Custom Query (958 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 958)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#473 proxy_cache_revalidate does not distinguish through the cache key defect minor nginx-module
#472 ssl_client_verify fails in Safari defect major nginx-module
#471 GZIP does not compress 201 Created Responses defect major nginx-module
#467 Transfer-Encoding: chunked и proxy_pass defect major nginx-core
#466 Sample nginx.con includes SSLv2, lacks TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols defect major nginx-core
#464 ngx_http_ssl_module and ssl_ciphers (use of RC4) defect major nginx-core
#460 Clang reports use-after-free in core/ngx_resolver.c task minor nginx-core
#459 HTTP 304 NOT MODIFIED should not set Content-Length defect minor nginx-core
#450 memory leak in src/os/win32/ngx_files.c. defect major nginx-core
#447 X-Forwarded-For header incorrect sometimes when using nginx as proxy defect minor nginx-core
#446 Can't register on Nginx forum or mailing list! defect blocker other
#445 RPM minor upgrade should not replace nginx.conf with default enhancement minor nginx-package
#443 Checking for PCRE JIT support always successful defect minor nginx-core
#442 proxy defect minor nginx-core
#441 "Как предотвратить обработку запросов без имени сервера" - не работает defect minor nginx-module
#440 Nginx write content to client instead of 504 when fastcgi timeout expired in configuration defect minor nginx-core
#436 After authentication with auth I get a 401 timeut on socket proxy defect minor nginx-core
#435 Не оптимальная работа proxy_store defect minor nginx-core
#429 nginx eats response header defect major nginx-core
#427 $upstream_addr prints upstream name instead of real server IP defect minor nginx-core
#424 PID file race condition defect major nginx-core
#423 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#422 compilation bug: changing #include header order changes sizeof(ngx_http_request_s) defect minor nginx-core
#415 auto/unix syntax errors with /bin/sh lines defect minor nginx-core
#414 Ошибка 500 при использовании seek для файлов с mp4s stream defect minor nginx-module
#406 Auth request module fails certain requests (http status 415) defect minor nginx-module
#404 while loging errors, nginx does not interpolate ${host} defect major nginx-module
#403 SPDY: image requests to same host but different domain very slow defect major nginx-core
#402 PHP not working on Nginx defect major nginx-package
#399 disable_symlinks return always 403 defect major nginx-core
#397 nginx repomd.xml 404 Not Found defect major nginx-package
#395 http_spdy_module not enabled when using --with-openssl=... enhancement minor nginx-core
#393 Rewrite defect minor nginx-module
#391 HSTS header disabled when SSL enabled defect minor nginx-core
#389 nginx не понимает имя upstream из переменной defect minor nginx-core
#387 auth_basic_user_file is relative not from prefix given by -p key defect major nginx-core
#386 Extra strings when getting XML or CSV through Nginx defect major nginx-core
#385 Nginx 1.5.2 with spdy as forward proxy, part of site page can't be loaded defect critical nginx-module
#383 nginx 1.4.1 以及1.51 版本 报错 defect blocker 1.5 nginx-core
#381 Cannot use occurence regex in location defect minor nginx-core
#379 the bug of the function ngx_cpystrn() in the file of ngx_string.c defect major 1.5 nginx-core
#375 Unable to do if checking on $sent_http_content_type defect minor nginx-core
#373 nginx unexpectedly terminate php-fastcgi when it has lot of errors defect minor nginx-core
#371 Incorrect documentation for proxy_intercept_errors defect trivial other
#370 Possible null pointer dereference? defect major nginx-core
#365 $fastcgi_http_$HEADER enhancement minor nginx-core
#364 Listen directive broken defect major nginx-core
#363 SPDY configuration inheritance issue defect minor nginx-module
#349 HTTP_STATUS never set to YES? defect minor nginx-core
#345 Nginx 1.4.0 is not binding to IPv4 with [::]:80 on Ubuntu 13.04 when net.ipv6.bindv6only is set to false defect major nginx-core
#341 in overflow error in ngx_http_close_connection defect critical nginx-core
#340 autoindex does not treat multi-byte unicode correctly defect trivial nginx-core
#339 Time zone lookup needs to be cached enhancement major 1.5 nginx-core
