Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 2644)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2685 stub_status counter leak when killing old workers defect new minor
#2684 Unable to clone nginx-quic from defect closed blocker
#2680 Error Signal 11 on reload if any dynamic module is loaded defect new major
#2679 Low throughput with HTTP/3 defect new minor
#2678 resumeable uploads defect new minor
#2677 Support for resumable uploads defect new minor
#2676 Nginx over Docker goes to endless loop and never replies defect new major
#2674 Unable to set `proxy_max_temp_file_size` greater than 1024m defect new major
#2673 ngx_http_limit_req_module race condition that can potentialy result in wrong delay calculation defect new minor
#2672 I deposited money in 91club app but it was not credited to my wallet 2 defect closed critical
#2671 Nginx Mail Proxy TLS Problem On Postfix defect new blocker
#2670 Экранирование $ в конфигурации сторонних модулей defect new minor
#2669 Problems with using the $ sign in third-party modules in regexp templates defect new minor
#2668 client_body_buffer_size - Body Larger Than Buffer Size Is Omitted defect new major
#2667 Ubuntu repository documentation: keyring may need permissions set defect accepted minor
#2666 "Content-Length: 1\t\r\n" is not treated as a valid Content-Length defect new minor
#2665 Nginx cannot properly process requests with a tab after the colon in a host header defect closed minor
#2664 broken header while reading PROXY protocol in nginx stream with pass module defect new blocker
#2663 certificate expired defect closed minor
#2662 Unable to clone njs 0.8.5 from hg/mercurial defect closed blocker
#2661 ssl_verify_client can't configured with result of map operation defect new major
#2660 SSI is included twice when empty response is loaded from proxy cache defect new major
#2659 If we use HTTP/3, then the $http_host variable becomes empty defect closed minor
#2658 proxy_set_body defect new minor
#2657 Specail redirect in location does not resolve upstream names defect new minor
#2656 The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG ABF5BD827BD9BF62 nginx signing key <> defect new blocker
#2655 Nginx Linux Package Repository key expiration defect closed major
#2654 Signature on Ubuntu Focal Repo expired. defect closed critical
#2653 MIME type image/jpeg for filename extension .jfif enhancement new major
#2652 Some QUIC connections lost domain header in nginx H3 defect closed major
#2651 Some QUIC connections lost domain header in nginx H3 defect closed major
#2650 Uncovered edge case in host header validation defect new minor
#2649 ngx_mail_ssl_module "starttls only" issue if without smtp authentication defect new major
#2648 Nginx will disable ocsp stapling over all domains even if one is bogus defect new major
#2646 access_log syslog message length defect closed minor
#2645 SSL_read bad length error when uploading large files over HTTPS defect closed minor
#2644 Different User-Agent detection at nginx and PHP via FastCGI defect new minor
#2643 ssl_reject_handshake not working as expected defect new minor
#2642 proxy_cache_revalidate seems to prevent the cache manager to remove inactive cache objects defect new minor
#2641 Q:Does NGINX QUIC Support KTLS? defect new trivial
#2640 Rewrite module directives are not inherited into the limit_except block task new minor
#2639 Embedded trailer variables have no value defect new major
#2638 nginx fails to restart after upgrade or reinstall of RPM package via dnf defect new minor
#2637 Documentation for server_name does not mention special case of underscore defect new minor
#2636 SIGSEGV on https access defect closed major
#2631 version 1.25.5 virtual servers regexp variable is not available defect closed critical
#2630 Unable to remove Cookie from request header defect new minor
#2629 Availability of 1.26 version due to 1.25 EOL task closed minor nginx-1.27
#2628 Facebook defect closed minor
#2627 different nginx behavior as v4 and v6 defect new minor
#2626 cannot use mTLS on nginx via http3 protocol defect new major nginx-1.27
#2625 nginx proxy_pass variable DNS resolution not updated when there is another proxy_pass with same domain and without variable defect new minor
#2624 Challenges Configuring HTTP/3 for Multiple Domains with Distinct SSL Certificates in Nginx 1.25.4 defect new minor
#2623 nginx is reporting a Status=000 on port 443 when sending large queries defect closed minor
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2621 QUIC ACKs could be delayed by congestion controllers defect new minor
#2620 IPv6 with HTTP/3 / QUIC don't work defect new minor nginx-1.27
#2619 Issues with HTTP/3 Configuration and listen 443 quic reuseport; Directive Affecting Server Block Functionality defect new blocker
#2618 HTTP session is finalized early defect new blocker
#2617 nginx 1.22 - sending GOAWAY to client after 60s defect new minor
#2616 apt upgrade fails. defect closed major
#2615 Don't proxy connection-specific headers by default enhancement new major
#2614 Memory-leak like issue happens as long as nginx keeps having long-lived gRPC stream connections defect closed critical nginx-1.27
#2613 How to make openresty to wait on dependent library to be built before openresty defect new minor
#2612 Unable to build nginx with latests BoringSSL version defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2611 defect closed minor
#2610 Nginx returning 502 gateway error repeatedly defect new critical
#2609 Custom 413 Error Page Not Displayed for Oversized Uploads defect new minor
#2608 Request to Add Documentation Link on Trailing Slash Behavior in Reverse Proxy Setup enhancement new trivial
#2607 How to link custom library to nginx defect new minor
#2606 Issues building Nginx using boringssl defect closed minor nginx-1.26
#2605 NGINX + BoringSSL build error (NGINX 1.25.4 required Openssl) defect closed trivial nginx-1.26
#2604 Errors handling when streaming defect new minor
#2603 RFE: please provide installable interface to allow build and install own ngingx modules enhancement new minor
#2602 down task closed critical nginx-1.26
#2601 NGINX Repositories are down - 404 task closed blocker nginx-1.26
#2600 down? defect reopened critical
#2599 Nginx 1.24 building from source with pcre2 on Ubuntu leading to issues defect closed minor
#2598 ngx_http_limit_req_module documentation should specify rate_limit work on millisecond basis defect closed minor
#2597 nginx-tests: some ssl tests fail with openssl 3.2.0 defect closed minor
#2596 client_body_buffer_size is ignored within location context defect closed major
#2595 Unexpected behaviour between ngx_http_rewrite_module and ngx_http_core_module defect closed minor
#2594 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect closed major
#2593 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect closed minor
#2592 Ports are not forwarded defect closed critical nginx-1.26
#2591 acil12 defect closed minor
#2590 Nginx is not able to withstand with pwnloris DoS attack (CVE-2007-6750 and CVE-2012-5568) defect closed critical
#2589 http write filter limit enhancement closed major nginx-1.26
#2588 Unable to compile Nginx with both dynamic module and ASAN at the same time defect closed minor
#2587 Missing 1.24.0 stable build in RHEL repositories defect closed minor
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2585 segfault in quic defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2584 Deny IP doesn't work when behind multiple proxies. defect closed minor
#2583 possible bug in http/modules/ngx_http_limit_req_module.c defect closed minor
#2582 HTTP3 working with curl but not in Browser defect new major nginx-1.27
#2581 quic: virtual host not working defect closed major nginx-1.26
#2580 Full native WebDAV support enhancement new major
#2579 OCSP stapling vs. $ssl_server_name defect reopened major
#2574 core module "ngx_http_set_etag" function doesn't set etag lowcase_key field. defect closed minor
#2573 Nothing $http_host variable of with-http_v3_module defect closed minor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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