Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 2310)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2064 $time_iso8601 not set or invalid value? defect minor documentation
#2071 ssl_reject_handshake on introduced in nginx 1.19.4 works but disables TLSv1.3? defect minor documentation
#2081 The restriction on directive "alias" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2082 The relationship between directive "connection_pool_size" and "large_client_header_buffers" is not recorded. enhancement minor documentation
#2083 The restriction on directive "fastcgi_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2084 The restriction on directive "proxy_buffers" is not complete. enhancement minor documentation
#2085 The relationship between directive "fastcgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2086 The relationship between directive "proxy_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2087 The relationship between directive "scgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2088 The relationship between directive "uwsgi_busy_buffers_size" and other two directives is not recorded clearly. enhancement minor documentation
#2089 Directive "if" embeding is not allowed but not record. enhancement minor documentation
#2091 The description of directive "index" is inaccurate. enhancement minor documentation
#2092 The description about directive "proxy_redirect" is not clear. enhancement minor documentation
#2093 Directive "starttls" should not be on when use "ssl" enhancement minor documentation
#2094 "proxy_protocol" parameter in directive "listen" is incompatible with "udp". enhancement minor documentation
#2095 Directive "user" might not be take effect in some situations. enhancement minor documentation
#2098 nginx is actively requesting VIP access, which causes mariadb to receive a large number of error logs defect minor documentation
#2115 Consider using "proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;" in all docs and examples enhancement minor documentation
#2118 no "ssl_certificate" is defined for the "listen ... ssl" when listen [::]:80 included defect minor documentation
#2126 443 порт и последний блок в адресе ipv6 defect minor documentation
#2135 capture negotiated ssl_curve enhancement minor documentation
#2137 TLS1.3 defect minor documentation
#2138 TLSv1.3 Problems defect minor documentation
#2139 not correctly load posts pictures defect minor documentation
#2140 nginx doesn't use the path specified by root directive as document_root in a location directive defect minor documentation
#2146 Accessing illegally my devices using your server defect critical documentation
#2147 Accessing of my devices using your server mallicioua criminal defect minor documentation
#2153 Race in proxy_cache_background_update with proxy_cache_use_stale = updating defect minor documentation
#2154 old devices and "ssl_verify_ssl optional" fails with 400 defect major documentation
#2158 ngx_stream_core_module Add $preread_server_name from http header.HOST enhancement minor documentation
#2160 Cache loader process doesn't exit after master process is stopped with SIGQUIT. defect minor documentation
#2169 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1. defect critical documentation
#2172 it will be core when ngx_event_connect_peer connect fail defect minor documentation
#2174 Confusion Around Time Units for Directives like proxy_read_timeout defect minor documentation
#2176 Get only 200 responses when "if_modified_since" is set to "off" defect minor documentation
#2180 Installation instructions fail on Ubuntu 16.04 thresh defect minor documentation
#2185 ngx_write_chain_to_file cannot be closed file when write error defect minor documentation
#2188 nginx -t with many worker_processes/reuseport is expensive enhancement minor documentation
#2194 1.21.0: test suite is failing defect minor documentation
#2195 after upgrade to 1.21.0,it cover my nginx.conf setting / and make a new default.conf defect major nginx-1.21 documentation
#2200 "reopen" will disable side logs defect minor documentation
#2202 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory defect minor documentation
#2203 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory task minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2206 Segfault at src/core/ngx_palloc.c defect minor documentation
#2210 epoch != no-cache defect minor documentation
#2215 Maybe a minior bug in $request_completion code defect minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2220 2 way communication over single tcp connection defect minor documentation
#2223 Need info about Nginx cache purge enhancement minor documentation
#2226 Please add cache compression enhancement minor documentation
