Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2310)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1508 When browser access nginx http/2 server with large cookies, nginx don't return HTTP4xx but return http/2 ENHANCE YOUR CALM error. defect major nginx-core
#1515 Can't have multiple and/or non-root locations with grpc_pass defect major nginx-core
#1516 Missing GPG Key defect minor nginx-core
#1517 defective routing with multiple interfaces and domains defect major nginx-core
#1524 Nginx accept config with unknown directive defect major nginx-core
#1528 Cannot build OpenSSL 1.1.1pre4 on Nginx mainline 1.13.12? defect blocker nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1532 nginx not build on fedora28 defect major nginx-core
#1534 OCSP client certificate validation enhancement minor nginx-core
#1537 Allow for test_types_buffer_size to be set in server configuration enhancement minor nginx-core
#1552 No way to use http2 with stream-section enhancement minor nginx-core
#1554 http2 client abort when upstream cause segment fault defect critical nginx-core
#1560 Slow response on wrong request defect minor nginx-core
#1561 HTTP/2 without SSL not working defect minor nginx-core
#1563 Use FD after close() defect major nginx-core
#1565 Prematurely deleting request body temp files on fast response defect minor nginx-core
#1571 Secure close connection on no SNI provided enhancement minor nginx-core
#1575 use "font/woff" and "font/woff2" in file "mime.types" defect minor nginx-core
#1581 Build issue in GCC defect minor nginx-core
#1584 rewrite qure defect major nginx-core
#1585 ssl_verify_client cause core dump defect blocker nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1591 Reload signal does not show error for failed bind defect minor nginx-core
#1592 "nginx -s" doesn't read error_log configuration defect minor nginx-core
#1600 nginx not fully parsing config file on 400 errors defect minor nginx-core
#1601 ssl default server must have a cert even if it's not being accessed defect minor nginx-core
#1602 use nginx stream module,use mutil worker_processes and UDP packet will be loss defect major nginx-core
#1615 documentation: include is not allowed inside if defect minor nginx-core
#1618 Potential infinity cycle in ngx_http_upstream_send_request_body() defect minor nginx-core
#1625 TLS1.3 not available with nginx 1.15.3 and openssl 1.1.1-pre9 defect minor nginx-core
#1630 open_file_cache loses trailing newline on changed files defect major nginx-core
#1632 Pool cleanups are not called in the daemonization defect minor nginx-core
#1633 Zone configuration in upstream gives signal 11 on heavy loaded server defect major nginx-core
#1634 No response from nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1640 Question on handling NGX_HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST defect minor nginx-core
#1641 Possible buffer overflow in ngx_http_request (1.15.3) defect critical nginx-core
#1647 Evaluation of multiple regexes brakes back references defect major nginx-core
#1648 Nginx compiled with Openssl 1.1.1 allow renegotiation defect minor nginx-core
#1650 Active connections not clear close session defect major nginx-core
#1653 http2_push_preload does not recognize Link header defect minor nginx-core
#1654 nginx does not honor ssl_protocols for TLSv1.3 defect minor nginx-core
#1656 It may be a bug of udp rbtree init in function ngx_set_inherited_sockets defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1657 A minor code clean for ngx_event.h defect trivial nginx-core
#1658 Optimize memory usage in ngx_reset_pool enhancement minor nginx-core
#1659 nginx intermittent delay before sending response enhancement minor nginx-core
#1662 A minor code clean for ngx_configure_listening_sockets enhancement trivial nginx-core
#1670 Chipers list order not respected for TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1673 Nginx don't read upstream response in case upstream close connection. defect minor nginx-core
#1677 nginx does not resolve hostnames if there is no route defect minor nginx-core
#1678 limit_rate and proxy_limit_rate broken from 1.14 defect major nginx-core
#1679 Possible infinite loop in function ngx_cache_manager_process_cycle and ngx_cache_loader_process_handler in src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c defect minor nginx-core
#1683 ngx_parent in ngx_daemon() can not work properly? defect minor nginx-core
#1688 want to get the socket port which use in nginx and upstream servers enhancement minor nginx-1.15.8 nginx-core
#1689 Writing connections leak with http/2 defect major nginx-core
