Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#708 Documentation improvement: SSL chain verification with SNI support enhancement minor documentation
#803 proxy_pass differs in behavior if used with variable substitution enhancement minor documentation
#872 allow to switch off disabled renegotiation proxy to SSL client certificate protected backends enhancement minor documentation
#892 'proxy_request_buffering' does not work with 'http2' enhancement minor documentation
#900 Nginx won't daemonise if "NGINX" environment variable is set defect minor documentation
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect minor documentation
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL enhancement minor documentation
#1005 client_body_timeout does not send 408 as advertised defect major documentation
#1075 Add german book to website task trivial documentation
#1079 ngx_stream_log_module mismatch variable in documentation defect trivial documentation
#1117 ngx_http_v2_module documentation says HTTP/2 is experimental enhancement minor documentation
#1133 ngx_http_limit_req_module . When zone storage is exhausted, all the request woud not be limited. defect minor documentation
#1158 Document volatile parameter for map module enhancement minor 1.11 documentation
#1176 nginx changes ownership of /var/log/nginx/error.log even if error_log is configured to syslog defect minor documentation
#1255 map regexp fail to match defect minor documentation
#1269 $upstream_response_time is improperly evaluated in header filter handlers defect minor documentation
#1286 Probably outdated docs defect minor documentation
#1349 TLS doesn't require different IPs defect minor documentation
#1373 missing '=' in admin-guide/serving-static-content Yaroslav Zhuravlev task minor documentation
#1396 Compiling for win32 fails with VS2017 defect minor documentation
#1523 large_client_header_buffers directive is ignored in server context defect minor documentation
#1643 Proxy Protocol documentation has the wrong variables Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#1720 gzip module documentation does not warn about BREACH Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement minor documentation
#1767 Spelling error in `ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module` document defect trivial documentation
#1769 Typo in `ngx_google_perftools_module` defect trivial documentation
#1938 mail proxy connect issue with Outlook defect minor documentation
#1939 Phrasing in doc `ngx_http_limit_req_module` Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#1949 Mistype in $ssl_preread_alpn_protocols ru-doc defect minor documentation
#1987 underscores_in_headers directive seems to be specific to each server block defect minor documentation
#2002 Documentation: NGINX Open Source Alpine installation documentation uses apt-get for Step 4 rather than apk Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#2008 699f6e55bbb4 causes request for client certificate Maxim Dounin defect minor documentation
#2056 TLS ALert "close_notify" missing defect minor documentation
#2135 capture negotiated ssl_curve enhancement minor documentation
#2176 Get only 200 responses when "if_modified_since" is set to "off" defect minor documentation
#2180 Installation instructions fail on Ubuntu 16.04 thresh defect minor documentation
#2188 nginx -t with many worker_processes/reuseport is expensive enhancement minor documentation
#2229 Grpc Upstream timeout defect minor documentation
#2247 Broken link in ngx_http_mp4_module docs defect minor documentation
#2256 Typo in Beginner's Guide Yaroslav Zhuravlev defect minor documentation
#2272 Docs for mp4_start_key_frame directive is missing Yaroslav Zhuravlev enhancement minor nginx-1.21 documentation
#2303 Installation instructions for Ubuntu refer to non-existent package thresh defect minor documentation
#2348 documentation uses incorrect quotes results in config file error defect minor documentation
#2403 http request has no response, the configure with 'master_process off and listen reuseport' defect minor documentation
#2418 ngx_http_upstream_process_non_buffered_request do_write Dead-loop defect minor documentation
#2431 HTTP3: Clang reports heap-use-after-free in ngx_http_v3_insert src/http/v3/ngx_http_v3_table.c:231 defect minor documentation
#2435 static locations longer than 255 characters lead to unexpected behaviors defect minor documentation
#2446 QUIC: ngx_quic_send_new_token was broken by 3550b00d9dc8 (nginx 1.23.3) defect minor documentation
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect major nginx-1.26 documentation
#2655 Nginx Linux Package Repository key expiration defect major documentation
#2289 QUIC: RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID with invalid DestinationConnectionId defect minor http/3
