Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (2401 - 2500 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#741 default_server does not exist in nginx.vim enhancement closed minor
#742 OCSP stapling does not work at all when default_server runs with a self-signed certificate defect closed minor
#743 Warn on Google DNS resolver use, issue a notice on non-localhost use defect closed major
#744 Malformed query with 1st chunk of chunked unbuffered requests (proxy) defect closed minor
#745 if(false) does not work in 1.6.3 defect closed major
#746 Cached objects wit expires headers in the past served up with proxy_cache_revalidate defect closed minor
#747 access_log defined with a prefixing variable is concatenated with prefix defect closed minor
#748 proxy_pass not working on arm with nginx 1.6.3 defect closed minor
#749 Nginx not correctly cleaning fasctgi cache defect closed minor
#750 nginx refuses to start when /var/lib/nginx (client_body_temp_path) is a symlink to not yet existing directory defect closed minor
#751 Problems with syslog and openvpn defect closed critical
#752 try_files + subrequest + proxy-handler problem defect accepted minor
#753 Nginx leaves UNIX domain sockets after SIGQUIT Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect closed minor
#754 add_header not being inherited by named location defect closed minor
#755 nginx нельзя заставить использовать только syslog defect closed minor
#756 Client disconnect in ngx_http_image_filter_module defect accepted minor
#757 map fails to match hostnames values - possibly following proxy_pass defect closed minor
#758 Nginx in FastCGI mode always returns 302 http code if location header is set defect closed major
#759 Build fail with custom path to PCRE, Nginx 1.8.0 defect closed critical
#761 The auth_request does not supports query string/arguments enhancement new minor
#762 procol version integer overflow, downgrade to 0.9 defect closed minor
#763 service nginx configtest always returns zero exit code defect closed major
#764 Unable to login to this trac with Google defect closed critical
#765 should not perform consistent hash on empty string defect closed major
#766 ssl_protocols directive doesn't work in server context defect closed minor
#767 Deleted fastcgicache items are used with open_file_cache enabled defect closed major
#768 String garbling when using nested regex locations defect closed major
#769 nginx 1.9.2 breaks ssl_stapling_file Maxim Dounin defect closed major
#770 Enable PolarSSL or Botan as a compile-time alternative to OpenSSL enhancement new minor
#771 `unix:/dev/log` doesn't work for `server` argument to `(access|error)_log` defect closed minor
#772 No Vary header on 304 Response. Maxim Dounin defect assigned minor
#773 full site https support for enhancement closed major
#774 modern_browser // gecko version overwrites msie version defect accepted minor
#775 Support for more complex satisfy configurations enhancement new minor
#776 Hang after NGX_AGAIN defect closed minor
#777 Unix sockets are not closed before shutting down the server defect closed major
#2582 HTTP3 working with curl but not in Browser defect new major nginx-1.27
#2614 Memory-leak like issue happens as long as nginx keeps having long-lived gRPC stream connections defect closed critical nginx-1.27
#2620 IPv6 with HTTP/3 / QUIC don't work defect new minor nginx-1.27
#2626 cannot use mTLS on nginx via http3 protocol defect new major nginx-1.27
#2629 Availability of 1.26 version due to 1.25 EOL task closed minor nginx-1.27
#2483 http/3 behaves differently with fastcgi_param/php variables breaks Magento admin page redirection enhancement closed minor nginx-1.26
#2484 When reuseport is not present with listen 443 quic, only HTTP/2 works not HTTP/3 defect reopened minor nginx-1.26
#2485 If chrome browser has '--enable-quic --quic-version=h3-29' set as start up command line, then HTTP/3 does not work defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2500 After update to nginx 1.25 and configure vhost to enable http/3 quic error generated defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2503 Unable to build nginx quic defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#2515 Can't build QUIC binaries for windows defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2517 QUIC:After sending a RESET_STREAM, nginx does not cease transmission of STREAM frames? defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2539 --with-http_v3_module changes the layout of the ngx_connection_s structure that can be used by modules, but does not change the signature defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2564 nginx returns 501 when 400 is expected defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2565 ویکی defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2571 Start non-blocking error when using the "user" setting defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2581 quic: virtual host not working defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2585 segfault in quic defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2589 http write filter limit enhancement closed major nginx-1.26
