Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (901 - 959 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2080 Possible mem leak in nginx defect major nginx-1.19 other
#2110 nginx as grpc reverse proxy report 499 after few weeks of work defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-module
#1803 set_decode_base64 not working for combination of Japnese and underscore character defect critical nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1837 nginx resolver failed when ipv6 AAAA dns query failed and ipv4 A query success defect critical nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1894 Docker image nginx:latest does not support lua in nginx-debug defect major nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1925 Ability to change the time format of the log. task minor nginx-1.17 nginx-module
#1944 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream defect major nginx-1.17 documentation
#1956 duplicate requests in ssl environments when favicon is enabled defect minor nginx-1.17 documentation
#1795 Nginx proxy serving non-existent proxy cache files defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#1528 Cannot build OpenSSL 1.1.1pre4 on Nginx mainline 1.13.12? defect blocker nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1656 It may be a bug of udp rbtree init in function ngx_set_inherited_sockets defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1702 [NGINX Plus Openid connect]:audience check failed for array type field defect critical nginx-1.15 nginx-package
#1703 [NGINX Plus Openid Connect]: error log printing variable not value defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1739 invaild r->port_end defect minor nginx-1.15 other
#1742 nginx.exe filesize defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1770 How to enable tls1.3 in nginx? defect critical nginx-1.15 nginx-package
#1727 Don't create file in put method defect critical nginx-1.15.9 nginx-module
#1731 Reverse proxy websocket If the number of concurrency is large, many close_waits will appear. defect minor nginx-1.15.9 other
#1545 proxy_cache_bypass does not work when a period characer is part of the name of a cookie defect minor 1.15.0 nginx-module
#1283 FreeBSD 11 + nginx + apache delay +0.1 second on files greater than 32768 bytes defect minor 1.13 nginx-core
#1291 TCP HealthCheck knocking down Nginx defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1325 my right to all treated or virus from u all defect blocker 1.13 other
#1352 error when starting defect major 1.13 other
#1375 Can‘t use parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates in BoringSSL defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1413 OCSP no response sent defect major 1.13 nginx-core
#1492 nginx proxy + cloudflare + https = 403 Forbidden cloudflare-nginx defect minor 1.13 other
#1514 ngx_http_mirror_module does not send body defect minor 1.13 other
#988 stuck by below,here is my code please help me defect major 1.11 documentation
#1175 Confirmation of client_body_buffer_size specification defect minor 1.11 documentation
#1207 Distinguish between 301 and 302 redirects when proxy_redirect off defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1208 Ubuntu 16.04 Mainline version from NGINX Repo not including IPV6 mocule defect major 1.11 nginx-package
#1202 nginx OSS sub-domain issue task minor 1.11.10 other
#1109 sub_filter, with proxy_pass and Accept-Encoding: gzip defect minor 1.10.2 nginx-core
#1092 virtal host attacks: Limit Host header to CN/DNS-Name of currently used certificate defect major 1.11.5 nginx-core
#880 mp4 not working on some android devices if used by dns defect minor 1.9 documentation
#881 Nginx with php-fpm + SSI defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#913 Delay in generation of Session/Token id for co browse (Genesys application) via NGINX Proxy defect critical 1.9 nginx-package
#917 try_files ignores add_header at same level defect minor 1.9 nginx-core
#846 HTTP2 apply to all server block defect minor 1.9.8 nginx-module
#819 http auth digest new fork defect minor 1.9.6 nginx-module
#569 [emerg] invalid host in upstream "http://phpbackend" defect major 1.7 nginx-module
#652 after use spdy keepalive_timeout always 180000 task critical 1.7 nginx-core
#680 bug in ngx_http_upstream_process_body_in_memory defect minor 1.7 nginx-core
#682 fastcgi problem under 42 CPU cores defect blocker 1.7 nginx-core
#716 400 Bad Request Client sent invalid request while reading client request line defect blocker 1.7 nginx-core
#722 invalid spdy syn_reply defect minor 1.7.10 nginx-core
#725 spdy + return <code> "some text" = Could not parse Spdy Control Frame Header defect blocker 1.7.10 nginx-module
#688 nginx 1.7.9 + passenger 4.0.53/4.0.56 фейл при компиляции defect major 1.7.9 nginx-core
#690 nginx + mod_security segfaults defect critical 1.7.9 nginx-core
#624 Nginx SPDY module not working with Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1/ Windows Server 2012 defect major 1.6.2 nginx-module
#570 Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response defect major 1.7.2 nginx-core
#339 Time zone lookup needs to be cached enhancement major 1.5 nginx-core
#379 the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c defect major 1.5 nginx-core
#383 nginx 1.4.1 以及1.51 版本 报错 defect blocker 1.5 nginx-core
#483 Nginx failed with php5-fpm for new php frameworks defect major 1.5 nginx-module
#517 nginx executable hacked defect minor 1.4.5 nginx-core
#204 Nginx is not compiling in pentium 3 with libatomic. somebody defect blocker 1.3 nginx-core
#263 Break named location redirect defect critical 1.3 nginx-core
#173 nginx fails to compile with SunCC on Linux somebody defect minor 1.2.1 nginx-package
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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