Custom Query (531 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 531)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#981 Segmentation fault on chunked WebDAV upload defect minor nginx-core
#986 configure not passing additional --with-ld-opt to obj/Makefile defect minor nginx-package
#1000 Domain-relative redirects doesn't work, they are absolute instead Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#1003 Growing amount of active connections with http/2 defect minor nginx-core
#1005 client_body_timeout does not send 408 as advertised defect major documentation
#1014 RFC 7230 Compliance: Err 400 on space+colon for header field separator enhancement minor other
#1021 Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same defect major nginx-core
#1030 100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams defect major nginx-core
#1031 nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < 2 byte. defect minor nginx-core
#1032 1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without streaming SSL support defect trivial other
#1037 NGiNX drops the body of a HTTP proxy response on Linux if proxy doesn't read all content sent to it. defect minor nginx-module
#1046 ngx_http_gzip_filter_module is leaking defect major nginx-module
#1054 Redhat 7 x86_64 repomd.xml is outdated defect minor other
#1057 Google QUIC - statement enhancement major other
#1068 Support JSON log format enhancement minor nginx-core
#1069 Wrong path to pidfile causes (harmless) error thresh defect minor nginx-package
#1070 nginx with NJS compile error defect minor other
#1072 Overflow in ngx_atosz with Visual Studio 2013 in 64bit system defect minor other
#1075 Add german book to website task trivial documentation
#1079 ngx_stream_log_module mismatch variable in documentation defect trivial documentation
#1088 Add variable $ssl_dhe (possible values: curve name or dh<keylength>, e.g. dh3072 etc.) enhancement minor nginx-module
#1090 try_files with map variable works differently in 1.10.x and 1.11.x defect minor nginx-core
#1093 Support http_429 in *_cache_use_stale enhancement minor nginx-module
#1096 dav_access user:r is not respected defect minor other
#1097 Nginx worker process exited on signal 11 defect major nginx-core
#1102 keepalive_requests is not supported for HTTP/2 connections defect minor nginx-module
#1106 Stale workers not exiting after reload (with HTTP/2 long poll requests) Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> defect minor nginx-core
#1116 sub_filter and addition - bug defect major other
#1117 ngx_http_v2_module documentation says HTTP/2 is experimental enhancement minor documentation
#1126 No error logged when hitting upstream connect timeout over HTTPS defect minor nginx-core
#1133 ngx_http_limit_req_module . When zone storage is exhausted, all the request woud not be limited. defect minor documentation
#1143 http2 and auth_request corrupts first 32 bytes of POST request bodies longer than 8192 bytes defect major nginx-core
#1168 Nginx не корректно обрабатывает опцию max_size в директиве proxy_cache_path defect minor nginx-core
#1170 implement keepalive timeout for upstream enhancement minor nginx-module
#1174 Partial downloads (sendfile) defect minor nginx-core
#1176 nginx changes ownership of /var/log/nginx/error.log even if error_log is configured to syslog defect minor documentation
#1178 Inconsistent PID file paths cause systemctl timeout thresh defect minor nginx-package
#1180 Allow use of hostnames in set_real_ip_from enhancement minor nginx-module
#1183 Add support for variables (or pool) inside ssl_certificate / ssl_certificate_key directives enhancement minor nginx-module
#1192 ssl configuration inherited from the wrong server block defect minor other
#1194 SSL_write fails with 'bad write retry' error defect minor other
#1198 debian postrm script deletes log folder thresh enhancement minor other
#1206 Proxy protocol server information is not surfaced enhancement minor nginx-core
#1212 nginx health check for UDP defect major nginx-core
#1218 Authorization on does not work defect minor other
#1219 Subrequest using slice stuck in infinite loop defect minor nginx-module
#1226 nginx behaves weirdly when using eventport as event engine on Solaris defect minor nginx-core
#1229 Bug with stream TCP/UDP on port 514 only defect minor nginx-module
#1234 "proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate" is loaded into memory many times when defined in "http" context. enhancement minor other
#1237 ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action enhancement major other
#1243 Add primary media type for font enhancement minor nginx-core
