Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1423 response vary headers not used in the cache key defect minor other
#1430 Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using proxy_cache_background_update defect minor nginx-module
#1431 Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy enhancement minor nginx-module
#1433 WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows defect minor nginx-module
#1439 auto_index module should discard request body explicitly defect minor nginx-module
#1445 OpenSSL - ChaCha prioritized - Nginx enhancement enhancement minor other
#1450 Allow for unescaped access logs enhancement minor other
#1451 proxy_cache_background_update breaks with trailing questionmark defect minor other
#1469 nginx won't build under libxcrypt due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect minor nginx-core
#1477 Syslog stops working after few hours defect major nginx-module
#1494 Null character in error.log defect minor nginx-module
#1523 large_client_header_buffers directive is ignored in server context defect minor documentation
#1529 Could not configure TLS1.3 ciphers in OpenSSL 1.1.1 pre4 task minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1534 OCSP client certificate validation enhancement minor nginx-core
#1544 http/2 downloads broken during reload defect major other
#1552 No way to use http2 with stream-section enhancement minor nginx-core
#1557 Extra spaces should not cause nginx error defect minor other
#1565 Prematurely deleting request body temp files on fast response defect minor nginx-core
#1576 When the file is overwritten by the COPY method under the following conditions, content of copied file is not correct. defect minor nginx-module
#1577 When the file is moved to the directory that the disk is different by the MOVE method under the following conditions, content of moved file is not correct. defect minor other
#1605 nginx does not compile with LibreSSL 2.8.0 defect major other
#1606 WebAssembly doesn't work on Firefox/Chrome due to missing MIME type enhancement minor other
#1615 documentation: include is not allowed inside if defect minor nginx-core
#1618 Potential infinity cycle in ngx_http_upstream_send_request_body() defect minor nginx-core
#1634 No response from nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1637 nginx:alpine latest (from 9/12/2018) uses alpine v3.7.1 task critical 1.15.4 other
#1654 nginx does not honor ssl_protocols for TLSv1.3 defect minor nginx-core
#1657 A minor code clean for ngx_event.h defect trivial nginx-core
#1659 nginx intermittent delay before sending response enhancement minor nginx-core
#1684 documentation for ngx_http_geo_module is inconsistent with the module's behavior when the server is accessed through a unix domain socket defect minor nginx-module
#1689 Writing connections leak with http/2 defect major nginx-core
#1693 Documentation bug: Redirects without localization end up insecure defect minor other
#1695 Data is corrupted in static large objects (SLO swift API) when using nginx as a GET cache. defect minor other
#1708 closed_nodes in h2c should define as ngx_uint_t defect minor nginx-module
#1711 TLS 1.3 on Windows build enhancement minor nginx-core
#1721 One line redundant code in ngx_slab_free_locked enhancement minor nginx-core
#1722 Error log of proxy buffer size for cache key looks weird defect trivial nginx-module
#1724 Nginx doesn't sanitize and is inconsistent with multiple, repeated input headers enhancement minor nginx-core
#1735 Nginx js freezing defect critical nginx-module
#1743 Can't flush HTTP response header under TLS+HTTP2 defect minor nginx-module
#1767 Spelling error in `ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module` document defect trivial documentation
#1769 Typo in `ngx_google_perftools_module` defect trivial documentation
#1782 NULL dereference in ngx_http_upstream.c defect minor other
#1786 Send file from Perl module defect minor nginx-module
#1792 grpc module handles RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) improperly on closed streams defect minor nginx-module
#1797 grpc module handles WINDOW_UPDATE improperly on closed streams defect minor other
#1806 New Set of Map files causing server segmentation fault defect minor other
#1819 Core dump when http2 client cancelled stream while upstream defect minor nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1823 Connection header for inflight return messages during shutdown enhancement minor nginx-core
