Custom Query (959 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 959)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2510 General protection fault on 1.24 and 1.25. 1.22.1 is OK defect minor nginx-core
#2514 Is there any config where i can configure nginx to supoort file upload using http3 task trivial http/3
#2516 Connection is not getting closed when ngtcp2 is sending multiple settings frames defect minor http/3
#2519 Support for QUIC and HTTP3 defect major http/3
#2520 Nginx upgrade on debian 11 defect minor nginx-core
#2521 nginx-1.24.0 with nginx-lua-module gets terminated with signal 11 defect minor documentation
#2525 bug when try to return 496 error defect minor documentation
#2527 Nginx unable to install from default Ubuntu Repository if IPv6 is disabled through grub defect critical nginx-package
#2531 You cannot use variables in error_log and ssl_certificate defect minor nginx-core
#2536 should we discard initial packet with zero-length odcid? defect minor http/3
#2537 Host not found in resolver "kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local". Apparently 'resolver' does not work with long DNS names defect major nginx-module
#2540 nginx stable 1.24 issues with cache file deletion under heavy load defect major nginx-core
#2541 TLS 1.2 connection on TLS 1.3 only site defect major nginx-core
#2543 wrong "host" header when using upstreams defect minor nginx-core
#2544 Cores on nginx-quiche while running curl command defect critical http/3
#2553 Nginx Allows any server_version starting with the number 1, HTTP/1.X defect major nginx-core
#2556 Module ABI breakage with NGINX Plus R30 P1 defect minor nginx-module
#2557 Odd STALE reponse under long run stability test defect minor nginx-core
#2558 Memory Leak (maybe WebSocket) defect minor nginx-core
#2559 K8S ingress rule fails to match Exact / defect minor other
#2566 mail_proxy_module proxy_smtp_auth not respecting AUTH capabilities of backend defect minor nginx-module
#2572 Required rpm with spec for nginx-1.25.3 defect minor nginx-package
#2574 core module "ngx_http_set_etag" function doesn't set etag lowcase_key field. defect minor nginx-core
#2583 possible bug in http/modules/ngx_http_limit_req_module.c defect minor nginx-module
#2587 Missing 1.24.0 stable build in RHEL repositories defect minor documentation
#2588 Unable to compile Nginx with both dynamic module and ASAN at the same time defect minor nginx-core
#2590 Nginx is not able to withstand with pwnloris DoS attack (CVE-2007-6750 and CVE-2012-5568) defect critical nginx-core
#2591 acil12 defect minor documentation
#2595 Unexpected behaviour between ngx_http_rewrite_module and ngx_http_core_module defect minor nginx-module
#2596 client_body_buffer_size is ignored within location context defect major documentation
#2599 Nginx 1.24 building from source with pcre2 on Ubuntu leading to issues defect minor documentation
#2611 defect minor documentation
#2623 nginx is reporting a Status=000 on port 443 when sending large queries defect minor documentation
#2628 Facebook defect minor documentation
#2636 SIGSEGV on https access defect major nginx-core
#2645 SSL_read bad length error when uploading large files over HTTPS defect minor nginx-module
#2646 access_log syslog message length defect minor nginx-core
#2652 Some QUIC connections lost domain header in nginx H3 defect major http/3
#2659 If we use HTTP/3, then the $http_host variable becomes empty defect minor http/3
#2672 I deposited money in 91club app but it was not credited to my wallet 2 defect critical nginx-core
#2684 Unable to clone nginx-quic from defect blocker nginx-package
#57 variables in error_log don't work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#59 xslt_filter_module - use location root as prefix path for stylesheet somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#60 Не работает деректива default без явного указания ip. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#61 IMAP PROXY - 64bit - an incorrect login username reaches the destination server somebody defect minor nginx-core
#67 access_log with variables in filename does not work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#78 Objects are not stripped anymore somebody defect minor nginx-core
#81 Тест -f (rewrite) somebody defect minor nginx-module
#82 Build on Solaris problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#83 proxy_cache_valid 200 being ignored somebody defect minor nginx-core
#85 ngx_http_cookie_time date format error. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#87 location core module and case sensitive matching somebody defect minor nginx-core
#94 1.1.14 compilation fails on Mac OS X 10.7.2 somebody defect blocker nginx-core