#2292 nginx config test cannot pass if quic_bpf is enabled defect major nginx-1.21 http/3
#2374 HTTP3 sent too much body data to upstream when use POST request Roman Arutyunyan defect minor http/3
#2407 server_name using regex loses variable after first request in h3 Sergey Kandaurov defect minor nginx-1.23 http/3
#2409 Nginx would not be edge-triggered to read new stream frame correctly in some case defect major http/3
#2488 $remote_addr is wrong after quic migration defect minor http/3
#2500 After update to nginx 1.25 and configure vhost to enable http/3 quic error generated defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2532 Nginx close connection immeadiately when handle quic connection migration defect minor http/3
#2539 --with-http_v3_module changes the layout of the ngx_connection_s structure that can be used by modules, but does not change the signature defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2585 segfault in quic defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2605 NGINX + BoringSSL build error (NGINX 1.25.4 required Openssl) defect trivial nginx-1.26 http/3
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect blocker nginx-1.26 http/3
#1 Incorrect parsing of IPv6 literal in Host header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#3 POSIX Semaphores can be used at Solaris somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#5 Installation script fails on ArchLinux with Linux 3.0 kernel somebody defect minor nginx-core
#14 Number of *_buffers must be less then 17 on Solaris Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#21 Incorrectly caching pages with non-cacheable Cache-Control headers somebody defect major nginx-core
#22 Nginx 1.1.4 can't build on Debian hurd-i386 somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#24 nginx 1.0.7 can't be compiled with mp4_module somebody defect major nginx-core
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#27 Troubles streaming h264/aac not from the beggining somebody defect minor nginx-core
#30 SPDY support Valentin V. Bartenev enhancement minor 1.3 nginx-core
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#41 pcre jit feature somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#46 Changeset 3900 st_blocks and ZFS problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#47 loop with backup servers and proxy_next_upstream http_404 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#50 Basic Auth does not seem to work with SHA1 hashs Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#51 nginx cache file md5 collision somebody defect critical nginx-core
#53 Nginx fails to accept new connection if active worker crashes somebody defect major nginx-core
#54 SEGFAULT in 1.0.9 somebody defect major nginx-core
#56 MIME type image/svg+xml for filename extension .svgz somebody enhancement trivial nginx-core
#65 CFLAGS and SunPRO linkage somebody defect minor nginx-core
#70 url not properly handled in ngx_http_internal_redirect somebody defect minor nginx-core
#90 location search tree incorrect on case-insensitive systems somebody defect minor nginx-core
#91 when resolver dont works - workers crashes somebody defect minor nginx-core
#98 Unable to set Retry-After header with 503 response somebody defect minor nginx-core
#106 Nginx realip module not working correctly with multiple x-forwarded-for headers somebody defect minor nginx-core
#107 disable_symlinks somebody defect critical nginx-core
#111 Can't build 1.1.5 on Solaris-like system somebody defect minor nginx-core
#113 Add apache ExpiresByType equivalent functionality somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#118 Lack of "Vary" handling in proxy can lead to corrupted downloads somebody defect minor nginx-core
#122 unable to install 1.0.13 el5 RPM - Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD somebody defect blocker nginx-core
#132 alert "the http output chain is empty" triggered by ssi somebody defect minor nginx-core
#135 Incorrect http filename (string problem) Ruslan Ermilov defect blocker nginx-core
#145 Client disconnect issue lasts for 24 hours somebody defect major nginx-core
#147 nginx touched /var/log/nginx-error.log even when error_log are switched off defect minor nginx-core
#150 nginx -t success but nginx -s reload failed somebody defect minor nginx-core
#152 segfault when try_files if used somebody defect major nginx-core
#157 cache max_size limit applied incorrectly with xfs somebody defect minor nginx-core
#159 Implement fcgi_buffering option somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#162 buffer overflow under a particular rewrite configuration somebody defect major nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6
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