#2228 SSL_write() failed... defect minor documentation
#2229 Grpc Upstream timeout defect minor documentation
#2241 Under special circumstances cause http code 400 defect minor documentation
#2243 grpc_socket_keepalive on; Doesn't work defect minor documentation
#2246 Our QUIC implementation currently supports BoringSSL and the quictls fork of OpenSSL enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2247 Broken link in ngx_http_mp4_module docs defect minor documentation
#2251 "underscores_in_headers on" didn't work defect blocker nginx-1.21 documentation
#2256 Typo in Beginner's Guide Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#2260 NGINX Basic Authentication Not Using SSL defect minor documentation
#2270 The packages repo is missing newer releases defect major documentation
#2272 Docs for mp4_start_key_frame directive is missing Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2278 Websocket Redirect port defect minor documentation
#2280 nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/tmp/nginx/body" failed (2: No such file or directory) defect major documentation
#2283 RFI on HTTP/2 connection memory usage and keepalive_requests knob defect minor documentation
#2290 nginx rewrites stop working on special get parameter defect minor documentation
#2294 set $host url and auth_request failing on proxy_pass defect minor documentation
#2295 Incorrect path in beginners_guide.html defect trivial documentation
#2298 Documentation or subtle bug - "listen" directive defect minor documentation
#2299 Nginx Plus enhancement minor documentation
#2303 Installation instructions for Ubuntu refer to non-existent package thresh defect minor documentation
#2315 set environment in nginx configuration does not work defect blocker documentation
#2317 Whether after an upstream failure request may be repeated to the same upstream defect minor documentation
#2334 regex capture with $1 not work in 1.20.0 but in 1.19.10 defect minor documentation
#2338 why nginx output status 200 in access.log when client get unexpected data length defect minor documentation
#2339 nginx fails to process "allow" statements on subsequent keepalive requests defect major documentation
#2344 Please allow to change the timezone for logs in the config file enhancement minor documentation
#2348 documentation uses incorrect quotes results in config file error defect minor documentation
#2353 timeout parameters do not work at location level defect minor documentation
#2354 Usage of "URI" in Documentation is confusing defect minor nginx-1.22.0 documentation
#2360 Oip defect minor documentation
#2370 PKCS#11 - Nginx Memory Error defect minor documentation
#2383 nginx grpc have bug that when the backend grpc server repsonse over 64k will timeout(http 504) defect minor documentation
#2390 Debian bug nginx build_module Cannot specify nginx version defect minor documentation
#2392 The limit_except directive's description is opaque defect minor documentation
#2402 Not right to skip location rewrite phase for server null location. defect minor documentation
#2403 http request has no response, the configure with 'master_process off and listen reuseport' defect minor documentation
#2418 ngx_http_upstream_process_non_buffered_request do_write Dead-loop defect minor documentation
#2425 Nginx failed validate config from stdin defect minor documentation
#2431 HTTP3: Clang reports heap-use-after-free in ngx_http_v3_insert src/http/v3/ngx_http_v3_table.c:231 defect minor documentation
#2435 static locations longer than 255 characters lead to unexpected behaviors defect minor documentation
#2437 upstream sent invalid header defect minor documentation
#2445 Nginx event "blocking" in H2 defect minor documentation
#2446 QUIC: ngx_quic_send_new_token was broken by 3550b00d9dc8 (nginx 1.23.3) defect minor documentation
#2447 A segment error occurred in ngx_http_variable_headers_internal defect minor documentation
#2450 Upload big Size File SSL_write() failed (32: Broken pipe) error defect critical documentation
#2451 nginx: [emerg] "proxy_pass" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:31 defect blocker documentation
#2456 Does not discard request body for unnormal close defect minor documentation
#2473 Error compiled nginx with '--with-zlib=zlib-ng-2.0.7' defect minor documentation
#2474 Why is the rewritten uri not validated? defect minor nginx-1.23.4 documentation
#2487 List of TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 extensions supported by nginx task trivial documentation
#2494 large_client_header_buffers not working - When cookie size is more than 8k and taking default defect minor documentation
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