#1694 Prefer SNI name to Host header when selecting server block defect minor nginx-core
#1696 NGINX does not update cached response of POST requests defect critical nginx-core
#1698 A minor optimization for ngx_log_debug enhancement minor nginx-core
#1699 encoding error ssl_stapling_file defect minor nginx-core
#1700 UDP connections are terminated when updating Nginx executable file on-the-fly defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1707 try_files doesn't work sometimes defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1711 TLS 1.3 on Windows build enhancement minor nginx-core
#1714 Server Name Indication (SNI) in NGINX isn't honoring ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers etc. per server{} config / TLS downgrade and server exhaustion attack. defect critical nginx-core
#1717 server info enhancement trivial nginx-core
#1721 One line redundant code in ngx_slab_free_locked enhancement minor nginx-core
#1724 Nginx doesn't sanitize and is inconsistent with multiple, repeated input headers enhancement minor nginx-core
#1725 nginx ends up in a state where current and oldbin exist for days defect minor nginx-core
#1729 If-Modified-Since won't trigger 304 unless server send Last-Modified defect minor nginx-core
#1734 nginx failed to work with openssl-1.1.1b defect critical nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1740 ngins -s reopen / SIGUSR1 and permissions problem enhancement minor nginx-core
#1741 Use IP_FREEBIND? enhancement minor nginx-core
#1742 nginx.exe filesize defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1750 Nginx + sendfile serves wrong content from NFS share, may leak confidential information to unauthorized party. defect critical nginx-core
#1751 nginx memory leak in ngx_event_openssl.c with patch Nikolay Morozov <n.morozov@…> defect major nginx-core
#1752 400 Bad Request when Content-Length header value starts with HT defect minor nginx-core
#1755 listen address and http2 defect minor nginx-core
#1764 Purely syntactic config check? enhancement minor nginx-core
#1766 Request with revoked client certifiate is aborted instead of setting optional verification state defect major nginx-core
#1772 Option to allow syslog tags longer than 32 symbols enhancement minor nginx-core
#1776 Pre-Access Phase Bug defect major nginx-core
#1779 ngx_reset_pool() function make (sizeof(ngx_pool_t) - sizeof(ngx_pool_data_t) ) bytes memory unavailable defect minor nginx-core
#1791 Nginx -t changing ownersip of cache path defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#1795 Nginx proxy serving non-existent proxy cache files defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#1799 client_max_body_size ignored except at the bottom of http context defect minor nginx-core
#1801 Stale cache is not updated after some time defect minor nginx-core
#1802 Bad response for request with large cookie via http2 defect critical unit-1.10 nginx-core
#1803 set_decode_base64 not working for combination of Japnese and underscore character defect critical nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1805 Cannot reopen log files without restarting nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1807 SSI include subrequests are not logged defect minor nginx-core
#1810 Complex UX - Configuration Pitfalls ("Passing uncontrolled requests to PHP") enhancement major nginx-core
#1812 NGINX does not reply with HTTP Headers on broken request line defect minor nginx-core
#1813 OCSP does not work with $ssl_server_name defect minor nginx-core
#1815 Debug log of response is garbled in journald defect minor nginx-core
#1819 Core dump when http2 client cancelled stream while upstream defect minor nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1823 Connection header for inflight return messages during shutdown enhancement minor nginx-core
#1826 Gzip deflate broken in some cases defect major nginx-core
#1830 OCSP must staple fails with multi-domain certificates defect major nginx-core
#1835 Nginx reload doesnt work when limit zone in nginx.conf is changed defect critical nginx-core
#1836 limit_req and proxy_pass defect minor nginx-core
#1837 nginx resolver failed when ipv6 AAAA dns query failed and ipv4 A query success defect critical nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1838 problem in http2 defect minor nginx-core
#1842 server_tokens doesnt affect redirects. Exposing software version. defect minor nginx-core
#1845 Nginx logs POST on GET Timeouts. defect minor nginx-core
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