Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#944 Enchance $server_addr to return original IP even after local DNAT enhancement new major
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect closed minor
#942 SSL_shutdown() failed while SSL handshaking defect closed critical
#941 Nginx 1.9.13 RPMs require perl module ExtUtils::Embed to build defect closed minor 1.9.14
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 defect closed critical
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect closed major
#938 Концепт модуля: Миниатюры как часть прогрессивных JPEG, PNG. enhancement new minor
#937 Test ticket, please ignore defect closed minor
#936 For security purposes it is necessary to remove or change the "server" header enhancement new minor
#935 Disable SSL3 by default task closed minor
#934 SIGSEGV http2 close stream defect closed minor
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t defect closed minor
#932 Latest mainline won't compile against openssl-1.1.0-pre4 defect closed minor
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect closed minor
#930 Nginx падает через несколько минут с ошибкой при включении proxy_cache на Win 2012 defect closed minor
#929 Cannot get cookies that contain dash in their name defect closed minor
#928 Can't use If-Modified-Since with defect closed minor
#927 Set $ssl_session_reused to "t" for session ticket reuse and set $ssl_session_id with session tickets enhancement closed minor
#926 Broken RPM package with 1.9.12 defect closed minor
#925 access_log_limit / error_log_limit enhancement closed minor
#924 ngx_http_v2_module is not included in windows compilation enhancement closed minor
#923 Allow proxy_http_version 2.0 enhancement closed minor
#922 proxy_cache use wrong file name, if set on backend "gzip on". defect closed minor
#921 $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] on 1.9.12 defect closed critical
#920 SSLv3 is still enabled by default in Stable defect closed minor
#919 duplicate Vary: Accept-Encoding header defect closed minor
#918 zero size buf in output with proxy cache defect closed minor
#917 try_files ignores add_header at same level defect closed minor 1.9
#916 Incorrect map value passed. defect closed minor
#915 "Upgrade" header should not be proxied over h2 enhancement new minor
#914 No target 'install_sw' with LibreSSL since nginx 1.9.12 task closed minor
#913 Delay in generation of Session/Token id for co browse (Genesys application) via NGINX Proxy defect closed critical 1.9
#912 Worker process crashes defect closed minor
#911 could not be resolved defect closed minor
#910 CreateFile() "E:/tmp/0000000001" failed (80: The file exists) defect closed minor
#909 nginx 1.9.12 fails to build with libressl 2.3.2 defect closed blocker
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect closed major
#907 OPTIONS request timeout in Firefox (but only in a somewhat complicated situation) defect closed minor
#906 Header duplicated in case of NGINX and NodeJS defect closed major
#905 TIME_WAIT on return 444 enhancement closed minor
#904 Servername without semi-colon won't throw an error when used with SSL defect closed major
#903 nginx 1.9.11+: Can`t build static nginx any more defect closed major
#902 сервер игнорирует AAAA ответы от DNS сервера defect closed minor
#901 Changes in openssl master wrt SSL_shutdown() defect closed minor
#900 Nginx won't daemonise if "NGINX" environment variable is set defect closed minor
#899 Response headers in body defect closed major
#898 nginx_version is not casted to unsinged integer. defect closed minor
#897 $pipe variable never set defect closed minor
#896 Maxed out DNS connections defect closed major
#895 Header text ignored in HTT2 defect closed major
#894 HTTP Response Header incomplete for 414 Request-URI Too Large defect closed major
#893 Possible buffer overrun defect closed minor 1.9
#892 'proxy_request_buffering' does not work with 'http2' enhancement closed minor
#891 return wrong data when using http2 defect closed major
#890 with caching enabled, nginx returns 502 bad gateway error long after upstream server comes back up defect closed major
#889 proxy_set_header: $remote_addr value seems inconsistent defect closed minor
#888 nginx and the PHP opcache extension clash on Windows defect closed minor
#887 nginx skips SNI when determining protocols for SSL negotiation defect closed major
#886 proxy_protocol bug fix in version 1.8.1 broke Nginx for all vhosts defect closed critical
#885 Add support for multiple elliptic curves enhancement closed major
#884 NGINX 1.8.1 fails to restart depending on configuration set PIDFILE defect closed major
#883 problem when installing nginx 1.9.9 (latest mainline version) enhancement closed minor
#882 Unencoded Location: header when redirecting defect closed minor
#881 Nginx with php-fpm + SSI defect closed major 1.9
#880 mp4 not working on some android devices if used by dns defect closed minor 1.9
#879 C Compiler detection logic is broken defect closed critical
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect closed major
#877 Support HTTP 308 in return and error_page directives enhancement closed minor
#876 POST error_page handling sends bad GET request with content-length defect closed minor
#875 Vary Header Duplicate defect closed minor
#874 Incorrect $upstream_http_location value defect closed minor
#872 allow to switch off disabled renegotiation proxy to SSL client certificate protected backends enhancement closed minor
#871 Memory leak in directio mode enhancement closed minor
#870 Add variable containing list of client-supported cipher suites enhancement closed minor
#869 open_file_cache with NGX_HAVE_PREAD 0 defect new minor
#868 new variable: $remote_addr_anon enhancement new critical
#867 location regexp does not escape ";" between "\Q" and "\E" defect closed minor
#866 ngx_pstrdup() and ngx_copy() problems defect closed minor
#865 OCSP (ssl module) defect closed major
#864 SLES 12 repo metadata should be signed defect closed minor
#863 Support for serving any directory as a low priviliged user enhancement closed minor
#862 Ubuntu Trusty Release.gpg contains random data defect closed minor
#861 Possibility of Inconsistent HPACK Dynamic Table Size in HTTP/2 Implementation defect accepted minor
#860 NGINX 1.9.9 fails to build against OpenSSL 1.1.0 defect closed minor
#859 -lpcre should preceed -lpthread in objs/Makefile defect closed minor
#858 Use of PROXY protocol return HTTP 400 error defect closed minor
#857 Problem with multiline $ssl_client_cert HTTP header in proxy mode enhancement closed minor
#856 Reload Nginx configuration file will cause Nginx can't work on Solaris11 defect closed major
#855 Invalid detection of unix sockets in configuration files defect closed blocker
#854 Add inherited keyword for altering directive inheritance enhancement closed minor
#853 Поведение cache_use_stale updating если новые ответы нельзя кешировать enhancement accepted minor
#852 Invalid cert on defect closed minor
#851 HTTP/2 connection abort in Firefox defect closed minor
#850 worker process exists, prevents OCSP stapling response (?) defect closed major
#849 proxy_cache filder no files,I think it is a bug,because in version 1.0.4 is OK! defect closed minor
#848 HTTP2 domain redirect error with ssl_verify_client Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed major
#847 $sent_http_ - empty defect closed minor
#846 HTTP2 apply to all server block defect closed minor 1.9.8
#845 signal 11 on ssllabs test Sergey Kandaurov defect closed major
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