Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1180 Allow use of hostnames in set_real_ip_from enhancement minor nginx-module
#1183 Add support for variables (or pool) inside ssl_certificate / ssl_certificate_key directives enhancement minor nginx-module
#1219 Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop defect minor nginx-module
#1228 One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server defect minor 1.11 nginx-module
#1229 Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only defect minor nginx-module
#1250 Connection reset with low http2_max_requests defect major nginx-module
#1261 nginx 1.13.0/Solaris 11.3/amd64; coredump when using ssl_session_cache defect minor nginx-module
#1263 Segmentation Fault when SSI is used in sub-request defect major nginx-module
#1317 load_balance failed in ngx_stream_proxy_module because of "pending buffers" defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1339 Missing Secure Attribute enhancement minor nginx-module
#1376 nginx disable client initiated renegotiation not working perfect with openssl 1.1.0c enhancement minor nginx-module
#1382 proxy_cache doesn't respect no-cache from error_page defect minor nginx-module
#1384 request body may be corrupted when content-length is not set in headers using http2 defect minor nginx-module
#1416 xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request defect minor nginx-module
#1430 Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using proxy_cache_background_update defect minor nginx-module
#1431 Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy enhancement minor nginx-module
#1433 WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows defect minor nginx-module
#1439 auto_index module should discard request body explicitly defect minor nginx-module
#1477 Syslog stops working after few hours defect major nginx-module
#1494 Null character in error.log defect minor nginx-module
#1519 grpc_pass causes grpc TCP reset when streaming a lot of data (with default gprc_buffer_size) Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
#1529 Could not configure TLS1.3 ciphers in OpenSSL 1.1.1 pre4 task minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1576 When the file is overwritten by the COPY method under the following conditions, content of copied file is not correct. defect minor nginx-module
#1684 documentation for ngx_http_geo_module is inconsistent with the module's behavior when the server is accessed through a unix domain socket defect minor nginx-module
#1708 closed_nodes in h2c should define as ngx_uint_t defect minor nginx-module
#1722 Error log of proxy buffer size for cache key looks weird defect trivial nginx-module
#1735 Nginx js freezing defect critical nginx-module
#1743 Can't flush HTTP response header under TLS+HTTP2 defect minor nginx-module
#1786 Send file from Perl module defect minor nginx-module
#1792 grpc module handles RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) improperly on closed streams defect minor nginx-module
#1843 $upstream_http_set_cookie includes only first cookie defect major nginx-module
#1982 Zero length UDP packets aren't forwarded to upstreams but a lack of response is still counted as an upstream failure defect minor nginx-module
#2029 Cache miss due to "cache file .. has too long header" when using "Vary" defect major nginx-module
#2096 proxy_next_upstream returns 502 Bad Gateway when one of the servers is down defect minor nginx-module
#2134 ssl cipher logging for mail enhancement minor nginx-module
#2159 Massmail problems with mail module defect minor nginx-module
#2252 Rate limiting rules turn chunked transfer into invalid request defect minor nginx-module
#2349 Support range requests in requests served via gzip_static enhancement minor nginx-module
#2462 fails to load after update (1.22.1+0.7.10-1~jammy) thresh defect major nginx-module
#1 Incorrect parsing of IPv6 literal in Host header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#3 POSIX Semaphores can be used at Solaris somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#5 Installation script fails on ArchLinux with Linux 3.0 kernel somebody defect minor nginx-core
#14 Number of *_buffers must be less then 17 on Solaris Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#21 Incorrectly caching pages with non-cacheable Cache-Control headers somebody defect major nginx-core
#22 Nginx 1.1.4 can't build on Debian hurd-i386 somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#24 nginx 1.0.7 can't be compiled with mp4_module somebody defect major nginx-core
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#27 Troubles streaming h264/aac not from the beggining somebody defect minor nginx-core
#30 SPDY support Valentin V. Bartenev enhancement minor 1.3 nginx-core
