Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#888 nginx and the PHP opcache extension clash on Windows defect minor documentation
#889 proxy_set_header: $remote_addr value seems inconsistent defect minor nginx-core
#890 with caching enabled, nginx returns 502 bad gateway error long after upstream server comes back up defect major nginx-core
#894 HTTP Response Header incomplete for 414 Request-URI Too Large defect major nginx-core
#895 Header text ignored in HTT2 defect major nginx-core
#896 Maxed out DNS connections defect major nginx-core
#897 $pipe variable never set defect minor nginx-core
#899 Response headers in body defect major nginx-package
#902 сервер игнорирует AAAA ответы от DNS сервера defect minor nginx-core
#904 Servername without semi-colon won't throw an error when used with SSL defect major nginx-core
#911 could not be resolved defect minor documentation
#912 Worker process crashes defect minor nginx-core
#913 Delay in generation of Session/Token id for co browse (Genesys application) via NGINX Proxy defect critical 1.9 nginx-package
#917 try_files ignores add_header at same level defect minor 1.9 nginx-core
#922 proxy_cache use wrong file name, if set on backend "gzip on". defect minor nginx-module
#926 Broken RPM package with 1.9.12 defect minor other
#934 SIGSEGV http2 close stream defect minor nginx-module
#937 Test ticket, please ignore defect minor documentation
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect major nginx-core
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect minor nginx-core
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect trivial nginx-core
#954 Building nginx with static openssl-1.0.2g on Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65) defect minor nginx-core
#956 Location problems defect minor nginx-core
#965 gzip_static isn't working with proxy_pass defect minor nginx-module
#970 [Webdav] : Displayname entity member shouldn't be URL-encoded defect minor nginx-module
#973 upgrade to 1.10 fails ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, Trusty Tahr defect minor documentation
#974 Resolver fails if IPv6 DNS records are not returned enhancement minor other
#975 nginx worker die with trap divide error using upstream_conf with ip_hash defect minor other
#976 unknown directive "gzip" when upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.9.15 or 1.10.0 defect minor other
#978 Wrong link header concatenation defect minor other
#980 Root in Location is ignored for .gif files but accepted with php defect minor other
#982 nginx with perl_module is not going defect minor nginx-module
#983 NGINX PROXY 0000 1204 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 8000 defect major other
#984 http auth: Incorrect actions order defect minor nginx-module
#988 stuck by below,here is my code please help me defect major 1.11 documentation
#991 http2 uses suboptimal stream prioritization making http/2 slower than http/1.1 defect major other
#995 The probable error in ngx_conf_parse (ngx_palloc?) implementation defect critical nginx-core
#998 Intermediate cert is not sent to client with recent defect critical nginx-core
#1015 image_filter module failure to perform image_filter_jpeg_quality step defect minor nginx-module
#1016 limit_except accepts multiple methods but docs don't say so enhancement minor documentation
#1017 Custom Error page not possible if uri contains % + Special Character defect minor other
#1018 debian repo package inconsistent with official debian defect major nginx-package
#1023 SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient defect major nginx-core
#1027 HTTP2 Long URL issues defect minor nginx-core
#1033 nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name directive defect minor other
#1034 http2 is enabled globally for shared ip:port listen directives defect minor nginx-module
#1039 fastopen with SSL in multiple server declaration causes duplicate listen options for defect minor nginx-module
#1041 does not start nginx1.10.1 defect minor nginx-package
#1042 Lack of semicolon after "index index.html" isn't flagged as error but breaks redirect defect minor other
#1045 sub_filter not able to create directories (or files) on windows 7 defect minor other
#1048 broken header xxxx while reading PROXY protocol defect critical nginx-core
#1052 Invalid time value var for proxy_cache_valid defect minor other
#1053 socket regression from 1.7.4 defect minor nginx-core
#1061 Can not override error page 400 defect minor nginx-core
#1063 wrong status variable defect minor nginx-core
#1064 NGINX DNS CACHING problem. defect minor nginx-core
#1065 include directive with mask does not match symlinks defect minor nginx-core
#1067 behaviour of location + proxy_pass with a variable does not match behaviour with hardcoded value defect minor nginx-core
#1074 proxy_set_header Authorization not working defect minor other
#1076 client_max_body_size has no effect with ssl configured defect blocker other
#1080 README.dynamic shows wrong include path defect trivial other
#1081 ngx_stream_core_module proxy_pass dynamic resolve enhancement major nginx-module
#1086 Connection failure on upstream health check repeatedly reports at error log level, other unhealthy peers report at info log level defect minor other
#1087 System crashes that were solved by increasing server_names_hash_max_size defect major other
#1092 virtal host attacks: Limit Host header to CN/DNS-Name of currently used certificate defect major 1.11.5 nginx-core
#1099 proxy_http_version 1.1 is ignored for incoming https request defect critical nginx-module
#1100 Socket leakage after ngx_http_read_client_request_body defect minor other
#1103 return code can not use customization setting defect minor other
#1105 Unknown directive "init_by_lua" defect major other
#1108 Module ngx_http_dav_module MOVE and COPY method not working defect minor other
#1109 sub_filter, with proxy_pass and Accept-Encoding: gzip defect minor 1.10.2 nginx-core
#1110 ngx_headers_more module no longer working defect minor other
#1113 root variable in location reset to default value (/usr/share/nginx/html) when using rewrite in this location defect minor nginx-core
#1115 Skeleton for dynamic module's config file shows invalid example defect major documentation
#1120 ngx_http_redis doesn't support redis AUTH enhancement minor nginx-module
#1121 Unexpected listen directive behaviour when 'listen PORT' and 'listen IP:PORT' are used in configuration simultaneously. defect minor nginx-core
#1122 nginx appears to ignore add_header when 404 handling (possibly rewrite-based) happens? defect minor other
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect major nginx-core
#1125 nginx package upgrade on ubuntu 14.04 rewrites ssl config defect minor nginx-core
#1130 GeoIP module does not work on 1.10.2 defect minor nginx-module
#1135 Connections timing out after upgrading to 1.10.2 defect critical nginx-core
#1140 ssi module ignores "default" parameter of echo defect minor other
#1148 Respond to any domain\port is present on server and nginx config. defect minor nginx-core
#1155 upstream definition not working in nginx for windows defect minor other
#1156 Directive access_log needs parameter combined when using with parameter if defect minor other
#1175 Confirmation of client_body_buffer_size specification defect minor 1.11 documentation
#1186 multiple add_header in multiple server blocks defect minor other
#1189 Problems with SELinux on CentOS 7/Virtualmin/Webmin defect minor other
#1190 fastcgi_cache_path in site-available AND site-enabled cause error defect trivial other
#1191 Rewrite regexp different behavior defect minor other
#1193 error 400 defect minor other
#1195 proxy_redirect fails to fix "location /something" redirects defect minor other
#1196 Documentation: only once or multiple times defect minor other
#1199 nginx sends traffic to all or some of the upstrems defect blocker other
#1200 $upstream_cache_status HIT when using slice module defect minor other
#1202 nginx OSS sub-domain issue task minor 1.11.10 other
#1203 ngx_http_limit_req_module: limit_req_log_level documentation is incorrect defect minor documentation
#1207 Distinguish between 301 and 302 redirects when proxy_redirect off defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1208 Ubuntu 16.04 Mainline version from NGINX Repo not including IPV6 mocule defect major 1.11 nginx-package
#1213 NGINX-PLUS Installation Issue defect minor other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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