#99 Error 330 (net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED): Unknown error. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#102 Странности с If-Modified-Since somebody defect minor nginx-core
#103 Point at the end of the domain. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#104 Duplicate FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST records with fastcgi_keep_conn on somebody defect minor nginx-core
#110 Incorrect context client_max_body_size in manual somebody defect minor nginx-core
#112 Nginx does not obey client http version somebody defect major nginx-core
#115 php-fpm process not killed after timeout / client abort somebody defect minor nginx-core
#117 ignore_invalid_headers is ignored in server context somebody defect minor nginx-core
#119 http auth accepts any password with correct prefix somebody defect minor nginx-module
#123 log_format doesn't allow logging of HTTP headers with a dash somebody defect major nginx-core
#124 ngx_http_subrequest() supports only GET method? somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#130 proxy_cache_lock does not work as expected somebody defect minor nginx-module
#137 The "test configuration"/" -t " option does not check files included from "sites-available" somebody defect major nginx-core
#139 pread() read only somebody defect minor nginx-core
#143 Using fastcgi_split_path_info to populate PATH_TRANSLATED should comply with CGI 1.1 spec somebody defect major nginx-module
#151 X-Accel-Expires send by upstream overrides all values set with fastcgi_cache_valid, including 50x errors somebody defect minor nginx-core
#154 NginX 1.1.4 crashes unexpectedly on Windows XP SP3 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#164 nginx dropping response body for DELETE request somebody defect minor nginx-core
#167 order of locations with regular expressions somebody defect major nginx-core
#168 Problem with mp4 pseudostreaming module somebody defect minor nginx-module
#169 Can't Make Nginx since upgrading to OpenSSL 1.0.1 somebody defect blocker nginx-core
#170 nginx sending incorrect header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#172 gzip returning bigger response bodies than uncompressed somebody defect minor nginx-module
#174 Problem with redirection when subdomain string is the same as the upstream name somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#180 enabling SPDY+nginx 1.3.2 breaks gzip somebody defect major nginx-core
#181 Segfault on keepalive directive in upstream for proxy_pass somebody defect minor nginx-core
#183 Incorrect $document_root for root/alias inside location block which is different from server root somebody defect minor nginx-core
#188 client_body_in_file_only clean remove files before php can read them somebody defect minor nginx-core
#192 504 Gateway Time-out for proxyed site after Server IP change somebody defect minor nginx-core
#193 nginx bug somebody defect minor nginx-core
#197 src/http/modules/ngx_http_ssl_module.c:239: error: ‘SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK’ undeclared (first use in this function) somebody defect blocker nginx-core
#199 error_log not use user-set variable somebody defect minor nginx-core
#200 typo in a freshly installed sites-enabled/default somebody defect trivial nginx-package
#203 The gzip module doesn't produce a useful error on wrong syntax somebody defect minor nginx-module
#207 PPA install - website directory name mismatch somebody defect minor nginx-package
#208 Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked encoding when Transfer-Encoding: chunked header is found somebody defect minor nginx-core
#209 How to Install nginx as a Service on Windows somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#211 “autoindex $var” does not work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#213 Ошибка при установке NGINX 1.3.5 somebody defect major nginx-package
#215 SSL: decryption failed or bad record mac with upstream servers somebody defect major nginx-core
#218 stable segfault on default Unbuntu binaries. somebody defect major nginx-core
#219 nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем внутри fastcgi. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#222 nginx segfaults on start somebody defect major nginx-core
#226 memcache_pass returns malformed content with big results somebody defect minor nginx-module
#227 Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD somebody defect minor nginx-core
#228 TrustWave PCI scan reports CVE-2012-1180 for version 1.2.3 somebody defect critical nginx-core
#231 ngx_http_internal_redirect bypasses explicit location block somebody defect minor nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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