#338 ssl_verify_client optional_no_ca generates an error with expired client certificate defect minor nginx-module
#337 Opera sends an invalid "Content-Length" header over SPDY in some cases Valentin V. Bartenev defect minor nginx-module
#326 Проблема с созданием модальных окон в Joomla 2.5 defect major nginx-core
#322 Nginx failed to serve SSL defect minor nginx-core
#315 Malformed client SSL certificate while setting as header defect minor nginx-module
#313 Issue with load balance several Apache instances. defect major nginx-core
#310 FastCGI cache doesn't handle single-digit days correctly defect minor nginx-core
#305 Can't compile NGINX 1.3.13 with OpenSSL library sb defect minor nginx-core
#304 rewrite break doesn't work with index defect major nginx-module
#301 SSL: client certificate verification not working with intermediate certificates defect minor nginx-core
#300 Segfault in ngx_log_error_core related to UDP connections defect minor nginx-core
#296 HttpUseridModule lacks uniqueness in uid generation defect minor nginx-module
#295 if geoip_org bug in regxp defect minor nginx-module
#294 nginx 1.3.12 / Debian Wheezy ARM: deprecated call defect minor nginx-core
#290 Secure Link Feature Request - Compatibility with RTMP module enhancement minor nginx-module
#281 proxy_cache_use_stale conflicts with proxy_intercept_errors defect minor nginx-core
#271 'gzip_static' ignores newer 'mtime' of original file defect critical nginx-core
#270 '^~' 'location' 'prefix' fails with named captures & '^~*' usage also fails totally defect critical nginx-core
#264 ngx_http_parse.c does'not like LFCR enhancement minor nginx-core
#263 Break named location redirect defect critical 1.3 nginx-core
#262 Unescaped characters in URI passed to target server defect minor nginx-core
#258 proxy_store does not always stores the requested file. defect minor nginx-module
#253 Use of samba and open_file_cache, cause file locks and deleted files somebody defect minor nginx-core
#249 непонятное зависание somebody defect critical nginx-core
#248 Trouble while passing POST request through proxy_pass somebody defect major nginx-core
#245 File corruption if serving static files from vboxfs somebody defect minor nginx-core
#244 Injection in HTTP special response somebody defect critical private
#233 gzip compression not working for ie9 somebody defect major nginx-core
#232 [bug] Location Alias doesn't work 1.3.7 somebody defect minor nginx-core
#231 ngx_http_internal_redirect bypasses explicit location block somebody defect minor nginx-core
#228 TrustWave PCI scan reports CVE-2012-1180 for version 1.2.3 somebody defect critical nginx-core
#227 Update Install doc --with-ld-opt for FreeBSD somebody defect minor nginx-core
#226 memcache_pass returns malformed content with big results somebody defect minor nginx-module
#222 nginx segfaults on start somebody defect major nginx-core
#219 nginx - время обработки на стороне сервера на 200 мс дольше, чем внутри fastcgi. somebody defect minor nginx-core
#218 stable segfault on default Unbuntu binaries. somebody defect major nginx-core
#215 SSL: decryption failed or bad record mac with upstream servers somebody defect major nginx-core
#213 Ошибка при установке NGINX 1.3.5 somebody defect major nginx-package
#211 “autoindex $var” does not work somebody defect minor nginx-core
#209 How to Install nginx as a Service on Windows somebody enhancement minor nginx-core
#208 Nginx should give an error claiming lack of support for chunked encoding when Transfer-Encoding: chunked header is found somebody defect minor nginx-core
#207 PPA install - website directory name mismatch somebody defect minor nginx-package
#204 Nginx is not compiling in pentium 3 with libatomic. somebody defect blocker 1.3 nginx-core
#203 The gzip module doesn't produce a useful error on wrong syntax somebody defect minor nginx-module
#200 typo in a freshly installed sites-enabled/default somebody defect trivial nginx-package
#199 error_log not use user-set variable somebody defect minor nginx-core
#197 src/http/modules/ngx_http_ssl_module.c:239: error: ‘SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK’ undeclared (first use in this function) somebody defect blocker nginx-core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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