Custom Query (200 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 200)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#241 Ability to align cropped images in image_filter new somebody trivial nginx-module
#2410 Add a doctype to autoindex HTML output accepted minor nginx-module
#2222 add_after_body concatenates (upstream proxied) gziped content with uncompressed local data new minor nginx-module
#2282 Add audio/x-flac to MIME types new minor nginx-core
#2301 Add examples for core variables new minor documentation
#2258 add_header directive: A colon added after the header name passes Nginx syntax validation and breaks the website once applied new minor nginx-core
#1162 Adding HTTP Forward Proxy support in core like apache new major nginx-core
#1573 adding text/css to the default list for the charset_types directive new minor nginx-module
#1091 Add missing client certificate field variables new minor nginx-module
#2216 Add .mjs to known JS MIME types new minor other
#1666 Add MSG_ZEROCOPY support new minor other
#1282 Add nginx.repo file to RPM repos new minor nginx-package
#237 Add optional systemd socket activation support reopened somebody minor nginx-core
#287 Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT new minor nginx-core
#1369 Add proxy_detect_mime setting new minor nginx-core
#617 Add secondary groups configuration option in nginx user conf directive new minor nginx-core
#327 Add support for animated GIF to HttpImageFilterModule new minor nginx-module
#289 Add support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS / RFC 6797) accepted minor nginx-core
#2120 Add Support for IP2Location and IP2Proxy BIN Database new minor nginx-module
#2119 Add support for Maxmind's GeoIP2 new minor nginx-module
#1215 Add support for SHA2 (SHA3?) family for RFC2307 passwords for HTTP Basic authentication new minor nginx-module
#1639 Add support for writing PROXY protocol v2 to upstream new minor nginx-core
#1036 Add tcpi_total_retrans to tcp_info variables new minor other
#1294 Add version-information resource new minor other
#146 Age header for proxy_http_version 1.1 new somebody minor nginx-core
#2161 Allow accessing arbitrary cookies. new minor nginx-core
#1775 Allow $hostname as part of name in server_name new minor nginx-core
#1809 Allow stream with `ssl_preread on` to forward to http without leaving nginx new minor other
#1055 Allow to configure ssl_ciphers in multiple lines new minor other
#1179 Allow upstreams to be resolved using internal ngx resolver instead of getaddrinfo() new minor nginx-core
#2449 Allow using OpenSSL 3.0 "provider" API instead of deprecated "engine" API new minor nginx-core
#430 Allow variables in userid_domain new minor nginx-module
#609 Apply xslt-html-parser patch to http_xslt_module (used by Diazo) new minor nginx-module
#224 Args Delimiter new somebody major nginx-core
#557 autoindex_show_hidden_files (autoindex feature option to show hidden files new minor nginx-module
#1480 Automatic Let's Encrypt certificate provisioning and renewal new minor other
#2391 bad parsing of Content-Type (sub_filter_types) new minor nginx-module
#1506 bind() in configuration test is too cautious new minor nginx-core
#1824 Bypassing cache if worker failed to allocate node in cache keys zone ? new trivial nginx-module
#2254 cache loader ignores reopen signal new minor nginx-core
#407 Cache X-Accel-Redirect responses (from fastcgi) new minor nginx-module
#1145 Can't set redirection port to the port from the "Host" request header field new minor nginx-module
#1459 Can't vary on request headers set by proxy_set_header (rev. proxy mode) accepted minor nginx-core
#318 Change response behavior when SSL client certificate won't validate new minor nginx-module
#1668 Channel-Bound Cookies Implementation in nginx new minor other
#971 Clarify $host and $hostname in embedded variables documentation new minor documentation
#1651 client_body_in_file_only/client_body_temp_path file permissions new minor nginx-core
#1483 client_max_body_size vs. auth_request unexpected behaviour new minor nginx-module
#1765 configure is fragile in finding system libraries new minor other