#1826 Gzip deflate broken in some cases defect major nginx-core
#1843 $upstream_http_set_cookie includes only first cookie defect major nginx-module
#1855 Strip an object from an header(cookie) enhancement minor other
#1865 error: cast between incompatible function types from 'FARPROC' on MinGW defect minor other
#1870 Large file download is not completed with sendfile option. defect minor nginx-core
#1881 pkg-oss is missing a tag for nginx 1.17.5 defect minor other
#1884 Trac throws an error when logging in with StackExchange defect minor other
#1890 Cookie SameSite support for userid module enhancement major other
#1892 TLSv1.3 session resumption - session tickets renewing defect minor nginx-core
#1938 mail proxy connect issue with Outlook defect minor documentation
#1949 Mistype in $ssl_preread_alpn_protocols ru-doc defect minor documentation
#1955 Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) support enhancement major nginx-package
#1981 no logging of HTTP/1.x requests to a plain text HTTP/2 listening socket defect minor nginx-core
#1982 Zero length UDP packets aren't forwarded to upstreams but a lack of response is still counted as an upstream failure defect minor nginx-module
#1987 underscores_in_headers directive seems to be specific to each server block defect minor documentation
#2017 worker_connections are not enough defect minor nginx-core
#2018 Significant amount of "zero size buf in writer t:1 r:0 f:0... 0000000000000000 0-0 while sending to client" defect minor nginx-core
#2024 Error log contains "unexpected response for" when resolver is called defect minor nginx-core
#2029 Cache miss due to "cache file .. has too long header" when using "Vary" defect major nginx-module
#2035 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2056 TLS ALert "close_notify" missing defect minor documentation
#2058 nginx returns code 500 on zero-size request body when filter module returns 40x defect minor nginx-core
#2075 nginx-quic with WordPress defect major nginx-core
#2079 Empty path in URL defect minor nginx-core
#2096 proxy_next_upstream returns 502 Bad Gateway when one of the servers is down defect minor nginx-module
#2104 I encountered an error when compiling nginx-quic. defect minor nginx-package
#2117 upstream sent more data than specified in "Content-Length" header while reading response header from upstream defect minor nginx-core
#2134 ssl cipher logging for mail enhancement minor nginx-module
#2135 capture negotiated ssl_curve enhancement minor documentation
#2141 Vim syntax file uses `hi link` instead of `hi def link` defect minor other
#2142 keepalive_timeout 0 will break http2 defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#2145 CLOSE_WAIT socket leak in downstream connections with keepalive defect minor nginx-core
#2155 Stale defect critical nginx-core
#2159 Massmail problems with mail module defect minor nginx-module
#2162 Detected socket leaks after restarting worker processes defect minor nginx-core
#2176 Get only 200 responses when "if_modified_since" is set to "off" defect minor documentation
#2187 nginx -t disrupts streamed udp traffic defect major nginx-core
#2188 nginx -t with many worker_processes/reuseport is expensive enhancement minor documentation
#2191 Nginx doesn't escape unsafe characters on proxying defect major nginx-core
#2196 resolver only ipv6 issue enhancement minor nginx-core
#2229 Grpc Upstream timeout defect minor documentation
#2230 pkg-oss scripts break if 'so' included in path defect minor nginx-package
#2247 Broken link in ngx_http_mp4_module docs defect minor documentation
#2252 Rate limiting rules turn chunked transfer into invalid request defect minor nginx-module
#2255 different declaration and impementation defect minor nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2276 VIM syntax file errors with vim 8 defect minor other
#2285 strange "worker_connections are not enough, reusing connections" warning defect minor nginx-core
#2289 QUIC: RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID with invalid DestinationConnectionId defect minor http/3
#2292 nginx config test cannot pass if quic_bpf is enabled defect major nginx-1.21 http/3
#2314 Nginx repo for centos 6 is not working 82a6e.....-other.sqlite.bz2 fiel is missing. task major other
#2348 documentation uses incorrect quotes results in config file error defect minor documentation
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