Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (2201 - 2300 of 2644)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1473 Odd variable sets with proxy_pass defect closed major
#1477 Syslog stops working after few hours defect closed major
#1479 Nginx maximum file execution 300ms defect closed major
#1484 Timeouts when proxying to Apache and using Keepalive defect closed major
#1490 NGINX hold request too long, and causes timeout error. defect closed major
#1493 nginx proxy + cloudflare + https = 403 Forbidden cloudflare-nginx defect closed major
#1495 cutom "log_format" can't be used in server block that is included from another file defect closed major
#1499 Frequent cancelling the HTTP/2 requests will cause server stop sending more data on the same connection defect closed major
#1504 Redirect issue when equaling $request_uri and $uri with unicode characters defect closed major
#1508 When browser access nginx http/2 server with large cookies, nginx don't return HTTP4xx but return http/2 ENHANCE YOUR CALM error. defect closed major
#1513 proxy_set_header in Context: http, server defect closed major
#1515 Can't have multiple and/or non-root locations with grpc_pass defect closed major
#1517 defective routing with multiple interfaces and domains defect closed major
#1519 grpc_pass causes grpc TCP reset when streaming a lot of data (with default gprc_buffer_size) Maxim Dounin defect closed major
#1524 Nginx accept config with unknown directive defect closed major
#1532 nginx not build on fedora28 defect closed major
#1538 gRPC upstreams cannot use dynamic HPACK defect closed major
#1539 Failed to configure with clang if installed CUDA Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect closed major
#1543 UDP proxy with "proxy_protocol on" resends empty udp packet defect closed major
#1544 http/2 downloads broken during reload defect closed major
#1548 build problem with make 4.2.1 defect closed major
#1563 Use FD after close() defect closed major
#1566 Websockets not working for proxy_pass defect closed major
#1570 gzip_static always does not work with try_files when no uncompressed file defect closed major
#1584 rewrite qure defect closed major
#1586 App not get query behind nginx proxy - (curl: (47) Maximum (50) redirects followed) defect closed major
#1587 memory leak with ngx_http_image_filter_module defect closed major
#1593 Error selecting client certificate for proxy service defect closed major
#1602 use nginx stream module,use mutil worker_processes and UDP packet will be loss defect closed major
#1604 disable https for UNIX-domain socket path defect closed major
#1605 nginx does not compile with LibreSSL 2.8.0 defect closed major
#1610 Writing connections counter leak in stub_status. defect closed major
#1623 HTTP/2 config applied globally defect closed major
#1628 $ssl_session_id is not set when client connected via MSIE11 defect closed major
#1630 open_file_cache loses trailing newline on changed files defect closed major
#1633 Zone configuration in upstream gives signal 11 on heavy loaded server defect closed major
#1638 Nginx Systemd is failing to start on reboot defect closed major 1.15.4
#1642 HTTP2 proxy limits client body size even for streaming proxied protocols defect closed major
#1646 Nginx 1.15.4 segfault during normal test Maxim Dounin defect closed major
#1647 Evaluation of multiple regexes brakes back references defect closed major
#1650 Active connections not clear close session defect closed major
#1661 Nginx repository for ubuntu has no Release file for cosmic (18.10) thresh defect closed major
#1664 sub_filter not PCRE compliant defect closed major
#1670 Chipers list order not respected for TLS 1.3 defect closed major nginx-1.15
#1671 nginx-tests fail in docker container defect closed major
#1678 limit_rate and proxy_limit_rate broken from 1.14 defect closed major
#1680 Nginx HTTP Proxy Module enhancement closed major
#1689 Writing connections leak with http/2 defect closed major
#1691 ngx_http_browser_module treats amazon web service health checker as ancient_browser defect closed major
#1692 Zero level domain defect closed major
#1700 UDP connections are terminated when updating Nginx executable file on-the-fly defect closed major nginx-1.15
#1709 Не формируется Push-запрос defect closed major
#1712 xfs - nginx cache manager wrongly calculates cache size defect closed major
#1733 "image_filter resize/crop" action replaces transparent background on black one defect closed major
#1742 nginx.exe filesize defect closed major nginx-1.15
#1751 nginx memory leak in ngx_event_openssl.c with patch Nikolay Morozov <n.morozov@…> defect closed major
#1759 Closing curly bracket missing on JSON response defect closed major
#1760 Client cert verification not working with Openssl 1.1.1b - working on 1.0.2r defect closed major
#1766 Request with revoked client certifiate is aborted instead of setting optional verification state defect closed major
#1776 Pre-Access Phase Bug defect closed major
#1798 Gateway timeout error when JSON Payload size > 1400 bytes and MTU size 9000 defect closed major
#1810 Complex UX - Configuration Pitfalls ("Passing uncontrolled requests to PHP") enhancement closed major
#1820 text/x-gwt-rpc post failing sometimes defect closed major
#1822 segfault when running nginx in reverse TLS proxy configuration on Raspberry Pi Zero W defect closed major
#1826 Gzip deflate broken in some cases defect closed major
#1830 OCSP must staple fails with multi-domain certificates defect closed major
#1832 Occasionally get " size buf in writer..." defect closed major
#1839 Add new config/option for OpenSSL 1.1.1 / TLS 1.3 defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1841 Dynamic access log and rewrites defect new major
#1843 $upstream_http_set_cookie includes only first cookie defect closed major
#1846 worker process crashes when shared zone is missing from nginx config defect closed major
#1851 nginx Http2 Push fails when Vary: Accept header set defect closed major
#1852 when will Nginx support HTTP/3 ? defect closed major
#1854 Connection Reset due to "unexpected range in slice response" error defect closed major
#1856 Connection Reset due to "unexpected range in slice response" error defect closed major
#1857 libmaxminddb / geoip2 implementation as nginx essetial modules enhancement new major
#1871 Nginx will not accept the latter of two client certs if the subject is the same. defect closed major
#1874 Nginux 1.16/1.17 Perl Module Fails Ubuntu 18 defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1876 Some access log variables leak memory on HTTP/2 client connections defect closed major
#1878 Set ciphersuite list order for TLS 1.3 defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1887 Add option to enable passthrough of HTTP/2 ping with grpc_pass enhancement closed major
#1890 Cookie SameSite support for userid module enhancement closed major
#1894 Docker image nginx:latest does not support lua in nginx-debug defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1899 Enhance mail module with access control like ngx_http_access_module module enhancement closed major
#1900 Nginx starting more worker processes when modsec rules are enabled defect closed major
#1907 Nginx does not handle URL larger than 8K defect closed major
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect closed major
#1926 resolver should not cache failures defect closed major
#1928 browser cannot correctly decode http response headers when http2 is used defect closed major
#1937 Nginx didn't update cache anymore after ngx_http_upstream_cache_background_update is failed. defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1944 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1950 nginx/1.17.9 randomly truncating some large proxy responses defect closed major
#1951 support stream tls termination protocol detection enhancement closed major
#1955 Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) support enhancement closed major
#1964 Bugs in compiling nginx with OpenSSL 3.0 Alpha1 defect closed major
#1967 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect closed major
#1968 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect closed major
#1969 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect closed major
#1970 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect closed major
#1976 Nginx DNS cache issue. ngx_http_core_module valid config is not working. defect closed major
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