Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#620 NGINX binary for windows needs to be relinked with OpenSSL 1.0.1i defect major nginx-core
#621 Could not allocate new session in SSL session shared cache defect major nginx-core
#625 access_log directive: if= bug for buffered logs Sergey Kandaurov defect minor nginx-core
#626 Open Socket Alerts on Reload Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> defect minor nginx-core
#635 include directive not allowed within upstream context defect minor nginx-core
#645 proxy_pass does not work as expected in if context defect minor nginx-core
#647 Any plans for dynamic load of modules? enhancement trivial nginx-module
#653 Remove SSLv3 from Default ssl_protocols behavior enhancement minor nginx-module
#662 Handle SSL_R_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK like the other handshake failures enhancement minor nginx-core
#663 Variable interpolation inside Map directive enhancement minor nginx-module
#667 _ (underscore) is not allow for syslog tag enhancement minor nginx-core
#669 Upstream keepalive connections do not properly handle early error responses defect major nginx-core
#685 nginx doesn't build under musl due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect minor nginx-core
#705 Native JavaScript support enhancement minor other
#708 Documentation improvement: SSL chain verification with SNI support enhancement minor documentation
#720 PCRE2 enhancement minor nginx-module
#731 client_body_temp_path with levels does not work in some cases. defect major nginx-core
#732 Signed integer overflows defect minor nginx-core
#734 FYI off-by-one while processing request header (low/no impact?). defect trivial nginx-core
#739 init script for newrelic agent fails to find running daemon defect minor other
#744 Malformed query with 1st chunk of chunked unbuffered requests (proxy) defect minor nginx-core
#753 Nginx leaves UNIX domain sockets after SIGQUIT Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor nginx-core
#762 procol version integer overflow, downgrade to 0.9 defect minor nginx-core
#764 Unable to login to this trac with Google defect critical other
#768 String garbling when using nested regex locations defect major nginx-core
#769 nginx 1.9.2 breaks ssl_stapling_file Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-core
#776 Hang after NGX_AGAIN defect minor nginx-core
#1 Incorrect parsing of IPv6 literal in Host header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#2 HttpRealIpModule only seems to work with one trusted proxy, you can't build a list of trusted proxies as only the first one will work Ruslan Ermilov enhancement minor nginx-module
#3 POSIX Semaphores can be used at Solaris somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#5 Installation script fails on ArchLinux with Linux 3.0 kernel somebody defect minor nginx-core
#12 incorrect dependency for nginx app templates for debian 6.0 and 5.0 somebody defect blocker nginx-package
#13 Proxy SSL Verify somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#14 Number of *_buffers must be less then 17 on Solaris Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#15 Debian pacakges failing because it is building with --with-file-aio somebody defect blocker nginx-package
#18 RHEL Package repo issue somebody defect blocker nginx-package
#21 Incorrectly caching pages with non-cacheable Cache-Control headers somebody defect major nginx-core
#22 Nginx 1.1.4 can't build on Debian hurd-i386 somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#23 MP4 module fails to build under Debian hurd-i386 somebody defect minor nginx-module
#24 nginx 1.0.7 can't be compiled with mp4_module somebody defect major nginx-core
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#27 Troubles streaming h264/aac not from the beggining somebody defect minor nginx-core
#28 Unable to login into Trac via Lauchpad's OpenID somebody defect minor other
#29 Install something like Orphus to catch typos on the nginx website somebody enhancement minor other
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#34 Allow rewrites in case of proxy_pass backend is configured as variable somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#37 SEGFAULT when testing syntax Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-module
#38 uwsgi module cannot distinct between http/https session somebody defect minor nginx-module
#40 proxy_bind inheritance Ruslan Ermilov defect minor nginx-module
#41 pcre jit feature somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#42 Add mime.type for .m4v files somebody enhancement trivial nginx-package
