Custom Query (2310 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2310)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#917 try_files ignores add_header at same level defect minor 1.9 nginx-core
#918 zero size buf in output with proxy cache defect minor nginx-core
#921 $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] on 1.9.12 defect critical nginx-core
#923 Allow proxy_http_version 2.0 enhancement minor nginx-core
#930 Nginx падает через несколько минут с ошибкой при включении proxy_cache на Win 2012 defect minor nginx-core
#932 Latest mainline won't compile against openssl-1.1.0-pre4 defect minor nginx-core
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t defect minor nginx-core
#935 Disable SSL3 by default task minor nginx-core
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect major nginx-core
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 defect critical nginx-core
#942 SSL_shutdown() failed while SSL handshaking defect critical nginx-core
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect minor nginx-core
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect minor nginx-core
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect trivial nginx-core
#949 Very intermittent 400 errors defect minor nginx-core
#952 Listener socket not removed on stop: Address already in use defect minor nginx-core
#954 Building nginx with static openssl-1.0.2g on Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65) defect minor nginx-core
#955 Changing vary response header based on varied-opub request hedares causes cache misses enhancement major nginx-core
#956 Location problems defect minor nginx-core
#959 Permit post before acking settings Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> enhancement minor nginx-core
#961 nginx does not load modules from --modules-path defect minor nginx-core
#963 Double escaping of URI variable in IF statement defect major nginx-core
#964 Expires header incorrectly prioritised over Cache-Control: max-age defect minor nginx-core
#966 NGINX (1.9.14, 1.9.15, 1.10.0) fail to build against openssl 1.1-pre5 (CentOS 7) enhancement minor nginx-core
#979 http2 on 1.9.15 and 1.10.0 (works ok on 1.9.14) defect minor nginx-core
#981 Segmentation fault on chunked WebDAV upload defect minor nginx-core
#987 ssl_ciphers default value incompatible with HTTP/2 when ssl_prefer_server_ciphers=on defect minor nginx-core
#989 Use monotonic time for event handlers enhancement minor nginx-core
#992 proxy_next_upstream broken since 1.9.13 including stabe 1.10.1 defect major nginx-core
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect major nginx-core
#995 The probable error in ngx_conf_parse (ngx_palloc?) implementation defect critical nginx-core
#997 $body_bytes_sent compute bigger in HTTP2.0 then HTTP1.X defect critical nginx-core
#998 Intermediate cert is not sent to client with recent defect critical nginx-core
#1001 Nginx error with php socket defect major 1.11 nginx-core
#1003 Growing amount of active connections with http/2 defect minor nginx-core
#1006 two more server listen 443(ssl), none-default server's ssl_session_cache is out of work defect critical nginx-core
#1009 Upstream sent invalid header while reading response header from upstream defect major nginx-core
#1011 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1012 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1013 problem on restart nginx defect minor nginx-core
#1021 Ports 11310 and 11820 are considered to be the same defect major nginx-core
#1023 SNI problem with nginx and apache httpclient defect major nginx-core
#1027 HTTP2 Long URL issues defect minor nginx-core
#1028 Build failure on debian-kbsd defect major nginx-core
#1030 100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams defect major nginx-core
#1031 nginx return 416 error if client set Range header and requested file < 2 byte. defect minor nginx-core
#1038 Nginx doesn't retry to start worker process when fork() error defect major nginx-core
#1040 nginx start failed if upstream server domainname is not resolved defect minor nginx-core
#1048 broken header xxxx while reading PROXY protocol defect critical nginx-core
#1053 socket regression from 1.7.4 defect minor nginx-core
#1056 Maximum Content-Length value defect minor nginx-core
#1061 Can not override error page 400 defect minor nginx-core