#1262 connect_(timeout|error) option in proxy_next_upstream new minor nginx-module
#2552 Correct xsl and xslt mimetypes missing from ngxinx mime.types file new minor nginx-core
#697 Couldn't produce multiple error log items from FastCGI new minor nginx-core
#1134 CVE-2016-1247 new major nginx-core
#2401 Deployment on Heroku: add options to handle SIGTERM new minor documentation
#454 disable ngx_http_upstream_store for HEAD requests reopened minor nginx-module
#2486 Documentation for client_max_body_size may contain an error new minor documentation
#246 Don't install config files for unused modules assigned Ruslan Ermilov trivial nginx-core
#2615 Don't proxy connection-specific headers by default new major nginx-module
#1104 . (dot) is not allow for syslog tag new minor nginx-core
#1472 Downloads stop after 1GB depending of network accepted minor nginx-module
#314 Dynamic document roots, defaults and prescedence new minor nginx-core
#1644 Educate people about the importance of "Server" HTTP header new trivial other
#838 enable compare operators within if directive new trivial nginx-core
#1083 Enable gzip compression only for non "text/html" content new minor nginx-module
#770 Enable PolarSSL or Botan as a compile-time alternative to OpenSSL new minor nginx-core
#640 enable usage of $ in variable new major nginx-core
#944 Enchance $server_addr to return original IP even after local DNAT new major nginx-core
#1360 enhancement: auto-reload map includes new minor nginx-module
#1719 Enhance proxy_cache_min_uses directive new minor other
#2465 Execute system commands with njs (JavaScript) new major other
#220 Feature Request - Per-server proxy_connect_timeout new somebody minor nginx-module
#1631 feature request: support ALTSVC frame new minor nginx-core
#1861 Feature Request: Support `error_log off` new minor other
#221 Feature Request - X-Accel header to singal if another upstream server should be attempted or not new somebody minor nginx-module
#360 Feature wish proxy_ignore_client_abort = force new minor nginx-core
#812 Fetch OCSP responses on startup, and store across restarts new minor nginx-core
#936 For security purposes it is necessary to remove or change the "server" header new minor nginx-core
#2580 Full native WebDAV support new major nginx-module
#1536 grpc-web (grpc for browsers) new minor nginx-module
#394 gzip module doesn't handle all certain HTTP verbs/statuses reopened minor nginx-module
#1119 Gzip_types support pattern matching new minor 1.11 other
#1737 HTTP/2 HPACK full encoding support new minor other
#2224 HTTP/2 in nginx does not use double-GOAWAY for graceful connection shutdown reopened minor nginx-module
#1763 HTTP/2 prioritization is intermittent and often ineffective new minor other
#1353 http and stream on the same "listen" should conflict new minor other
#88 HttpRewriteModule - Feature Request - enhanced control structures new somebody minor nginx-module
#778 Immediatley expire cached responses new minor nginx-core
#1279 Implement FIB selection for upstream connections in proxy and stream modules. new minor nginx-module
#798 Implement http_brotli_static module new major nginx-core
#658 Implement new type of "resolver" -- "system" [for Docker usage] new minor nginx-core
#1977 Implement TLS 1.3 random record padding to mitigate BREACH new minor nginx-module
#1388 Implement TLS Dynamic Record Sizing (CloudFlare patch ready) new minor other
#68 Include larger speed units for HttpLimitReqModule new somebody major nginx-module
#2332 Include $request_id in error.log messages new minor nginx-core
#129 include_shell directive new somebody minor nginx-core
#2560 Inclusive language: rename default branch of official GitHub tracker repo nginx/nginx from "master" to "main"? new minor documentation
#523 Information leak with automatic trailing slash redirect new minor nginx-core
#2568 Introduce send_timeout and proxy_send_timeout in the stream module new minor nginx-module
#267 Introduce static variables new minor nginx-core
#692 Introduce variable to get SSL cipher bits of current connection new minor nginx-module
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