Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 2310)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#80 error_page enhancement suggestion somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#2304 error_page not applied vs Transfer-Encoding: chunked defect minor nginx-core
#1593 Error selecting client certificate for proxy service defect major nginx-module
#2045 error: upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header on 408 or 444 defect minor nginx-core
#1352 error when starting defect major 1.13 other
#63 Error while allocating somebody defect major nginx-core
#804 Error while using Several sub_filter directives defect minor nginx-module
#1409 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR defect major other
#691 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Chrome when doing add_header defect minor nginx-core
#1860 ESNI support task minor other
#377 etag не отдается с gzip defect trivial nginx-module
#1647 Evaluation of multiple regexes brakes back references defect major nginx-core
#2026 Excessive attempts to reconnect when upstream connection refused defect major nginx-core
#481 Executable missing platform security integrations enhancement major nginx-core
#2100 Expires directive does not allow to add immutable variable to Cache-Control header enhancement minor nginx-core
#964 Expires header incorrectly prioritised over Cache-Control: max-age defect minor nginx-core
#32 expires header not set correctly using '@' format Maxim Dounin defect minor nginx-core
#1672 expose ngx_http_v2_push_resource in ngx_http_v2_filter_module enhancement critical other
#1428 Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable enhancement minor nginx-core
#1961 Extend gzip_static module to handle more accept-encodings enhancement minor nginx-module
#260 extend `gzip_static` to accept more extensions than just `.gz` enhancement minor nginx-module
#1244 Externalize ngx_udp_connect and ngx_tcp_connect functions defect minor nginx-core
#413 Extra roundtrip during SSL handshake with long certificate chains defect major nginx-core
#1557 Extra spaces should not cause nginx error defect minor other
#386 Extra strings when getting XML or CSV through Nginx defect major nginx-core
#2628 Facebook defect minor documentation
#84 failed (12: Cannot allocate memory) while sending mp4 to client somebody defect minor nginx-module
#1438 failed (36: File name too long) defect minor nginx-core
#1539 Failed to configure with clang if installed CUDA Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect major other
#2481 failed (//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ cannot allocate memory in static TLS block) defect major nginx-package
#2427 failed when compiling nginx with boringssl defect blocker nginx-1.23 http/3
#707 Failure to process cookies containing a dot defect minor nginx-core
#1321 False positives in map $http_user_agent if regex does not use word boundaries. enhancement minor documentation
#684 False [warn] no "fastcgi_cache_key" for "fastcgi_cache" breaks start defect critical nginx-core
#2362 FancyIndex does not escape html tags (like autoindex does) defect minor nginx-module
#602 fastcgi_cache doesn't accept variable defect minor nginx-core
#310 FastCGI cache doesn't handle single-digit days correctly defect minor nginx-core
#1190 fastcgi_cache_path in site-available AND site-enabled cause error defect trivial other
#1157 fastcgi_cache_path keys_zone accepting a variable enhancement minor other
#2287 fastcgi: CONTENT_LENGTH parameter missing for chunked requests defect minor nginx-module
#365 $fastcgi_http_$HEADER enhancement minor nginx-core
#682 fastcgi problem under 42 CPU cores defect blocker 1.7 nginx-core
#2452 fastcgi_split_path_info should specify NGX_REGEX_MULTILINE enhancement minor nginx-module
#509 fastcgi_split_path_info Unsetting $fastcgi_path_info with Try_Files defect minor nginx-core
#1078 FastCGI stderr gets split into two lines defect minor other
#1039 fastopen with SSL in multiple server declaration causes duplicate listen options for defect minor nginx-module
#26 feature request about upstream module somebody enhancement minor nginx-module
#1029 [Feature request] Please enable support for SPDY + HTTP/2 at the same time (you can merge already existing working open source patch by cloudflare) enhancement minor other
#2190 Feature request: ssl_prefer_server_ciphers exception option for TLSv1.3? enhancement trivial nginx-core