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#41 pcre jit feature somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#46 Changeset 3900 st_blocks and ZFS problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#47 loop with backup servers and proxy_next_upstream http_404 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#50 Basic Auth does not seem to work with SHA1 hashs Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#51 nginx cache file md5 collision somebody defect critical nginx-core
#53 Nginx fails to accept new connection if active worker crashes somebody defect major nginx-core
#54 SEGFAULT in 1.0.9 somebody defect major nginx-core
#56 MIME type image/svg+xml for filename extension .svgz somebody enhancement trivial nginx-core
#65 CFLAGS and SunPRO linkage somebody defect minor nginx-core
#70 url not properly handled in ngx_http_internal_redirect somebody defect minor nginx-core
#90 location search tree incorrect on case-insensitive systems somebody defect minor nginx-core
#91 when resolver dont works - workers crashes somebody defect minor nginx-core
#98 Unable to set Retry-After header with 503 response somebody defect minor nginx-core
#106 Nginx realip module not working correctly with multiple x-forwarded-for headers somebody defect minor nginx-core
#107 disable_symlinks somebody defect critical nginx-core
#111 Can't build 1.1.5 on Solaris-like system somebody defect minor nginx-core
#113 Add apache ExpiresByType equivalent functionality somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#118 Lack of "Vary" handling in proxy can lead to corrupted downloads somebody defect minor nginx-core
#122 unable to install 1.0.13 el5 RPM - Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD somebody defect blocker nginx-core
#132 alert "the http output chain is empty" triggered by ssi somebody defect minor nginx-core
#135 Incorrect http filename (string problem) Ruslan Ermilov defect blocker nginx-core
#145 Client disconnect issue lasts for 24 hours somebody defect major nginx-core
#147 nginx touched /var/log/nginx-error.log even when error_log are switched off defect minor nginx-core
#150 nginx -t success but nginx -s reload failed somebody defect minor nginx-core
#152 segfault when try_files if used somebody defect major nginx-core
#157 cache max_size limit applied incorrectly with xfs somebody defect minor nginx-core
#159 Implement fcgi_buffering option somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#162 buffer overflow under a particular rewrite configuration somebody defect major nginx-core
#175 Bug Report about mp4 module somebody defect minor nginx-core
#178 listen with ssl but missing ssl_certificate is not detected by nginx -t somebody defect minor nginx-core
#184 Unspecified behavior when going through multiple named locations somebody defect major 1.3.3 nginx-core
#186 listen directive should use AAAA record Ruslan Ermilov defect minor 1.3 nginx-core
#187 incorrect handling of bind option on wildcard listen addresses somebody defect minor nginx-core
#189 timeouts break when time changes somebody defect minor nginx-core
#196 Inconsistent behavior on uri's with unencoded spaces followed by H somebody defect minor nginx-core
#201 cannot build with gcc 4.7.1 and -O2 somebody defect major nginx-core
#210 ownership of shared memory zones should be tracked better somebody defect minor nginx-core
#214 Ability to detect presence of SNI header somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#216 Ubuntu Package 1.2.3 Missing somebody task minor nginx-core
#235 segfault with SNI and ssl_session_cache assymetrical configuration somebody defect minor nginx-core
#236 Enabling Stapling causes Segmentation Fault somebody defect major nginx-core
#240 cannot find files when ssi subrequest ended by a interrogation mark somebody defect minor nginx-core
#243 Missing mime-types: ppt/doc/xls versus pptx/docx/xlsx Sergey Kandaurov enhancement minor nginx-core
#251 Option to disable upload buffers somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#252 nginx child exited on signal 11 when aio enabled somebody defect minor nginx-core
#256 включение limit_rate приводит к переполнению на 32битных системах Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-core
#268 Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-core
#274 error_page 400 =444 /; утекают сокеты defect minor nginx-core
#276 nginx 1.3.10 sets wrong default port for 'proxy_pass' directive Ruslan Ermilov defect major nginx-core
#285 When "satisfy any" is set the unauth access_code (401) should not be overriden by forbidden (403) access_code defect major nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6
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