Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 2310)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2249 nginx proxy makes grpc two-way authentication fail defect minor nginx-module
#2022 nginx proxy_next_upstream works weird defect minor documentation
#388 nginx proxy pass and CROS(cross-origin resource sharing) defect minor 1.5 nginx-module
#1795 Nginx proxy serving non-existent proxy cache files defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect blocker nginx-1.26 http/3
#2263 Nginx-Quic - Only 1 quic domain possible on udp 443 defect minor other
#2075 nginx-quic with WordPress defect major nginx-core
#106 Nginx realip module not working correctly with multiple x-forwarded-for headers somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1118 Nginx refuses to allow access to WAR files defect critical nginx-core
#750 nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is a symlink to not yet existing directory defect minor nginx-core
#1457 nginx reload doen't support listen interface changes defect minor nginx-core
#1835 Nginx reload doesnt work when limit zone in nginx.conf is changed defect critical nginx-core
#1153 Nginx reload hang defect major nginx-core
#2387 nginx reloads spawn multiple processes for 3rd party modules defect major nginx-core
#2314 Nginx repo for centos 6 is not working 82a6e.....-other.sqlite.bz2 fiel is missing. task major other
#397 nginx repomd.xml 404 Not Found defect major nginx-package
#594 nginx.repo.RHEL7 defect minor nginx-core
#2063 nginx reports seemingly incorrect “upstream split a header line in FastCGI records” defect minor documentation
#2601 NGINX Repositories are down - 404 task blocker nginx-1.26 nginx-package
#1661 Nginx repository for ubuntu has no Release file for cosmic (18.10) thresh defect major nginx-package
#1837 nginx resolver failed when ipv6 AAAA dns query failed and ipv4 A query success defect critical nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#2513 nginx resolver issue defect major nginx-core
#736 Nginx responses 412 to invalid If-Unmodified-Since request-header defect major nginx-module
#666 Nginx retry the failed http request not only from the servers defined inside the associated upstream, but also the upstream's name as well defect blocker nginx-core
#1031 nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < 2 byte. defect minor nginx-core
#824 NGINX returning 404 on proxy timeout instead of 504 when request is a POST defect minor nginx-module
#1551 nginx returns 400 beacuse of missing host header when receiving HTTP2 :authory pseudo field defect minor other
#1232 nginx returns 412 given if-match, thus ignoring etag from upstream defect minor other
#2564 nginx returns 501 when 400 is expected defect minor nginx-1.26 nginx-core
#2054 nginx returns a blank page defect major nginx-core
#2058 nginx returns code 500 on zero-size request body when filter module returns 40x defect minor nginx-core
#2290 nginx rewrites stop working on special get parameter defect minor documentation
#1592 "nginx -s" doesn't read error_log configuration defect minor nginx-core
#2273 nginx security issue - version 1.21.4 defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-package
#1276 Nginx segfault error that leads to server crash defect blocker other
#1757 nginx segfault defect minor other
#500 nginx segfaults on Solaris 11.1 x86 when compiled with -m64 defect minor nginx-core
#222 nginx segfaults on start somebody defect major nginx-core
#311 Nginx segmentation fault on uploading file via DAV after Expect: 100-continue defect minor nginx-core
#1750 Nginx + sendfile serves wrong content from NFS share, may leak confidential information to unauthorized party. defect critical nginx-core
#170 nginx sending incorrect header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1199 nginx sends traffic to all or some of the upstrems defect blocker other
#1315 Nginx's enforced permissions enhancement minor nginx-core
#2569 nginx serves stale 200 page which was deleted (became 404) defect major nginx-core
#1676 nginx.service for tmpfs /var/log defect minor other
#1983 nginx.service unit-file in rpm (CentOS 7,8) defect minor nginx-package
#628 nginx serving wrong certificate for another domain? task minor nginx-core
#1880 nginx should bypass cache if worker failed to allocate node in cache keys zone defect minor other
#208 Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked encoding when Transfer-Encoding: chunked header is found somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1704 Nginx should have a friendly notice when config file have same port and same server_name defect minor other
