Custom Query (262 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#778 Immediatley expire cached responses enhancement minor nginx-core
#781 Documentation not clear on auth_basic_user_file task minor documentation
#790 Support for send log with GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) enhancement minor nginx-core
#798 Implement http_brotli_static module enhancement major nginx-core
#812 Fetch OCSP responses on startup, and store across restarts enhancement minor nginx-core
#838 enable compare operators within if directive enhancement trivial nginx-core
#868 new variable: $remote_addr_anon enhancement critical nginx-core
#869 open_file_cache with NGX_HAVE_PREAD 0 defect minor nginx-core
#915 "Upgrade" header should not be proxied over h2 enhancement minor nginx-module
#936 For security purposes it is necessary to remove or change the "server" header enhancement minor nginx-core
#938 Концепт модуля: Миниатюры как часть прогрессивных JPEG, PNG. enhancement minor nginx-module
#944 Enchance $server_addr to return original IP even after local DNAT enhancement major nginx-core
#960 TCP connection re-use without upstream conf enhancement major nginx-core
#969 proxy module does not honour proxy_max_temp_file_size on cacheable responses enhancement minor nginx-module
#971 Clarify $host and $hostname in embedded variables documentation enhancement minor documentation
#985 request_id variable, needs more documentation enhancement minor documentation
#1010 Invalid request sent when serving error pages from upstream defect minor nginx-core
#1025 No country detected for requests with X-Forwarded-For or any reserved IP address enhancement minor nginx-module
#1036 Add tcpi_total_retrans to tcp_info variables enhancement minor other
#1055 Allow to configure ssl_ciphers in multiple lines enhancement minor other
#1059 syntax check error when an upstream is used in proxy_pass using both http and https and is defined after defect minor nginx-core
#1083 Enable gzip compression only for non "text/html" content enhancement minor nginx-module
#1085 multiple calls to make install from a read-only source fails to copy config files defect minor other
#1091 Add missing client certificate field variables enhancement minor nginx-module
#1104 . (dot) is not allow for syslog tag enhancement minor nginx-core
#1114 New variable suggestion (Date/Time) enhancement minor other
#1134 CVE-2016-1247 enhancement major nginx-core
#1145 Can't set redirection port to the port from the "Host" request header field enhancement minor nginx-module
#1151 Use sched_getaffinity() and CPU_COUNT() for ngx_ncpu on Linux enhancement minor nginx-core
#1154 Passing URG flag via nginx enhancement minor nginx-module
#1162 Adding HTTP Forward Proxy support in core like apache enhancement major nginx-core
#1179 Allow upstreams to be resolved using internal ngx resolver instead of getaddrinfo() enhancement minor nginx-core
#1182 Responses with "no-cache" or "max-age=0" should be cached enhancement minor other
#1188 Send "immutable" keyword in Cache-Control when "expires max" enhancement minor nginx-module
#1215 Add support for SHA2 (SHA3?) family for RFC2307 passwords for HTTP Basic authentication enhancement minor nginx-module
#1216 Confusing use of 'URI' when referring to a path in the proxy_pass documentation defect minor documentation
#1222 Update doc to mention about HTSP enhancement major documentation
#1230 proxy_next_upstream: Add a config to add other errors enhancement minor other
#1242 nginx stub_status exhancement enhancement minor nginx-module
#1262 connect_(timeout|error) option in proxy_next_upstream enhancement minor nginx-module
#1279 Implement FIB selection for upstream connections in proxy and stream modules. enhancement minor nginx-module
#1282 Add nginx.repo file to RPM repos enhancement minor nginx-package
#1285 map regexp positional captures interfere with location regexp positional captures defect minor documentation
#1288 upstream server port defaults to port 80 even for https: proxy_pass enhancement minor nginx-core
#1293 nginx http proxy stops sending request data after first byte of server response is received enhancement minor nginx-module
#1294 Add version-information resource enhancement minor other
#1302 New variables $ssl_client_sha256_fingerprint and/or $ssl_client_sha512_fingerprint for ngx_http_ssl_module enhancement minor nginx-module