#44 IPv6 support for HTTP realip module Ruslan Ermilov enhancement minor nginx-module
#45 Некорректная обработка директив конфига Maxim Dounin defect minor other
#46 Changeset 3900 st_blocks and ZFS problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#47 loop with backup servers and proxy_next_upstream http_404 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#48 Cannot build nginx on OpenSolaris: builder of perl modules cannot find pcre.h somebody defect minor nginx-package
#788 Segfault with dynamic upstream and many SSI includes defect major nginx-core
#791 Segfault in sub_filter after updating to 1.9.4 defect critical nginx-module
#792 Chrome can't establish HTTP2 connection to nginx when URL contains long query string. Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#800 Variable $server_protocol is empty on HTTP2 Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-core
#803 proxy_pass differs in behavior if used with variable substitution enhancement minor documentation
#814 Support for parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates enhancement minor nginx-core
#816 Allow h2c and HTTP/1.1 support on the same listening socket enhancement minor nginx-core
#821 Header "Expires" and "Cache-Control" is not sent for random requests when using "expires" directive defect major nginx-core
#822 Worker process crashing (exit, signal 11) Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-core
#826 Add config option for NGX_HTTP_CACHE_VARY_LEN enhancement minor nginx-core
#827 proxy_cache bug when using custom error pages Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
#831 Possible incorrect handling of invalid headers with HTTP/2.0 and POST/PUT requests defect major nginx-core
#845 signal 11 on ssllabs test Sergey Kandaurov defect major nginx-module
#848 HTTP2 domain redirect error with ssl_verify_client Valentin V. Bartenev defect major nginx-module
#855 Invalid detection of unix sockets in configuration files defect blocker nginx-core
#857 Problem with multiline $ssl_client_cert HTTP header in proxy mode enhancement minor nginx-core
#858 Use of PROXY protocol return HTTP 400 error defect minor nginx-core
#862 Ubuntu Trusty Release.gpg contains random data defect minor nginx-package
#864 SLES 12 repo metadata should be signed defect minor nginx-package
#870 Add variable containing list of client-supported cipher suites enhancement minor nginx-module
#872 allow to switch off disabled renegotiation proxy to SSL client certificate protected backends enhancement minor documentation
#877 Support HTTP 308 in return and error_page directives enhancement minor nginx-core
#882 Unencoded Location: header when redirecting defect minor nginx-core
#885 Add support for multiple elliptic curves enhancement major nginx-core
#892 'proxy_request_buffering' does not work with 'http2' enhancement minor documentation
#898 nginx_version is not casted to unsinged integer. defect minor nginx-core
#900 Nginx won't daemonise if "NGINX" environment variable is set defect minor documentation
#901 Changes in openssl master wrt SSL_shutdown() defect minor nginx-core
#903 nginx 1.9.11+: Can`t build static nginx any more defect major nginx-core
#905 TIME_WAIT on return 444 enhancement minor nginx-core
#907 OPTIONS request timeout in Firefox (but only in a somewhat complicated situation) defect minor nginx-core
#910 CreateFile() "E:/tmp/0000000001" failed (80: The file exists) defect minor nginx-core
#918 zero size buf in output with proxy cache defect minor nginx-core
#923 Allow proxy_http_version 2.0 enhancement minor nginx-core
#924 ngx_http_v2_module is not included in windows compilation enhancement minor nginx-module
#928 Can't use If-Modified-Since with defect minor other
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect minor documentation
#948 Web DAV module strange behaviour when client resumes upload defect minor nginx-module
#950 Bad gateway with http2 requests on hhvm fastcgi since 1.9.14 defect major nginx-module
#953 Error on logrotate when Nginx is stopped defect minor nginx-package
#959 Permit post before acking settings Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> enhancement minor nginx-core
#964 Expires header incorrectly prioritised over Cache-Control: max-age defect minor nginx-core
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL enhancement minor documentation
#977 ngx_http_special_response.c: Add "429 Too Many Requests" enhancement minor other
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