#719 Nginx should maintain a better default cipher suite enhancement minor nginx-core
#494 nginx should not ignore log_format changes during reload enhancement minor nginx-core
#1303 Nginx should respect error_page directives defect minor other
#2173 Nginx simple proxy set-up returns 400 (Bad Request) task minor other
#887 nginx skips SNI when determining protocols for SSL negotiation defect major nginx-module
#624 Nginx SPDY module not working with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1/ Windows Server 2012 defect major 1.6.2 nginx-module
#613 nginx+ssl crashes very often on low memory environment defect major nginx-core
#701 nginx -s stop and -s quit hang on Yosemite defect major nginx-core
#2540 nginx stable 1.24 issues with cache file deletion under heavy load defect major nginx-core
#1040 nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved defect minor nginx-core
#1900 Nginx starting more worker processes when modsec rules are enabled defect major nginx-core
#2130 "nginx" stops every day itself defect blocker nginx-core
#278 Nginx stops processes after reload procedure defect major nginx-core
#1049 nginx stream module - listen not provided defect minor 1.11 nginx-module
#2163 nginx suddenly stop accepting request & returns 499 defect blocker nginx-core
#1638 Nginx Systemd is failing to start on reboot defect major 1.15.4 other
#1791 Nginx -t changing ownersip of cache path defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#2187 nginx -t disrupts streamed udp traffic defect major nginx-core
#2372 nginx -t does not indicate potential permissions error for SSL certificates enhancement minor nginx-core
#1933 nginx -t does not write to set error log defect minor documentation
#2417 nginx temp file Directory permissions change defect major nginx-core
#2004 nginx temp files deleting problem defect minor nginx-core
#1379 nginx-tests/access_log.t failed Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect minor other
#1671 nginx-tests fail in docker container defect major other
#541 nginx-tests: proxy_unfinished.t test 'no proxy temp' does not work defect minor other
#2597 nginx-tests: some ssl tests fail with openssl 3.2.0 defect minor other
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect minor nginx-core
#1308 nginx timer don't work if change system date. defect critical nginx-core
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect trivial nginx-core
#147 nginx touched /var/log/nginx-error.log even when error_log are switched off defect minor nginx-core
#1453 nginx transform https to http when using try_files enhancement minor other
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect minor nginx-core
#571 Nginx treats dashes in server_name as catch-all servers defect major nginx-core
#1682 Nginx tries to open the html file and through error 404. I expected the redirection to the php script. defect minor other
#1547 Nginx trying to create NGX_HTTP_PROXY_TEMP_PATH even when it is overridden via configuration file defect minor other
#1481 nginx -t should throw error when merge_slashes is used in non-default server block enhancement minor nginx-core
#150 nginx -t success but nginx -s reload failed somebody defect minor nginx-core
#1960 nginx -t tries to bind to ports enhancement minor nginx-core
#2188 nginx -t with many worker_processes/reuseport is expensive enhancement minor documentation
#77 nginx -t изредка падает с ненулевым статусом и пустым stdout/stderr somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2527 Nginx unable to install from default Ubuntu Repository if IPv6 is disabled through grub defect critical nginx-package
#373 nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors defect minor nginx-core
#2520 Nginx upgrade on debian 11 defect minor nginx-core
#1613 Nginx uses server's ip address instead of its domain name while verifying as a load balancer defect minor other
#898 nginx_version is not casted to unsinged integer. defect minor nginx-core
#160 Nginx -V Output Format somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#639 nginx -V should output to STDOUT defect minor nginx-core
#1953 nginx -V Website down defect critical documentation
#1871 Nginx will not accept the latter of two client certs if the subject is the same. defect major nginx-core
#726 NGINX will use least level of security for SSL with SNI enabled. defect major nginx-core
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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