#1306 ngx_http_geo_module ranges do not support ipv6 enhancement minor nginx-module
#1329 Blocking STALE requests when using fastcgi_cache_background_update defect minor other
#1348 proxy_cache_background_update has problem with slice module defect minor other
#1353 http and stream on the same "listen" should conflict enhancement minor other
#1360 enhancement: auto-reload map includes enhancement minor nginx-module
#1369 Add proxy_detect_mime setting enhancement minor nginx-core
#1388 Implement TLS Dynamic Record Sizing (CloudFlare patch ready) enhancement minor other
#1393 please add ngx_google_perftools_module to centos 7 rpm enhancement minor nginx-package
#1402 Not invalidate cahe if fastcgi_cache_background_update is on defect minor nginx-core
#1406 duplicated "content-encoding" while proxy server return a empty content-encoding header defect minor nginx-core
#1417 Nginx won't start if hostname isn't valid enhancement minor other
#1421 worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear enhancement minor documentation
#1422 Support IPv6 zone identifiers in URLs, e.g. for proxy_pass enhancement minor nginx-core
#1437 Optimize locality for listening sockets with the help of SO_INCOMING_CPU enhancement minor nginx-core
#1446 gzip_types can't handle types longer than 46 chars defect minor nginx-module
#1458 ngx_http_ssl_module http block config bug defect minor nginx-core
#1465 configure: use -iquote for $ngx_module_incs defect minor other
#1480 Automatic Let's Encrypt certificate provisioning and renewal enhancement minor other
#1483 client_max_body_size vs. auth_request unexpected behaviour enhancement minor nginx-module
#1505 Milliseconds and dynamic time support for *_cache_valid enhancement minor other
#1506 bind() in configuration test is too cautious enhancement minor nginx-core
#1521 Enable open_file_cache may cause index module return 403 forbidden defect minor nginx-module
#1530 Origin frame (RFC 8336) support? enhancement minor nginx-module
#1535 proxy_bind and resolver IP version mismatch enhancement minor other
#1536 grpc-web (grpc for browsers) enhancement minor nginx-module
#1573 adding text/css to the default list for the charset_types directive enhancement minor nginx-module
#1579 Mirror subrequests ignore the keepalive flag defect minor other
#1617 preread data ignored when SSL is terminated enhancement minor other
#1619 test configuration ignoring certificates andkkeys enhancement minor other
#1624 support json return type in stub_status enhancement minor other
#1629 use variable in for proxy_ssl in stream module enhancement minor other
#1631 feature request: support ALTSVC frame enhancement minor nginx-core
#1639 Add support for writing PROXY protocol v2 to upstream enhancement minor nginx-core
#1644 Educate people about the importance of "Server" HTTP header enhancement trivial other
#1651 client_body_in_file_only/client_body_temp_path file permissions enhancement minor nginx-core
#1666 Add MSG_ZEROCOPY support enhancement minor other
#1668 Channel-Bound Cookies Implementation in nginx enhancement minor other
#1675 OCSP stapling not working in stream area enhancement minor other
#1697 mail proxy: ManageSieve protocol support enhancement minor nginx-module
#1710 ngx_http_dav_module: Allow to configure some anti-overwrite enhancement minor nginx-module
#1716 http2 ssl verify certificate failed should close tcp connection defect minor other
#1719 Enhance proxy_cache_min_uses directive enhancement minor other
#1732 Warn for large request bodies enhancement minor other
#1737 HTTP/2 HPACK full encoding support enhancement minor other
#1763 HTTP/2 prioritization is intermittent and often ineffective enhancement minor other
#1765 configure is fragile in finding system libraries enhancement minor other
#1768 Request for documentation: `--with-http_degradation_module` enhancement minor documentation
#1775 Allow $hostname as part of name in server_name enhancement minor nginx-core
#1785 Support access to environment variables in config file enhancement minor other
#1788 stream proxy_pass ipv6 first enhancement minor nginx-module
#1808 Inconsistent encoding in rewrites defect minor other
#1809 Allow stream with `ssl_preread on` to forward to http without leaving nginx enhancement minor other
#1824 Bypassing cache if worker failed to allocate node in cache keys zone ? enhancement trivial nginx-module
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