Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2310)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1923 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_inet.c' defect minor nginx-core
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect major nginx-core
#1926 resolver should not cache failures defect major nginx-core
#1929 Random errors with PHP-FPM defect minor nginx-core
#1947 Реверсный прокси не передает звук и динамическую графику defect critical nginx-core
#1950 nginx/1.17.9 randomly truncating some large proxy responses defect major nginx-core
#1952 systemd[1]: nginx.service: Failed to parse PID from file /run/ Invalid argument defect minor nginx-core
#1960 nginx -t tries to bind to ports enhancement minor nginx-core
#1967 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#1968 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#1969 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect major nginx-core
#1970 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect major nginx-core
#1972 Use of IRIs in redirect responses causes nginx to violate HTTP RFCs defect minor nginx-core
#1973 Intermittent form body loss with concurrent HTTP2 POST requests defect minor nginx-core
#1974 Custom variable not written to access_log when nginx.status is 400 defect minor nginx-core
#1976 Nginx DNS cache issue. ngx_http_core_module valid config is not working. defect major nginx-core
#1978 Logging real client IP on invalid request enhancement minor nginx-core
#1979 listen 80 http2; combined with proxy_pass http:// brakes website defect minor nginx-core
#1981 no logging of HTTP/1.x requests to a plain text HTTP/2 listening socket defect minor nginx-core
#1985 No header response in 400 Bad Request defect major unit-1.18 nginx-core
#1988 nginx: [emerg] too long parameter, probably missing terminating "'" character defect blocker nginx-core
#1989 Nginx not displaying progressive image when in http2 defect critical nginx-core
#1990 proxy_cache_min_uses not counted per variant on initial requests enhancement minor nginx-core
#1994 $CPPFLAGS lost and handling of C++ files broken defect blocker nginx-core
#1995 Regular expression with Unicode property test doesn't match as expected defect minor nginx-core
#2000 "upstream sent invalid chunked response while reading upstream" when responding a stream. defect major nginx-core
#2001 nginx memory leak URL with large cookies and connections with long keepalive_requests defect major nginx-core
#2004 nginx temp files deleting problem defect minor nginx-core
#2005 nginx closes connection instead of returning proper error code (like 414) when http2 is enabled and too long url is provided defect minor nginx-core
#2006 unusual behavior when proxy_set_header Host $host defined defect major nginx-core
#2011 confusing stderr message 'could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log"' even if not using default error_log location defect minor nginx-core
#2013 auth_basic cannot be overwritten from other context defect minor nginx-core
#2014 nginx dynamic configuration reload is jittery defect minor nginx-core
#2015 Directive 'ssl_protocols' doesn't work on server blocks defect minor nginx-core
#2017 worker_connections are not enough defect minor nginx-core
#2018 Significant amount of "zero size buf in writer t:1 r:0 f:0... 0000000000000000 0-0 while sending to client" defect minor nginx-core
#2024 Error log contains "unexpected response for" when resolver is called defect minor nginx-core
#2025 additional headers not sent when directory index is forbidden defect major nginx-core
#2026 Excessive attempts to reconnect when upstream connection refused defect major nginx-core
#2028 Why is it not possible to cache PUT requests (proxy_cache_methods)? enhancement minor nginx-core
#2031 gRPC connections ingressed through nginx closed with RST_STREAM error code 2 defect major nginx-core
#2035 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2036 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2037 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2038 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2039 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2040 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2041 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2042 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2045 error: upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header on 408 or 444 defect minor nginx-core
#2046 Suggestion: enable detailes for error "Failed to start A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server. enhancement minor nginx-core
#2047 nginx is not receiving cookies/header if many workers are spawned defect major nginx-core
#2050 unrecognized method is rejected incorrectly defect minor nginx-core
#2052 Slice module closes connection on upstream error codes 4xx and 5xx other than 416 defect major nginx-core
#2054 nginx returns a blank page defect major nginx-core
#2058 nginx returns code 500 on zero-size request body when filter module returns 40x defect minor nginx-core
#2059 add_header does not work inside if+location, http, or server blocks defect major nginx-core
#2061 cookie lost in nginx-quic under http/3 defect critical nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#2062 Nginx doesn't support HTTP status code 417 (Expectation Failed) defect minor nginx-core
#2068 ngx_http_copy_pipelined_header didn't adjust buffer pointer after copy data defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#2069 build_module dnf install error nothing provides nginx-r1.18.0 needed error defect minor nginx-core
#2075 nginx-quic with WordPress defect major nginx-core
#2079 Empty path in URL defect minor nginx-core
#2097 Unable to enable TLSv1.3 defect major nginx-core
#2100 Expires directive does not allow to add immutable variable to Cache-Control header enhancement minor nginx-core
#2101 directive ssl_protocols ignored on Ubuntu Server defect major nginx-core
#2102 With UDP load balancing proxy protocol is not appended to every separate UDP packet defect minor nginx-core
#2103 First declared upstream site returns 403 forbidden when used with proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#2105 thread_pools with variable $server_name defect minor nginx-core
#2116 OCSP verification fails if response is signed by a designated authority defect minor nginx-core
#2117 upstream sent more data than specified in "Content-Length" header while reading response header from upstream defect minor nginx-core
#2125 ssl_trusted_certificate for parallel ECDSA and RSA usage defect major nginx-core
#2129 --with-openssl= extra .openssl injected in path defect minor nginx-core
#2130 "nginx" stops every day itself defect blocker nginx-core
#2133 windows version will not access nework mapped drives defect minor nginx-core
#2136 When I connect http2 to one server on 80 port, then it propagates to other servers on 80 port defect minor nginx-core
#2142 keepalive_timeout 0 will break http2 defect major nginx-1.19 nginx-core
#2144 $cookie_name variable inconsistent cookie-pair splitting defect minor nginx-core
#2145 CLOSE_WAIT socket leak in downstream connections with keepalive defect minor nginx-core
#2149 disable access forbidden by rule in error_log defect minor nginx-core
#2152 compile error on armv7 (Raspberry Pi) quic branch vl defect critical nginx-core
#2155 Stale defect critical nginx-core
#2156 file transfer speed via http is even lower than https enhancement minor nginx-core
#2162 Detected socket leaks after restarting worker processes defect minor nginx-core
#2163 nginx suddenly stop accepting request & returns 499 defect blocker nginx-core
#2166 Nginx-1.20.0 fails to build using clang 12.0.0 public release defect minor nginx-core
#2170 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1 defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2171 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1 defect critical nginx-core
#2177 Add audio/opus to mime.types enhancement minor nginx-core
#2179 QUIC: multiple hosts listening on quic cause config verification fail defect major nginx-core
#2181 Custom access log is not working when error occurs. defect major nginx-core
#2184 ngx_http_parse_header_line defect minor nginx-core
#2186 Nginx issue for only specific url defect critical nginx-core
#2187 nginx -t disrupts streamed udp traffic defect major nginx-core
#2190 Feature request: ssl_prefer_server_ciphers exception option for TLSv1.3? enhancement trivial nginx-core
#2191 Nginx doesn't escape unsafe characters on proxying defect major nginx-core
#2192 Upstream Keepalive - TCP connection to the upstream closes defect minor nginx-core
#2193 incorrect responce code for corrupted proxied request defect major nginx-core
#2196 resolver only ipv6 issue enhancement minor nginx-core
#2198 Authorization from auth_request defect major nginx-core
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