Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 2310)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2499 ngx_array_init/ngx_palloc strange behavior on zero size defect minor documentation
#2504 duplicate listen options for if QUIC used defect minor documentation
#2521 nginx-1.24.0 with nginx-lua-module gets terminated with signal 11 defect minor documentation
#2525 bug when try to return 496 error defect minor documentation
#2533 Variables does not work in error_log and ssl_certificate defect minor documentation
#2538 Site has TLS 1.2 connection despite being configured with TLS 1.3 only defect minor documentation
#2550 Using the 'sudo ./nginx -t' command results in the issue of the ownership of the 'proxy_temp' and other temporary folders being changed. defect major documentation
#2563 Does not respect cache-control when using proxy_cache_use_stale updating defect minor documentation
#2573 Nothing $http_host variable of with-http_v3_module defect minor documentation
#2586 probably memory corruption and worker exiting with SIGABRT defect major nginx-1.26 documentation
#2587 Missing 1.24.0 stable build in RHEL repositories defect minor documentation
#2591 acil12 defect minor documentation
#2593 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect minor documentation
#2596 client_body_buffer_size is ignored within location context defect major documentation
#2598 ngx_http_limit_req_module documentation should specify rate_limit work on millisecond basis defect minor documentation
#2599 Nginx 1.24 building from source with pcre2 on Ubuntu leading to issues defect minor documentation
#2606 Issues building Nginx using boringssl defect minor nginx-1.26 documentation
#2611 defect minor documentation
#2623 nginx is reporting a Status=000 on port 443 when sending large queries defect minor documentation
#2628 Facebook defect minor documentation
#2655 Nginx Linux Package Repository key expiration defect major documentation
#2289 QUIC: RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID with invalid DestinationConnectionId defect minor http/3
#2292 nginx config test cannot pass if quic_bpf is enabled defect major nginx-1.21 http/3
#2325 Server chooses hq-interop instead of h3 defect minor http/3
#2326 One server directive, and logging stops to function after EKS upgrade in AWS defect minor http/3
#2374 HTTP3 sent too much body data to upstream when use POST request Roman Arutyunyan defect minor http/3
#2377 Issue compiling nginx-quic defect major http/3
#2407 server_name using regex loses variable after first request in h3 Sergey Kandaurov defect minor nginx-1.23 http/3
#2409 Nginx would not be edge-triggered to read new stream frame correctly in some case defect major http/3
#2427 failed when compiling nginx with boringssl defect blocker nginx-1.23 http/3
#2468 The value of variable `$http_host` will not fallback to the value of `:authority` pseudo-header when the client not providing the request header `Host` defect minor nginx-1.23.4 http/3
#2483 http/3 behaves differently with fastcgi_param/php variables breaks Magento admin page redirection enhancement minor nginx-1.26 http/3
#2485 If chrome browser has '--enable-quic --quic-version=h3-29' set as start up command line, then HTTP/3 does not work defect minor nginx-1.26 http/3
#2488 $remote_addr is wrong after quic migration defect minor http/3
#2492 QUIC:The quic connection was not closed, when max_idle_timeout arrived. defect minor http/3
#2497 Unable to build nginx quic with --with-stream_quic_module defect critical http/3
#2498 Question:Capture keys on nginx-quic to decrypt QUIC pcap task trivial http/3
#2500 After update to nginx 1.25 and configure vhost to enable http/3 quic error generated defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2503 Unable to build nginx quic defect critical nginx-1.26 http/3
#2514 Is there any config where i can configure nginx to supoort file upload using http3 task trivial http/3
#2515 Can't build QUIC binaries for windows defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2516 Connection is not getting closed when ngtcp2 is sending multiple settings frames defect minor http/3
#2517 QUIC:After sending a RESET_STREAM, nginx does not cease transmission of STREAM frames? defect minor nginx-1.26 http/3
#2519 Support for QUIC and HTTP3 defect major http/3
#2522 Python distribution tools will require html5 in future versions. enhancement minor http/3
#2532 Nginx close connection immeadiately when handle quic connection migration defect minor http/3
#2536 should we discard initial packet with zero-length odcid? defect minor http/3
