Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2663 certificate expired defect closed minor
#1911 [PATCH] Deprecate TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 for March 2020 enhancement closed minor nginx-1.17
#2611 defect closed minor
#720 PCRE2 enhancement closed minor
#41 pcre jit feature somebody enhancement closed major
#1365 Pecular behaviour of nginx reload defect closed minor
#574 PEM pass phrase on conftest (and restart) enhancement closed minor
#491 performance issue on same url defect closed minor 1.5
#1431 Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy enhancement closed minor
#994 perl_require directive has effect only at first config defect accepted minor
#959 Permit post before acking settings Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> enhancement closed minor
#212 persistent connections not being remapped somebody defect closed minor
#1275 php-fpm incorrectly populates PATH_INFO defect closed minor
#115 php-fpm process not killed after timeout / client abort somebody defect closed minor
#402 PHP not working on Nginx defect closed major
#842 php not working on nginx when using ssl defect closed major
#1939 Phrasing in doc `ngx_http_limit_req_module` Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect closed minor
#424 PID file race condition defect closed major
#897 $pipe variable never set defect closed minor
#2370 PKCS#11 - Nginx Memory Error defect closed minor
#1336 pkg-oss: add non-interactive mode to improve scriptability of `` Andrei Belov enhancement closed minor
#1398 pkg-oss: add redhat-lsb-core as EL7 dependency for lsb_release Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#2441 pkg-oss - build error defect accepted minor
#1405 pkg-oss build is broken on Debian Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#1337 pkg-oss: `dist` macro changes on CentOS 7 break nginx-module packages Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#1881 pkg-oss is missing a tag for nginx 1.17.5 defect closed minor
#1334 pkg-oss is missing tags for nginx 1.12.1 and 1.13.3 defect closed minor
#2230 pkg-oss scripts break if 'so' included in path defect closed minor
#1335 pkg-oss uses insecure http:// to download sources and link to content defect closed minor
#2226 Please add cache compression enhancement closed minor
#1393 please add ngx_google_perftools_module to centos 7 rpm enhancement new minor
#2344 Please allow to change the timezone for logs in the config file enhancement closed minor
#1172 Please consider pre-built package for Debian jessie-backports enhancement closed minor
#608 Please specify prototyping behavior for nginx.xs defect closed minor
#225 Please support nested if statements with SSI somebody enhancement new minor
#103 Point at the end of the domain. somebody defect closed minor
#1632 Pool cleanups are not called in the daemonization defect closed minor
#1021 Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same defect closed major
#2592 Ports are not forwarded defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#3 POSIX Semaphores can be used at Solaris somebody enhancement closed minor
#861 Possibility of Inconsistent HPACK Dynamic Table Size in HTTP/2 Implementation defect accepted minor
#1641 Possible buffer overflow in ngx_http_request (1.15.3) defect closed critical
#893 Possible buffer overrun defect closed minor 1.9
#2583 possible bug in http/modules/ngx_http_limit_req_module.c defect closed minor
#831 Possible incorrect handling of invalid headers with HTTP/2.0 and POST/PUT requests defect closed major
#1679 Possible infinite loop in function ngx_cache_manager_process_cycle and ngx_cache_loader_process_handler in src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c defect closed minor
#2080 Possible mem leak in nginx defect closed major nginx-1.19
#568 Possible memory leak in proxy module defect closed critical 1.7
#1873 possible memory leak in stream modules defect closed critical
#370 Possible null pointer dereference? defect closed major
#876 POST error_page handling sends bad GET request with content-length defect closed minor
#588 POST Request with response 302 and content-length 0 crashes nginx defect closed critical
#1161 POST to static file causes 405 but lacks Allow header defect closed minor
#1618 Potential infinity cycle in ngx_http_upstream_send_request_body() defect closed minor
#1917 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1919 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1923 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_inet.c' defect closed minor
#1915 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/event'. file 'ngx_event_openssl_stapling.c' defect closed minor
#1916 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_auth_request_module.c' defect closed minor
#1918 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_auth_request_module.c' defect closed minor
#1920 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c' defect closed minor
#1921 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_flv_module.c.patch' defect closed minor
#1922 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/http/modules'. file 'ngx_http_grpc_module.c' defect closed minor
#529 Potential trouble with exit after fork defect closed minor
#570 Potential XSS in "400 Bad Request" response defect closed major 1.7.2
#207 PPA install - website directory name mismatch somebody defect closed minor
#1776 Pre-Access Phase Bug defect closed major
#139 pread() read only somebody defect closed minor
#1327 Pre-Build packages with static openssl (http2) enhancement closed trivial
#1694 Prefer SNI name to Host header when selecting server block defect closed minor
#1565 Prematurely deleting request body temp files on fast response defect closed minor
#1617 preread data ignored when SSL is terminated enhancement new minor
#1132 preread post request body not returned for h2 defect closed major
#2309 Prioritize `X-Accel-Expires` even if specific Cache-Control flags defect closed minor
#1886 Privet Obrekotivich defect closed minor
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect closed major nginx-1.26
#1286 Probably outdated docs defect closed minor
#1838 problem in http2 defect closed minor
#1467 Problem of location matching with a given request Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect accepted minor
#1013 problem on restart nginx defect closed minor
#1669 Problems with map + subfilter defect closed critical
#1189 Problems with SELinux on CentOS 7/Virtualmin/Webmin defect closed minor
#502 Problems with serving content on 1.4.4 defect closed major
#751 Problems with syslog and openvpn defect closed critical
#2669 Problems with using the $ sign in third-party modules in regexp templates defect new minor
#883 problem when installing nginx 1.9.9 (latest mainline version) enhancement closed minor
#1051 Problem with access_log whose names contain variables! defect closed major
#168 Problem with mp4 pseudostreaming module somebody defect closed minor
#857 Problem with multiline $ssl_client_cert HTTP header in proxy mode enhancement closed minor
#1342 Problem without server_name with directive `index` defect closed minor
#1287 Problem with proxy_pass when using upstream and map defect closed minor
#174 Problem with redirection when subdomain string is the same as the upstream name somebody enhancement closed minor
#2020 Problem with statically linking Nginx defect closed trivial
#762 procol version integer overflow, downgrade to 0.9 defect closed minor
#789 Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. defect closed major
#533 Progressive download (http_mp4): delays before responding with actual data streams defect closed major
#442 proxy defect closed minor
#2308 proxy_bind and proxy_pass address family mismatch causes connection fail defect closed minor
#1535 proxy_bind and resolver IP version mismatch enhancement new minor
#40 proxy_bind inheritance Ruslan Ermilov defect closed minor
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