#2592 Ports are not forwarded defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#2601 NGINX Repositories are down - 404 task closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2602 down task closed critical nginx-1.26
#2605 NGINX + BoringSSL build error (NGINX 1.25.4 required Openssl) defect closed trivial nginx-1.26
#2606 Issues building Nginx using boringssl defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2612 Unable to build nginx with latests BoringSSL version defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2361 CVEs against Nginx 1.22 defect closed minor nginx-1.23
#2379 Nginx compile error with OpenSSL 3 on Msys2 (mingw64) Windows defect closed major nginx-1.23
#2407 server_name using regex loses variable after first request in h3 Sergey Kandaurov defect closed minor nginx-1.23
#2424 quic_bpf failed defect closed minor nginx-1.23
#2427 failed when compiling nginx with boringssl defect closed blocker nginx-1.23
#2461 Unable to identify upstream errors defect closed minor nginx-1.23
#2469 Recursively chaging ownership of nginx owned directories enhancement closed blocker nginx-1.23
#2468 The value of variable `$http_host` will not fallback to the value of `:authority` pseudo-header when the client not providing the request header `Host` defect closed minor nginx-1.23.4
#2470 Add support for the systemd directive OpenFile= for passing UNIX socket FDs to nginx enhancement closed minor nginx-1.23.4
#2474 Why is the rewritten uri not validated? defect closed minor nginx-1.23.4
#2170 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1 defect closed critical nginx-1.21
#2195 after upgrade to 1.21.0,it cover my nginx.conf setting / and make a new default.conf defect closed major nginx-1.21
#2203 error cd: pkg-oss/rpm/SPECS: No such file or directory task closed minor nginx-1.21
#2215 Maybe a minior bug in $request_completion code defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2227 Nginx 1.21.1 source build with static openssl fails on Freebsd12 defect closed major nginx-1.21
#2246 Our QUIC implementation currently supports BoringSSL and the quictls fork of OpenSSL enhancement closed minor nginx-1.21
#2251 "underscores_in_headers on" didn't work defect closed blocker nginx-1.21
#2255 different declaration and impementation defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2259 Variables in proxy_pass url lead to unresovable host if host is only defined in /etc/hosts defect closed major nginx-1.21
#2272 Docs for mp4_start_key_frame directive is missing Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement closed minor nginx-1.21
#2273 nginx security issue - version 1.21.4 defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2277 Docker Image for v1.21.4 missing on Docker Hub thresh defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2292 nginx config test cannot pass if quic_bpf is enabled defect closed major nginx-1.21
#2318 SSL handshaking SSL_shutdown after 24h defect closed blocker nginx-1.21
#2321 ngx_http_geoip_module problem defect closed critical nginx-1.21
#2327 Adding cross-domain configuration in HTTP2 is invalid defect closed critical nginx-1.21
#2335 no resolver defined to resolve localhost defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2336 mTLS client verification fails in >=1.21.4 defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2337 Version disclosure when server_tokens is set off defect closed minor nginx-1.21
#2354 Usage of "URI" in Documentation is confusing defect closed minor nginx-1.22.0
#2296 METHOD always recognized as 'GET' when using postman defect closed minor nginx-1.21.5
#2051 Issue with auth_request directive defect closed major nginx-1.19
#2061 cookie lost in nginx-quic under http/3 defect closed critical nginx-1.19
#2068 ngx_http_copy_pipelined_header didn't adjust buffer pointer after copy data defect closed major nginx-1.19
#2073 TLS 1.3 handshake failure with ssl_reject_handshake on defect closed minor nginx-1.19
#2077 rename conf files with ".sample" extension for windows package enhancement closed trivial nginx-1.19
#2080 Possible mem leak in nginx defect closed major nginx-1.19
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