#2539 --with-http_v3_module changes the layout of the ngx_connection_s structure that can be used by modules, but does not change the signature defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2544 Cores on nginx-quiche while running curl command defect critical http/3
#2551 HTTP3 Reverse Proxy does not pass on Host Header defect minor http/3
#2565 ویکی defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2581 quic: virtual host not working defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2585 segfault in quic defect major nginx-1.26 http/3
#2605 NGINX + BoringSSL build error (NGINX 1.25.4 required Openssl) defect trivial nginx-1.26 http/3
#2622 nginx-quic is down defect blocker nginx-1.26 http/3
#2651 Some QUIC connections lost domain header in nginx H3 defect major http/3
#2652 Some QUIC connections lost domain header in nginx H3 defect major http/3
#2659 If we use HTTP/3, then the $http_host variable becomes empty defect minor http/3
#1 Incorrect parsing of IPv6 literal in Host header somebody defect minor nginx-core
#3 POSIX Semaphores can be used at Solaris somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#4 Bug with relative paths somebody defect minor nginx-core
#5 Installation script fails on ArchLinux with Linux 3.0 kernel somebody defect minor nginx-core
#8 ignoring stale global SSL error somebody defect minor nginx-core
#14 Number of *_buffers must be less then 17 on Solaris Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#16 Nginx 1.1.2 ssl and Feedburner somebody defect minor nginx-core
#20 error_page directive inconsistently applied somebody defect minor nginx-core
#21 Incorrectly caching pages with non-cacheable Cache-Control headers somebody defect major nginx-core
#22 Nginx 1.1.4 can't build on Debian hurd-i386 somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#24 nginx 1.0.7 can't be compiled with mp4_module somebody defect major nginx-core
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#27 Troubles streaming h264/aac not from the beggining somebody defect minor nginx-core
#30 SPDY support Valentin V. Bartenev enhancement minor 1.3 nginx-core
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#33 fix ngx_vslprintf(): invalid processing terminated % somebody defect trivial nginx-core
#39 SSL_do_handshake failed on verified certificate chain somebody defect major nginx-core
#41 pcre jit feature somebody enhancement major nginx-core
#46 Changeset 3900 st_blocks and ZFS problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#47 loop with backup servers and proxy_next_upstream http_404 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#50 Basic Auth does not seem to work with SHA1 hashs Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#51 nginx cache file md5 collision somebody defect critical nginx-core
#53 Nginx fails to accept new connection if active worker crashes somebody defect major nginx-core
#54 SEGFAULT in 1.0.9 somebody defect major nginx-core
#56 MIME type image/svg+xml for filename extension .svgz somebody enhancement trivial nginx-core
#57 variables in error_log don't work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#58 Worker process exists when using OPTIONS method from Delta-V (Subversion) via HTTPS somebody defect major nginx-core
#60 Не работает деректива default без явного указания ip. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#61 IMAP PROXY - 64bit - an incorrect login username reaches the destination server somebody defect minor nginx-core
#63 Error while allocating somebody defect major nginx-core
#65 CFLAGS and SunPRO linkage somebody defect minor nginx-core
#67 access_log with variables in filename does not work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#69 remote_user not being passed through to uwsgi from uwsgi_params somebody defect minor nginx-core
#70 url not properly handled in ngx_http_internal_redirect somebody defect minor nginx-core
#74 After many config reloads the nginx process dies somebody defect minor nginx-core
#75 Thousand separators in autoindex pages somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#77 nginx -t изредка падает с ненулевым статусом и пустым stdout/stderr somebody defect minor nginx-core
#78 Objects are not stripped anymore somebody defect minor nginx-core
#80 error_page enhancement suggestion somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#82 Build on Solaris problem somebody defect minor nginx-core
#83 proxy_cache_valid 200 being ignored somebody defect minor nginx-core
#85 ngx_http_cookie_time date format error. somebody defect minor nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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