Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2644)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1069 Wrong path to pidfile causes (harmless) error thresh defect closed minor
#1070 nginx with NJS compile error defect closed minor
#1071 space H in curl request return 400 bad request from nginx defect closed blocker
#1072 Overflow in ngx_atosz with Visual Studio 2013 in 64bit system defect closed minor
#1073 no "ssl_certificate" is defined in server listening on SSL port while SSL handshaking defect closed minor
#1074 proxy_set_header Authorization not working defect closed minor
#1076 client_max_body_size has no effect with ssl configured defect closed blocker
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect closed minor
#1078 FastCGI stderr gets split into two lines defect closed minor
#1079 ngx_stream_log_module mismatch variable in documentation defect closed trivial
#1080 README.dynamic shows wrong include path defect closed trivial
#1085 multiple calls to make install from a read-only source fails to copy config files defect new minor
#1086 Connection failure on upstream health check repeatedly reports at error log level, other unhealthy peers report at info log level defect closed minor
#1087 System crashes that were solved by increasing server_names_hash_max_size defect closed major
#1089 ssl_ecdh_curve not honored in server block defect closed minor 1.11.5
#1090 try_files with map variable works differently in 1.10.x and 1.11.x defect closed minor
#1092 virtal host attacks: Limit Host header to CN/DNS-Name of currently used certificate defect closed major 1.11.5
#1094 CRL check for Estonian ID cards fails defect closed major
#1095 nginx crashed defect closed minor
#1096 dav_access user:r is not respected defect closed minor
#1097 Nginx worker process exited on signal 11 defect closed major
#1098 realip_remote_addr overwritten defect closed minor 1.11.5
#1099 proxy_http_version 1.1 is ignored for incoming https request defect closed critical
#1100 Socket leakage after ngx_http_read_client_request_body defect closed minor
#1101 nginx does not respond to SIGHUP/SIGUSR2 defect closed major
#1102 keepalive_requests is not supported for HTTP/2 connections defect closed minor
#1103 return code can not use customization setting defect closed minor
#1105 Unknown directive "init_by_lua" defect closed major
#1106 Stale workers not exiting after reload (with HTTP/2 long poll requests) Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> defect closed minor
#1107 Nginx config test dose not fail when config is invalid resulting in a running but none functional server defect closed major
#1108 Module ngx_http_dav_module MOVE and COPY method not working defect closed minor
#1109 sub_filter, with proxy_pass and Accept-Encoding: gzip defect closed minor 1.10.2
#1110 ngx_headers_more module no longer working defect closed minor
#1112 invalid $host with one line muli domain server_name defect closed minor
#1113 root variable in location reset to default value (/usr/share/nginx/html) when using rewrite in this location defect closed minor
#1115 Skeleton for dynamic module's config file shows invalid example defect closed major
#1116 sub_filter and addition - bug defect closed major
#1118 Nginx refuses to allow access to WAR files defect closed critical
#1121 Unexpected listen directive behaviour when 'listen PORT' and 'listen IP:PORT' are used in configuration simultaneously. defect closed minor
#1122 nginx appears to ignore add_header when 404 handling (possibly rewrite-based) happens? defect closed minor
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect closed major
#1125 nginx package upgrade on ubuntu 14.04 rewrites ssl config defect closed minor
#1126 No error logged when hitting upstream connect timeout over HTTPS defect closed minor
#1127 set_real_ip_from not working in 1.10.x defect closed minor
#1128 HTTP/2 with ngx_http_auth_request_module causes some JSON payloads to become malformed. defect closed major
#1129 Allow overriding/clearing Server HTTP response header defect closed minor 1.11
#1130 GeoIP module does not work on 1.10.2 defect closed minor
#1131 No error about wrong config defect closed minor
#1132 preread post request body not returned for h2 defect closed major