#1249 Blocking STALE requests using proxy_cache_background_update on Docker defect minor nginx-core
#1250 Connection reset with low http2_max_requests defect major nginx-module
#1255 map regexp fail to match defect minor documentation
#1259 nginx build fails when using gcc7 compiler defect minor other
#1261 nginx 1.13.0/Solaris 11.3/amd64; coredump when using ssl_session_cache defect minor nginx-module
#1263 Segmentation Fault when SSI is used in sub-request defect major nginx-module
#1269 $upstream_response_time is improperly evaluated in header filter handlers defect minor documentation
#1278 proxy_protocol broken with SSL defect major nginx-core
#1284 Build failure if defined IP_PKTINFO but missing ipi_spec_dst in struct in_pktinfo defect minor other
#1286 Probably outdated docs defect minor documentation
#1289 Nginx 1.12.0 unable to start after initial installation on RHEL 7 if access_log is uncommented defect minor nginx-package
#1298 when use nginx stream module to proxy UDP traffic, one connection connect to nginx, but nginx will create one new socket to send every UDP packet enhancement major nginx-core
#1316 $http_ variables only contain the first field-value defect minor nginx-core
#1330 OCSP stapling non-functional on IPv6-only host defect major nginx-core
#1334 pkg-oss is missing tags for nginx 1.12.1 and 1.13.3 defect minor other
#1336 pkg-oss: add non-interactive mode to improve scriptability of `` Andrei Belov enhancement minor nginx-package
#1337 pkg-oss: `dist` macro changes on CentOS 7 break nginx-module packages Andrei Belov defect minor nginx-package
#1339 Missing Secure Attribute enhancement minor nginx-module
#1349 TLS doesn't require different IPs defect minor documentation
#1357 slice+if_range problem defect minor other
#1368 Date oveflow problems with ngx_gmtime() defect minor nginx-core
#1373 missing '=' in admin-guide/serving-static-content Yaroslav Zhuravlev task minor documentation
#1376 nginx disable client initiated renegotiation not working perfect with openssl 1.1.0c enhancement minor nginx-module
#1379 nginx-tests/access_log.t failed Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect minor other
#1380 nginx does not clean up old sysvinit scripts with new version that provides systemd unit file thresh defect minor nginx-core
#1382 proxy_cache doesn't respect no-cache from error_page defect minor nginx-module
#1384 request body may be corrupted when content-length is not set in headers using http2 defect minor nginx-module
#1396 Compiling for win32 fails with VS2017 defect minor documentation
#1397 HTTP/2 broken in popular Android libraries with nginx v. 1.13.6 defect critical nginx-core
#1398 pkg-oss: add redhat-lsb-core as EL7 dependency for lsb_release Andrei Belov defect minor nginx-package
#1405 pkg-oss build is broken on Debian Andrei Belov defect minor nginx-package
#1408 Big file download via php-fpm on fast networks eats up memory defect minor nginx-core
#1416 xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request defect minor nginx-module
#1423 response vary headers not used in the cache key defect minor other
#1430 Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using proxy_cache_background_update defect minor nginx-module
#1431 Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy enhancement minor nginx-module
#1433 WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows defect minor nginx-module
#1439 auto_index module should discard request body explicitly defect minor nginx-module
#1445 OpenSSL - ChaCha prioritized - Nginx enhancement enhancement minor other
#1450 Allow for unescaped access logs enhancement minor other
#1451 proxy_cache_background_update breaks with trailing questionmark defect minor other
#1464 Segfault Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect minor other
#1469 nginx won't build under libxcrypt due to missing 'current_salt' in 'crypt_data' struct defect minor nginx-core
#1477 Syslog stops working after few hours defect major nginx-module
#1482 Memory leak in error handling block in ngx_stream_geo_block method Ruslan Ermilov defect minor other
#1494 Null character in error.log defect minor nginx-module
#1511 multiple resolver would retry others when someone fails Ruslan Ermilov defect minor other
#1512 A confusion about code in function ngx_process_options Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect minor other
#1519 grpc_pass causes grpc TCP reset when streaming a lot of data (with default gprc_buffer_size) Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
1 2 3 4 5 6
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