#36 Feature Request - Support Filtering Requests by mimetype somebody enhancement minor other
#536 Feature request: support SPDY clients without NPN on a single port (tengine's spdy_detect) enhancement minor nginx-core
#366 Feature that return ssl_client_s_dn according to the RFC 2253 enhancement minor nginx-module
#245 File corruption if serving static files from vboxfs somebody defect minor nginx-core
#307 Filename support in error_page enhancement minor nginx-core
#2156 file transfer speed via http is even lower than https enhancement minor nginx-core
#2103 First declared upstream site returns 403 forbidden when used with proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#1378 fix a bug that in the function ngx_http_subrequest, it will make the headers_in.headers incorrect,and it will cause many problems defect major nginx-core
#25 fix ngx_utf8_decode(): it did not fully decode utf-8 symbol somebody defect minor nginx-core
#33 fix ngx_vslprintf(): invalid processing terminated % somebody defect trivial nginx-core
#1999 Fix webdav unable to rename folders and create folders defect critical nginx-module
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL enhancement minor documentation
#677 FQDN treated as syslog tag by rsyslog defect minor nginx-core
#1283 FreeBSD 11 + nginx + apache delay +0.1 second on files greater than 32768 bytes defect minor 1.13 nginx-core
#1217 FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile? defect critical nginx-core
#1499 Frequent cancelling the HTTP/2 requests will cause server stop sending more data on the same connection defect major nginx-core
#1748 FTBFS: objs/Makefile:127: *** multiple target patterns defect critical nginx-package
#1050 Fucking disable your fucking client certificate requests! defect minor other
#773 full site https support for enhancement major other
#2413 func ngx_parse_inet6_url() can not set ipv6 connection local address defect minor nginx-core
#1582 func ngx_proxy_protocol_read encounter an incomplete line defect minor other
#734 FYI off-by-one while processing request header (low/no impact?). defect trivial nginx-core
#1798 Gateway timeout error when JSON Payload size > 1400 bytes and MTU size 9000 defect major nginx-package
#2510 General protection fault on 1.24 and 1.25. 1.22.1 is OK defect minor nginx-core
#1130 GeoIP module does not work on 1.10.2 defect minor nginx-module
#250 GeoIPv6 patch merge Ruslan Ermilov task minor nginx-module
#2237 get host in http stream enhancement major nginx-module
#2176 Get only 200 responses when "if_modified_since" is set to "off" defect minor documentation
#1057 Google QUIC - statement enhancement major other
#1225 GPG Key for Debian Repro was expired defect critical nginx-package
#1003 Growing amount of active connections with http/2 defect minor nginx-core
#2031 gRPC connections ingressed through nginx closed with RST_STREAM error code 2 defect major nginx-core
#1792 grpc module handles RST_STREAM(NO_ERROR) improperly on closed streams defect minor nginx-module
#1797 grpc module handles WINDOW_UPDATE improperly on closed streams defect minor other
#1590 grpc nginx connection issue (draining and no connection available) defect blocker nginx-module
#1519 grpc_pass causes grpc TCP reset when streaming a lot of data (with default gprc_buffer_size) Maxim Dounin defect major nginx-module
#1853 grpc_pass not parsing set variables defect critical nginx-module
#2243 grpc_socket_keepalive on; Doesn't work defect minor documentation
#1510 gRPC stream RST_STREAM PROTOCOL_ERROR defect minor other
#1538 gRPC upstreams cannot use dynamic HPACK defect major other
#2229 Grpc Upstream timeout defect minor documentation
#1542 gRPC - Variables not allowed in grpc_pass defect minor other
#1562 grpc with ssl self-signed certificates fail defect minor other
#477 gunzip does not decompress gzip static content for clients that do not support gzip encoding defect minor nginx-module
#1332 gunzip module works inappropriately defect minor nginx-module
#233 gzip compression not working for ie9 somebody defect major nginx-core
#1826 Gzip deflate broken in some cases defect major nginx-core
#471 GZIP does not compress 201 Created Responses defect major nginx-module
#1159 gzip doesn't work for HTTP status 202 defect minor other
#1452 gzip doesn't work with nginx+modsecurity task major nginx-module
#1507 gzip in if + proxy_pass doesn't work defect minor nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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