcard in server_name) created by
- The following nginx config is regarded as invalid via {{{{ nginx -t …
- 17:39 Ticket #1205 (rare crash fix) closed by
- duplicate: Feedback timeout.
- 17:31 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) updated by
directive takes the URI argument. The request will be … - 16:21 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) updated by
- Well yes, you're absolutely right. It's just weird that nginx will …
- 16:19 Ticket #924 (ngx_http_v2_module is not included in windows compilation) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in 0d4f602dc927, available in nginx 1.11.11 windows build.
- 16:00 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) updated by
Well, nginx was instructed to deny access to files in
, … - 15:45 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) updated by
- You seem to misunderstand the problem here. It doesn't matter that …
- 15:34 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) closed by
- invalid: As far as I understand the above configuration, it's not nginx who …
- 15:26 Milestone 1.11.11 completed
- Status: released Trunk: mainline * worker_shutdown_timeout …
- 15:04 Changeset in nginx [6938:a23fb12895e5] by
- release-1.11.11 tag
- 15:04 Changeset in nginx [6937:d8b321a876d6]release-1.11.11 by
- nginx-1.11.11-RELEASE
- 14:38 Changeset in nginx-tests [1151:57673c7257a3] by
- Tests: unbreak mail tests in case of EOF.
- 14:28 Changeset in nginx [6936:0d4f602dc927] by
- Added HTTP/2 to win32 builds.
- 14:06 Ticket #1223 (Missing error pages + deny + try_files results in full body being returned) created by
- We've experienced a very weird behaviour today, which potentially is a …
- 12:42 Changeset in nginx-tests [1150:ccf134a800ae] by
- Tests: added Location tests with alias for dav and static modules.
- 11:42 Ticket #1216 (Confusing use of 'URI' when referring to a path in the proxy_pass ...) updated by
- Thanks for the pointer, that does help to understand the …
- 13:08 Ticket #368 (RFE: add a proxy_cookie_secure to override cookes to be 'Secure') updated by
- Try this …
- 12:58 Ticket #967 (Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL) updated by
- This third-party [https://github.com/AirisX/nginx_cookie_flag_module …
- 16:25 Ticket #1222 (Update doc to mention about HTSP) updated by
Type changed
It is believed that HTTPoxy is to be fixed in relevant libraries / … - 03:45 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) updated by
- Replying to iHeadRu@…: > OpenSSL используется. > Что …
- 22:45 Ticket #1222 (Update doc to mention about HTSP) created by
- security.stackexchange.com/questions/154166/httpoxy-what-about-https-pr …
- 20:25 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) updated by
- I'm not sure we'll commit exactly this path, we have several …
- 19:31 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) updated by
- Your patch does fix the loop indeed! Thanks for your quick reply! …
- 16:50 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) closed by
- invalid: As previously said, no further clarification will be given here. …
- 16:39 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) reopened by
- Im happy to be wrong. Thought the map directive is only available in …
- 16:35 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) closed by
- invalid
- 16:35 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) updated by
- You are wrong, dynamic name resolution (including re-resolving) is …
- 16:03 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) reopened by
- Your answer is what I am telling you. The doc's indicate you support a …
- 14:00 Ticket #1221 (add_header conflict) closed by
- invalid: This is expected behaviour, quoting …
- 13:41 Ticket #868 (new variable: $remote_addr_anon) updated by
- Instead of adding new variable, just add a switch; ip_hide_last_octet 1;
- 13:37 Ticket #1221 (add_header conflict) created by
- http{ ... add_header X-Frame-Options "deny"; add_header Last-Modified …
- 13:26 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) closed by
invalid: There is no
directive in stream. You may provide variables for … - 09:09 Changeset in nginx [6935:03928f7f209b] by
- Fixed a comment.
- 07:38 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) updated by
- Thanks for reporting this. Please try the attached patch.
- 01:19 Ticket #1220 (Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP) created by
- According the docs, …
- 20:31 Ticket #1207 (Distinguish between 301 and 302 redirects when proxy_redirect off) updated by
- I'll some problem, fixed. [[Image(...)]] …
- 18:34 Ticket #1219 (Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop) created by
- When nginx has to do subrequests for one or more slices to …
- 17:38 Changeset in nginx [6934:4d874b4d82ed] by
- Configure: fixed --without_http. Instead of turning off some randomly …
- 17:38 Changeset in nginx [6933:29e452c56125] by
- Configure: fixed build with --with-stream. Some combinations of …
- 16:01 Changeset in nginx [6932:e54c336d95aa] by
- Added missing "static" specifier found by gcc -Wtraditional. This has …
- 22:55 Changeset in nginx [7047:3fef8c5caa75] by
- Proxy: split configured header names and values. Previously, each …
- 10:58 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) closed by
- invalid
- 10:58 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) reopened by
- 10:06 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) updated by
- Я добавил баг в bugs.freebsd.org. …
- 08:44 Ticket #1217 (FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile?) closed by
- fixed: Добрый день. Даже если источником паники является nginx, такое …
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