Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1783 --http-log-path and --error-log-path don't properly support passing syslog paths defect closed minor
#1784 Pass cookie between `location` defect closed minor
#1785 Support access to environment variables in config file enhancement new minor
#1786 Send file from Perl module defect closed minor
#1787 Documentation about log rotation? task closed minor
#1788 stream proxy_pass ipv6 first enhancement new minor
#1789 regexp rewrite rule does not recognize semicolon at end defect closed minor
#1790 syslog to localhost failure (potential IPv6 confusion) defect closed minor
#1792 grpc module handles RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) improperly on closed streams defect closed minor
#1793 auth_request does not expand variables defect closed minor
#1796 spam defect closed minor
#1797 grpc module handles WINDOW_UPDATE improperly on closed streams defect closed minor
#1799 client_max_body_size ignored except at the bottom of http context defect closed minor
#1800 nginx close http2 connection if request too large defect closed minor
#1801 Stale cache is not updated after some time defect closed minor
#1804 proxy_pass/proxy_redirect doesn't work if port 80 is explicitly specified defect closed minor
#1805 Cannot reopen log files without restarting nginx defect closed minor
#1806 New Set of Map files causing server segmentation fault defect closed minor
#1807 SSI include subrequests are not logged defect closed minor
#1808 Inconsistent encoding in rewrites defect new minor
#1809 Allow stream with `ssl_preread on` to forward to http without leaving nginx enhancement new minor
#1812 NGINX does not reply with HTTP Headers on broken request line defect closed minor
#1813 OCSP does not work with $ssl_server_name defect closed minor
#1814 What should I do about the warning: "upstream response is buffered to a temporary file"? enhancement closed minor
#1815 Debug log of response is garbled in journald defect closed minor
#1816 Worker process loops infinitely in ngx_rbtree_min defect closed minor
#1817 HTTP2 Server Push doesn't include Authorization header into the push request made from Link: preload header defect closed minor
#1819 Core dump when http2 client cancelled stream while upstream defect closed minor nginx-1.17
#1821 Nginx 1.14.0 fails to start if ipv6 support on host is disabled defect closed minor
#1823 Connection header for inflight return messages during shutdown enhancement closed minor
#1825 Is the $request_time conatin the time send to client or send to socket defect closed minor
#1827 Enabling http2 for one server block enables it for all defect closed minor
#1828 Cookies with 2-digit years in their expires value defect closed minor
#1829 ssl: fail gracefully on Alert instead of ClientHello defect closed minor
#1831 ngx_http_perl_module + Perl 5.30.0 defect closed minor
#1833 vim syntax highlighting defect closed minor
#1836 limit_req and proxy_pass defect closed minor
#1838 problem in http2 defect closed minor
#1840 Request different accept-encoding types, caching out multiple files. What is the reason? defect closed minor
#1842 server_tokens doesnt affect redirects. Exposing software version. defect closed minor
#1844 Nginx 1.16.1 + Rdns Segmentation fault defect closed minor
#1845 Nginx logs POST on GET Timeouts. defect closed minor
#1847 Client certificate verification failed if use Nginx with Openssl 1.1.1 defect closed minor
#1849 Does nginx support Google Quic plan? Plan to support ahead of nginx? Thank you very much. defect closed minor
#1850 Content of the variable $sent_http_connection is incorrect defect accepted minor
#1855 Strip an object from an header(cookie) enhancement closed minor
#1858 uWSGI params Content length issue when uploading file defect closed minor nginx-1.17
#1859 wildcard support in map used for stream? defect closed minor
#1860 ESNI support task closed minor
#1861 Feature Request: Support `error_log off` enhancement new minor
#1862 Cache-Control:no-store should remove entry from cache (with proxy_cache_background_update+proxy_cache_use_stale) defect closed minor
#1863 "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "" in the certificate defect closed minor
#1864 Tune documentation for ssl_session_tickets (supported RFC number) task closed minor nginx-1.17
#1865 error: cast between incompatible function types from 'FARPROC' on MinGW defect closed minor
#1866 nginx does not log error if packet exceeds http2_max_field_size defect closed minor
#1867 Cached TLS 1.2+ECDSA OCSP must staple validation is not used to serve TLS1.3+CSDSA OCSP request (for the same EC certificate) defect closed minor
#1868 wildcard include failing with FormatMessage() error:(15100) defect closed minor
#1869 Wrong client IP in errors logged early in request processing when using PROXY protocol defect closed minor
#1870 Large file download is not completed with sendfile option. defect closed minor
#1872 The official nginx-module-njs-dbg deb package lacks debuginfo for the 'njs' executable Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#1875 allow configuring upstreams as HTTP2 to prevent high latency for SSL connects enhancement closed minor nginx-1.17
#1877 Проблема с "log_format" defect closed minor
#1879 RHEL / CentOS 8 repository thresh enhancement assigned minor
#1880 nginx should bypass cache if worker failed to allocate node in cache keys zone defect closed minor
#1881 pkg-oss is missing a tag for nginx 1.17.5 defect closed minor
#1882 Nginx does not handle asterisk in OPTIONS request defect closed minor
#1883 nginx -t doesn‘t complain about wrongly formatted server_name directive enhancement new minor
#1884 Trac throws an error when logging in with StackExchange defect closed minor
#1885 when nginx proxy to tomcat, sometimes nginx changes method(POST -> 01POST) defect closed minor
#1886 Privet Obrekotivich defect closed minor
#1888 Nginx cache has multiple formats, and many of them are invalid during cleaning, so it is impossible to clean all of them defect closed minor
#1889 access_log off; returns 404 with nginx proxy defect closed minor
#1891 $body_bytes_sent and $bytes_sent wrong during sliced subrequest defect closed minor
#1892 TLSv1.3 session resumption - session tickets renewing defect closed minor
#1893 Support Linux abstract namespace socket? enhancement new minor
#1895 Serious issue with .site domain extension defect closed minor
#1896 SSL certificate password - startup defect closed minor
#1897 Systemd is unable to read pidfile after nginx start-up due to a race-condition defect closed minor
#1898 Owner of directories *_temp changed when tested config defect closed minor
#1901 Can not specify cipher list of just 'TLSv1.3' defect closed minor
#1902 Can not use ssl_trusted_certificate to verify Clients defect new minor
#1903 Debian package dependencies are broken defect closed minor
#1904 sendfile with io-threads - nginx mistakenly considers premature client connection close if client sends FIN at response end defect accepted minor
#1906 core dumped with debug timer defect closed minor
#1908 Listen Directive needs Documentation Update task closed minor
#1909 http2_push not pushing the file Ruslan Ermilov defect closed minor
#1910 http2_push not pushing the file defect closed minor
#1911 [PATCH] Deprecate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for March 2020 enhancement closed minor nginx-1.17
#1912 Ignore duplicate reuseport options defect closed minor
#1913 Large number of error “512 worker_connections are not enough” defect closed minor
#1914 Memory Leak in directory 'src/core', file 'ngx_buf.c' defect closed minor
#1915 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/event'. file 'ngx_event_openssl_stapling.c' defect closed minor
#1916 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_auth_request_module.c' defect closed minor
#1917 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1918 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_auth_request_module.c' defect closed minor
#1919 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1920 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c' defect closed minor
#1921 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_flv_module.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1922 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_grpc_module.c' defect closed minor
#1923 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_inet.c' defect closed minor
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