Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#393 Rewrite defect minor nginx-module
#395 http_spdy_module not enabled when using --with-openssl=... enhancement minor nginx-core
#406 Auth request module fails certain requests (http status 415) defect minor nginx-module
#414 Ошибка 500 при использовании seek для файлов с mp4s stream defect minor nginx-module
#415 auto/unix syntax errors with /bin/sh lines defect minor nginx-core
#422 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#423 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#427 $upstream_addr prints upstream name instead of real server IP defect minor nginx-core
#435 Не оптимальная работа proxy_store defect minor nginx-core
#436 After authentication with auth I get a 401 timeut on socket proxy defect minor nginx-core
#440 Nginx write content to client instead of 504 when fastcgi timeout expired in configuration defect minor nginx-core
#441 "Как предотвратить обработку запросов без имени сервера" - не работает defect minor nginx-module
#442 proxy defect minor nginx-core
#443 Checking for PCRE JIT support always successful defect minor nginx-core
#445 RPM minor upgrade should not replace nginx.conf with default enhancement minor nginx-package
#447 X-Forwarded-For header incorrect sometimes when using nginx as proxy defect minor nginx-core
#459 HTTP 304 NOT MODIFIED should not set Content-Length defect minor nginx-core
#460 Clang reports use-after-free in core/ngx_resolver.c task minor nginx-core
#473 proxy_cache_revalidate does not distinguish through the cache key defect minor nginx-module
#476 ignoring stale global SSL error defect minor nginx-core
#477 gunzip does not decompress gzip static content for clients that do not support gzip encoding defect minor nginx-module
#484 Core module fails to resolve AAAA records defect minor nginx-core
#494 nginx should not ignore log_format changes during reload enhancement minor nginx-core
#495 error_page 497 handling resulting in 504 error doesn't use configured 504 error page defect minor nginx-module
#500 nginx segfaults on Solaris 11.1 x86 when compiled with -m64 defect minor nginx-core
#511 Shared Memory Add Segfaults on Small Sizes defect minor nginx-core
#516 HTTPS breaks on 1.4.6 defect minor nginx-core
#517 nginx executable hacked defect minor 1.4.5 nginx-core
#518 nginx 1.5.11 source package corrupted defect minor nginx-package
#522 websocket connect failed with non default_server defect minor nginx-core
#526 test defect minor nginx-core
#529 Potential trouble with exit after fork defect minor nginx-core
#530 http_xslt_module always looks for libxml2/libxslt in OS locations ignoring the custom location if provided defect minor nginx-module
#540 ngx_http_spdy_module $spdy variable empty with SPDY connections defect minor nginx-module
#543 keepalive is lost if connection is HTTP/1.0 and request is proxied and chunked defect minor nginx-core
#551 Start Failure; Invalid Option with Map Expression in nginx.conf defect minor nginx-core
#560 ECDSA server certificate defect minor nginx-core
#562 error_log does should support variables enhancement minor nginx-core
#565 https + spdy + proxy_pass + limit_conn = 503 limiting connections (1.6.0) defect minor nginx-core
#578 X header with underscore is not correctly parsed when put above Host: defect minor nginx-core
#582 WebSocket disconnection not detected by Chrome defect minor other
#590 444 response violates SPDY protocol defect minor nginx-module
#593 Windows Access & Error Logs Not Updating File Modification Time defect minor nginx-core
#594 nginx.repo.RHEL7 defect minor nginx-core
#595 add_header replaces previous headers when included defect minor nginx-core
#602 fastcgi_cache doesn't accept variable defect minor nginx-core
#611 alignment check breaks trailer code for ngx_freebsd_sendfile_chain.c, possibly others glebius defect minor other
#612 multiple users can still do "accept" when "accept_mutex" is "on", in a specific scenario defect minor nginx-core
#616 Authenticate header on proxy pass is length-limited? defect minor nginx-core
#619 Qualys SSL Forward Secrecy validation test pass enhancement minor nginx-module
#622 Use upstream headers in proxy_pass and proxy_cache_key defect minor nginx-core
#623 IPv6 link-local addresses with zone id not usable in proxy_pass defect minor nginx-core
#628 nginx serving wrong certificate for another domain? task minor nginx-core
#636 CPU 100% nginx/1.7.6 defect minor nginx-core
#654 Nginx directives ignored defect minor nginx-core
#656 Virtual locations with index defect minor nginx-core
#657 $request_filename not set properly when using alias with positional capture from regex location defect minor nginx-core
#661 when more has increased the demand defect minor nginx-core
#664 $upstream_http_var not able to be used in proxy_set_header defect minor nginx-core
#668 location with spaces in URI + alias fails defect minor nginx-core
#671 X-Forwarded-For problem when using HTTPS defect minor nginx-core
#675 spdy after a single connect send data big than 65535 , last frame size is invalid defect minor nginx-core
#680 bug in ngx_http_upstream_process_body_in_memory defect minor 1.7 nginx-core
#694 Cannot disable proxy_next_upstream when using hash upstream directive defect minor nginx-core
#699 nginx logs to /var/log/nginx/error.log if syslog server is not available defect minor nginx-core
#700 word "pid" could not write at all defect minor nginx-core
#702 too many open files (/dev/urandom) defect minor nginx-core
#703 Official nginx Docker images use OpenSSL 1.0.1e defect minor other
#709 Couldn't displays the google picture completely with the latest version Nginx defect minor nginx-core
#713 access_log path with variable computes path incorrectly defect minor nginx-module
#715 Elliptic curve detected wrongly defect minor nginx-module
#717 Conditional logging does not work as expected - negated conditions log to more than one file defect minor nginx-core
#721 readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream does not try next upstream defect minor nginx-module
#722 invalid spdy syn_reply defect minor 1.7.10 nginx-core
#723 resolver ipv6=off doesn't work with https upstreams defect minor nginx-core
#729 proxy_cache_methods is ignored defect minor nginx-core
#730 .htpasswd and direct download defect minor nginx-core
#735 баг с Transfer-Encoding: chunked на https defect minor nginx-core
#741 default_server does not exist in nginx.vim enhancement minor other
#748 proxy_pass not working on arm with nginx 1.6.3 defect minor nginx-core
#757 map fails to match hostnames values - possibly following proxy_pass defect minor nginx-module
#766 ssl_protocols directive doesn't work in server context defect minor nginx-module
#771 `unix:/dev/log` doesn't work for `server` argument to `(access|error)_log` defect minor nginx-core
#779 allow relative path to log files defect minor nginx-core
#780 CAn not turn off logging defect minor nginx-core
#793 HTTP/2 defaults differ from spdy/http, change of behavior with default configs. Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#795 nginx 1.9.5-1 with deb package can't be install on ubuntu with error defect minor nginx-package
#797 Error in kernel log defect minor nginx-core
#801 auth_request and PUT/POST problems defect minor nginx-module
#804 Error while using Several sub_filter directives defect minor nginx-module
#813 Double encoding of utf-8 strings inside x509 certificates defect minor nginx-core
#815 Wrong timing with regards to upstream communications defect minor nginx-core
#817 Wrong or undocumented srever resolving defect minor nginx-core
#818 error_log host information is confusing defect minor nginx-core
#819 http auth digest new fork defect minor 1.9.6 nginx-module
#833 Variables on proxy_pass set incorrect request defect minor nginx-module
#834 Nginx failing to ask for PEM SSL key password defect minor nginx-core
#839 nginx applies transfer-encoding chunked to scgi response already encoded defect minor nginx-module
#846 HTTP2 apply to all server block defect minor 1.9.8 nginx-module
#847 $sent_http_ - empty defect minor documentation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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