Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 2644)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#254 include directive fails when included file does not contain a new line Maxim Dounin defect closed minor
#255 HttpAutoindexModule fails to align collumns correctly when special characters are used somebody defect closed trivial
#256 включение limit_rate приводит к переполнению на 32битных системах Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed major
#257 upstream backup servers index out of bounds Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed minor
#258 proxy_store does not always stores the requested file. defect closed minor
#259 Please differentiate stable and dev versions on download.html enhancement closed minor
#260 extend `gzip_static` to accept more extensions than just `.gz` enhancement closed minor
#261 HEAD requests still have content-type when gzip on Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed minor
#262 Unescaped characters in URI passed to target server defect closed minor
#264 ngx_http_parse.c does'not like LFCR enhancement closed minor
#265 Nginx не запускается с ошибкой: the event "ngx_master_xxx" was not signaled for 5s defect closed minor
#266 mp4 sendfile errors Maxim Dounin defect closed minor
#267 Introduce static variables enhancement new minor
#268 Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed minor
#269 DAV crash if reading body would block defect closed minor
#270 '^~' 'location' 'prefix' fails with named captures & '^~*' usage also fails totally defect closed critical
#271 'gzip_static' ignores newer 'mtime' of original file defect closed critical
#272 deflateInit2() failed: -2 while logging request defect closed minor
#273 proxy_cache not work for 204 responses defect closed major
#274 error_page 400 =444 /; утекают сокеты defect closed minor
#275 Build error __warn_memset_zero_len Maxim Dounin defect closed minor
#276 nginx 1.3.10 sets wrong default port for 'proxy_pass' directive Ruslan Ermilov defect closed major
#277 HttpRealipModule doesn't behave as expected with duplicate headers defect closed minor
#278 Nginx stops processes after reload procedure defect closed major
#279 mime.types: audio/ogg for .opus files Sergey Kandaurov enhancement closed trivial
#280 Avoid writing duplicate temporary cache files enhancement closed minor
#281 proxy_cache_use_stale conflicts with proxy_intercept_errors defect closed minor
#282 Hide a ETag header with ssi on enhancement closed trivial
#283 proxy_method does not support variable dereferencing enhancement closed minor
#284 segfault in DAV module during PUT processing after PUT and GET the same HTTP connection vl defect closed major
#285 When "satisfy any" is set the unauth access_code (401) should not be overriden by forbidden (403) access_code defect closed major
#286 auto/make LINK variable doesn't reflect CFLAGS sb defect closed minor
#287 Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT enhancement new minor
#288 Wrong REQUEST_URI when using PHP with SSI defect new minor
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) enhancement accepted minor
#290 Secure Link Feature Request - Compatibility with RTMP module enhancement closed minor
#291 CentOS package doesn't actually use included PGP key sb defect closed major
#292 Add mime application/font-woff for `woff` fonts Sergey Kandaurov enhancement closed minor
#293 implement $limit_rate_after, similar to $limit_rate Maxim Dounin enhancement closed minor
#294 nginx 1.3.12 / Debian Wheezy ARM: deprecated call defect closed minor
#295 if geoip_org bug in regxp defect closed minor
#296 HttpUseridModule lacks uniqueness in uid generation defect closed minor
#297 Reopen log files via kill -s USR1 PID don't work defect closed minor
#298 Support X-accel-redirect with webdav PUT enhancement closed minor
#299 Connect Peer Segmentation Fault defect closed critical
#300 Segfault in ngx_log_error_core related to UDP connections defect closed minor
#301 SSL: client certificate verification not working with intermediate certificates defect closed minor
#302 SSI stop working with SPDY patch defect closed minor
#303 SSI stop working with SPDY patch defect closed critical
#304 rewrite break doesn't work with index defect closed major
#305 Can't compile NGINX 1.3.13 with OpenSSL library sb defect closed minor
#306 mime.types outdated Sergey Kandaurov defect closed minor
#307 Filename support in error_page enhancement closed minor
#308 Add more info to "C Compiler not found" enhancement closed minor
#309 Support http status code 429 for rate limiting ( enhancement closed minor
#310 FastCGI cache doesn't handle single-digit days correctly defect closed minor
#311 Nginx segmentation fault on uploading file via DAV after Expect: 100-continue defect closed minor
#312 Add text/css back to the default charset_types enhancement closed minor
#313 Issue with load balance several Apache instances. defect closed major
#314 Dynamic document roots, defaults and prescedence enhancement new minor
#315 Malformed client SSL certificate while setting as header defect closed minor
#316 X-Accel-Redirect should accept escaped URI enhancement closed minor
#317 Allow ssl_verify_client and ssl_verify_depth within locations enhancement closed minor
#318 Change response behavior when SSL client certificate won't validate enhancement new minor
#319 koi-utf koi-win win-utf in conf are artifacts of the past enhancement reopened minor
#320 nginx should reliably check client connection close with pending data enhancement accepted minor
#321 try_files & $fastcgi_path_info defect closed major
#322 Nginx failed to serve SSL defect closed minor
#323 Lack of IPv6 support for upstream in mail_auth_http_module enhancement closed minor
#324 Mirror for installing doesn't exist.. defect closed major
#326 Проблема с созданием модальных окон в Joomla 2.5 defect closed major
#327 Add support for animated GIF to HttpImageFilterModule enhancement new minor
#328 Не создаются лог-файлы на файловой системе defect closed minor
#329 resolver: incorrect TTL used with A+CNAME response defect closed minor
#330 nginx crashing in ngx_http_read_client_request_body defect closed minor
#331 incorrect resolver behavior cname ttl defect closed major
#332 request method in subrequest not honored by uwsgi module defect closed critical
#333 Headerless GET reply with un-escaped URLs containing ' H' defect closed minor
#334 Changeset 5169 breaks building on Debian / Ubuntu defect closed minor
#335 Weird configuration summary for hash libs defect closed trivial
#336 nginx could not be built with the ngx_http_perl_module if the --with-openssl option was used defect closed minor
#337 Opera sends an invalid "Content-Length" header over SPDY in some cases Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed minor
#338 ssl_verify_client optional_no_ca generates an error with expired client certificate defect closed minor
#340 autoindex does not treat multi-byte unicode correctly defect closed trivial
#341 in overflow error in ngx_http_close_connection defect closed critical
#342 ssl hash of subject and issuer dn enhancement closed major
#343 Ubuntu/Debian packages are compiled without SPDY support due to extra hyphen defect closed minor
#344 SSL proxy - CRL verification error defect closed minor
#345 Nginx 1.4.0 is not binding to IPv4 with [::]:80 on Ubuntu 13.04 when net.ipv6.bindv6only is set to false defect closed major
#346 Writing connection leak while SPDY enabled Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed minor
#347 upstream keepalive not working for HTTPS defect closed major
#348 Excessive urlencode in if-set defect accepted minor
#349 HTTP_STATUS never set to YES? defect closed minor
#350 http proxy module: wrong Content-Length shared between main request and subrequests defect closed minor
#351 Nginx Perl: header_in('cookie') does not work in 1.4.0 Ruslan Ermilov defect closed major
#352 cache line size wrongly detected on virtual instance defect closed minor
#353 nginx 1.4.[0|1] empty reply from server defect closed minor
#354 lsapi upstream module enhancement closed minor
#356 $request_time and $upstream_response_time exactly the same since 1.3.15 defect closed minor
#357 1.4.1 + spdy + centos 6 + openssl-1.0.1e (static), firefox 21 ajax requests ssl spdy = segfault Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed major
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.