#1062 ASCII-8BIT encoding when it should be UTF-8? defect major nginx-core
#1063 wrong status variable defect minor nginx-core
#1064 NGINX DNS CACHING problem. defect minor nginx-core
#1065 include directive with mask does not match symlinks defect minor nginx-core
#1066 ngx_http_parse: query seperator bug (missing W3C recommended support for semicolon) enhancement minor nginx-core
#1067 behaviour of location + proxy_pass with a variable does not match behaviour with hardcoded value defect minor nginx-core
#1068 Support JSON log format enhancement minor nginx-core
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect minor nginx-core
#1090 try_files with map variable works differently in 1.10.x and 1.11.x defect minor nginx-core
#1092 virtal host attacks: Limit Host header to CN/DNS-Name of currently used certificate defect major 1.11.5 nginx-core
#1094 CRL check for Estonian ID cards fails defect major nginx-core
#1097 Nginx worker process exited on signal 11 defect major nginx-core
#1101 nginx does not respond to SIGHUP/SIGUSR2 defect major nginx-core
#1106 Stale workers not exiting after reload (with HTTP/2 long poll requests) Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> defect minor nginx-core
#1109 sub_filter, with proxy_pass and Accept-Encoding: gzip defect minor 1.10.2 nginx-core
#1112 invalid $host with one line muli domain server_name defect minor nginx-core
#1113 root variable in location reset to default value (/usr/share/nginx/html) when using rewrite in this location defect minor nginx-core
#1118 Nginx refuses to allow access to WAR files defect critical nginx-core
#1121 Unexpected listen directive behaviour when 'listen PORT' and 'listen IP:PORT' are used in configuration simultaneously. defect minor nginx-core
#1123 Include timezone in error logs enhancement minor nginx-core
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect major nginx-core
#1125 nginx package upgrade on ubuntu 14.04 rewrites ssl config defect minor nginx-core
#1126 No error logged when hitting upstream connect timeout over HTTPS defect minor nginx-core
#1129 Allow overriding/clearing Server HTTP response header defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1135 Connections timing out after upgrading to 1.10.2 defect critical nginx-core
#1137 Default cipherlist contains HTTP/2 blacklisted ciphers (in first position) defect minor nginx-core
#1141 duplicate "60394" address and port pair in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf defect critical nginx-core
#1143 http2 and auth_request corrupts first 32 bytes of POST request bodies longer than 8192 bytes defect major nginx-core
#1144 BUG - cannot include files with * mask on windows server 2012r2 defect minor nginx-core
#1148 Respond to any domain\port is present on server and nginx config. defect minor nginx-core
#1150 Apache2 http/2 as reverse proxy for nginx with iOS 10 devices defect critical 1.11.7 nginx-core
#1153 Nginx reload hang defect major nginx-core
#1163 cache size grows over max_size defect critical nginx-core
#1166 nginx periodically dropping response body for POST request defect major nginx-core
#1168 Nginx не корректно обрабатывает опцию max_size в директиве proxy_cache_path defect minor nginx-core
#1174 Partial downloads (sendfile) defect minor nginx-core
#1177 Segfault - Invalid pointer in ngx_ssl_shutdown > SSL_free > CRYPTO_free defect minor nginx-core
#1181 "Vary: X-Forwarded-Proto" should be removed enhancement major nginx-core
#1187 Can't Restart NginX Due to Socket Permissions defect major nginx-core
#1204 "gzip_vary" will add a duplicate Vary header if a PHP page also adds a Vary header defect major nginx-core
#1205 rare crash fix defect minor nginx-core
#1206 Proxy protocol server information is not surfaced enhancement minor nginx-core
#1207 Distinguish between 301 and 302 redirects when proxy_redirect off defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1211 nginx doesn't forward response body to client when scgi backend doesn't read all input defect minor nginx-core
#1212 nginx health check for UDP defect major nginx-core
#1214 NGINX-PLUS Installation Issue defect blocker nginx-core
#1217 FreeBSD 11 panic with nginx sendfile? defect critical nginx-core
#1220 Unable to config NGINX to re‑resolves a domain name for UDP / TCP defect major nginx-core
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