#1133 ngx_http_limit_req_module . When zone storage is exhausted, all the request woud not be limited. defect closed minor
#1135 Connections timing out after upgrading to 1.10.2 defect closed critical
#1136 `ngx_stream_proxy_process_connection` does not terminate udp session correctly with param `proxy_responses` defect closed minor
#1137 Default cipherlist contains HTTP/2 blacklisted ciphers (in first position) defect closed minor
#1140 ssi module ignores "default" parameter of echo defect closed minor
#1141 duplicate "60394" address and port pair in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf defect closed critical
#1142 Location vars fails when use map variable in try_files defect closed major
#1143 http2 and auth_request corrupts first 32 bytes of POST request bodies longer than 8192 bytes defect closed major
#1144 BUG - cannot include files with * mask on windows server 2012r2 defect closed minor
#1146 large stderr freeze request defect closed minor
#1147 RPM: Conflict with EPEL package defect closed minor
#1148 Respond to any domain\port is present on server and nginx config. defect closed minor
#1149 Issue compiling nginx from source - ssl module defect closed major 1.11
#1150 Apache2 http/2 as reverse proxy for nginx with iOS 10 devices defect closed critical 1.11.7
#1152 Custom error_page doesn't work for HTTP error 413 defect reopened minor
#1153 Nginx reload hang defect closed major
#1155 upstream definition not working in nginx for windows defect closed minor
#1156 Directive access_log needs parameter combined when using with parameter if defect closed minor
#1159 gzip doesn't work for HTTP status 202 defect closed minor
#1161 POST to static file causes 405 but lacks Allow header defect closed minor
#1163 cache size grows over max_size defect closed critical
#1166 nginx periodically dropping response body for POST request defect closed major
#1167 nginx-module-xslt-1.11.8-1.el7.ngx.src.rpm corrupted thresh defect closed major 1.11
#1168 Nginx не корректно обрабатывает опцию max_size в директиве proxy_cache_path defect closed minor
#1169 TLS works without supplying the ssl parameter without a WARN defect closed minor
#1173 "client sent invalid request" when proxy protocol destination is defect closed minor
#1174 Partial downloads (sendfile) defect closed minor
#1175 Confirmation of client_body_buffer_size specification defect closed minor 1.11
#1176 nginx changes ownership of /var/log/nginx/error.log even if error_log is configured to syslog defect closed minor
#1177 Segfault - Invalid pointer in ngx_ssl_shutdown > SSL_free > CRYPTO_free defect closed minor
#1178 Inconsistent PID file paths cause systemctl timeout thresh defect closed minor
#1184 WebSocket forwarding doesn't work defect closed minor
#1185 http response header ends with \0x00\0x0d\0x0a cause 502 defect closed minor
#1186 multiple add_header in multiple server blocks defect closed minor
#1187 Can't Restart NginX Due to Socket Permissions defect closed major
#1189 Problems with SELinux on CentOS 7/Virtualmin/Webmin defect closed minor
#1190 fastcgi_cache_path in site-available AND site-enabled cause error defect closed trivial
#1191 Rewrite regexp different behavior defect closed minor
#1192 ssl configuration inherited from the wrong server block defect closed minor
#1193 error 400 defect closed minor
#1194 SSL_write fails with 'bad write retry' error defect closed minor
#1195 proxy_redirect fails to fix "location /something" redirects defect closed minor
#1196 Documentation: only once or multiple times defect closed minor
#1199 nginx sends traffic to all or some of the upstrems defect closed blocker
#1200 $upstream_cache_status HIT when using slice module defect closed minor
#1201 Realip module fails if X-Forwarded-For includes port number defect closed minor
#1203 ngx_http_limit_req_module: limit_req_log_level documentation is incorrect defect closed minor
#1204 "gzip_vary" will add a duplicate Vary header if a PHP page also adds a Vary header defect closed major
#1205 rare crash fix defect closed minor
#1207 Distinguish between 301 and 302 redirects when proxy_redirect off defect closed minor 1.11
#1208 Ubuntu 16.04 Mainline version from NGINX Repo not including IPV6 mocule defect closed major 1.11
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