Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 2644)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#901 Changes in openssl master wrt SSL_shutdown() defect closed minor
#902 сервер игнорирует AAAA ответы от DNS сервера defect closed minor
#903 nginx 1.9.11+: Can`t build static nginx any more defect closed major
#904 Servername without semi-colon won't throw an error when used with SSL defect closed major
#905 TIME_WAIT on return 444 enhancement closed minor
#906 Header duplicated in case of NGINX and NodeJS defect closed major
#907 OPTIONS request timeout in Firefox (but only in a somewhat complicated situation) defect closed minor
#908 Nginx 1.9.12 fails to compile against LibreSSL 2.2.6 defect closed major
#909 nginx 1.9.12 fails to build with libressl 2.3.2 defect closed blocker
#910 CreateFile() "E:/tmp/0000000001" failed (80: The file exists) defect closed minor
#911 could not be resolved defect closed minor
#912 Worker process crashes defect closed minor
#913 Delay in generation of Session/Token id for co browse (Genesys application) via NGINX Proxy defect closed critical 1.9
#914 No target 'install_sw' with LibreSSL since nginx 1.9.12 task closed minor
#915 "Upgrade" header should not be proxied over h2 enhancement new minor
#916 Incorrect map value passed. defect closed minor
#917 try_files ignores add_header at same level defect closed minor 1.9
#918 zero size buf in output with proxy cache defect closed minor
#919 duplicate Vary: Accept-Encoding header defect closed minor
#920 SSLv3 is still enabled by default in Stable defect closed minor
#921 $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] on 1.9.12 defect closed critical
#922 proxy_cache use wrong file name, if set on backend "gzip on". defect closed minor
#923 Allow proxy_http_version 2.0 enhancement closed minor
#924 ngx_http_v2_module is not included in windows compilation enhancement closed minor
#925 access_log_limit / error_log_limit enhancement closed minor
#926 Broken RPM package with 1.9.12 defect closed minor
#927 Set $ssl_session_reused to "t" for session ticket reuse and set $ssl_session_id with session tickets enhancement closed minor
#928 Can't use If-Modified-Since with defect closed minor
#929 Cannot get cookies that contain dash in their name defect closed minor
#930 Nginx падает через несколько минут с ошибкой при включении proxy_cache на Win 2012 defect closed minor
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect closed minor
#932 Latest mainline won't compile against openssl-1.1.0-pre4 defect closed minor
#933 include with wildcard but non-existent parent is not detected by nginx -t defect closed minor
#934 SIGSEGV http2 close stream defect closed minor
#935 Disable SSL3 by default task closed minor
#936 For security purposes it is necessary to remove or change the "server" header enhancement new minor
#937 Test ticket, please ignore defect closed minor
#938 Концепт модуля: Миниатюры как часть прогрессивных JPEG, PNG. enhancement new minor
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect closed major
#940 Consider porting OCSP stapling bugfix to 1.8 defect closed critical
#941 Nginx 1.9.13 RPMs require perl module ExtUtils::Embed to build defect closed minor 1.9.14
#942 SSL_shutdown() failed while SSL handshaking defect closed critical
#943 Nginx transforms HTTP method from POST to GET defect closed minor
#944 Enchance $server_addr to return original IP even after local DNAT enhancement new major
#945 when setting master_process off, nginx segmentation fault when sent mutiple HUP singals defect closed minor
#946 Nginx that is logging into /dev/log cannot handle change of inode of the socket defect closed minor
#947 nginx -t just a bit buggy defect closed trivial
#948 Web DAV module strange behaviour when client resumes upload defect closed minor
#949 Very intermittent 400 errors defect closed minor
#950 Bad gateway with http2 requests on hhvm fastcgi since 1.9.14 defect closed major
#951 'proxy_request_buffering' does not work with 'http2' on nginx 1.9.14 defect closed minor
#952 Listener socket not removed on stop: Address already in use defect closed minor
#953 Error on logrotate when Nginx is stopped defect closed minor
#954 Building nginx with static openssl-1.0.2g on Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65) defect closed minor
#955 Changing vary response header based on varied-opub request hedares causes cache misses enhancement closed major
#956 Location problems defect closed minor
#957 the "http2" parameter requires ngx_http_v2_module defect closed minor
#958 nginx-1.10.0 breaks init script status command for unprivileged user defect closed minor 1.11
#959 Permit post before acking settings Valentin Bartenev <vbart@…> enhancement closed minor
#960 TCP connection re-use without upstream conf enhancement new major
#961 nginx does not load modules from --modules-path defect closed minor
#962 Nginx leaves old socket defect closed major
#963 Double escaping of URI variable in IF statement defect closed major
#964 Expires header incorrectly prioritised over Cache-Control: max-age defect closed minor
#965 gzip_static isn't working with proxy_pass defect closed minor
#966 NGINX (1.9.14, 1.9.15, 1.10.0) fail to build against openssl 1.1-pre5 (CentOS 7) enhancement closed minor
#967 Force secure bit on cookies when site running under SSL enhancement closed minor
#968 Error in `nginx: worker process': free(): invalid pointer: 0x08962628 defect closed minor
#969 proxy module does not honour proxy_max_temp_file_size on cacheable responses enhancement new minor
#970 [Webdav] : Displayname entity member shouldn't be URL-encoded defect closed minor
#971 Clarify $host and $hostname in embedded variables documentation enhancement new minor
#972 Clarify $arg_name and $args in embedded variables documentation enhancement closed minor
#973 upgrade to 1.10 fails ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, Trusty Tahr defect closed minor
#974 Resolver fails if IPv6 DNS records are not returned enhancement closed minor
#975 nginx worker die with trap divide error using upstream_conf with ip_hash defect closed minor
#976 unknown directive "gzip" when upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.9.15 or 1.10.0 defect closed minor
#977 ngx_http_special_response.c: Add "429 Too Many Requests" enhancement closed minor
#978 Wrong link header concatenation defect closed minor
#979 http2 on 1.9.15 and 1.10.0 (works ok on 1.9.14) defect closed minor
#980 Root in Location is ignored for .gif files but accepted with php defect closed minor
#981 Segmentation fault on chunked WebDAV upload defect closed minor
#982 nginx with perl_module is not going defect closed minor
#983 NGINX PROXY 0000 1204 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 8000 defect closed major
#984 http auth: Incorrect actions order defect closed minor
#985 request_id variable, needs more documentation enhancement new minor
#986 configure not passing additional --with-ld-opt to obj/Makefile defect closed minor
#987 ssl_ciphers default value incompatible with HTTP/2 when ssl_prefer_server_ciphers=on defect closed minor
#988 stuck by below,here is my code please help me defect closed major 1.11
#989 Use monotonic time for event handlers enhancement closed minor
#990 ssl_stapling_file does not work with multiple certificates enhancement reopened minor
#991 http2 uses suboptimal stream prioritization making http/2 slower than http/1.1 defect closed major
#992 proxy_next_upstream broken since 1.9.13 including stabe 1.10.1 defect closed major
#993 support for X25519 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect closed major
#994 perl_require directive has effect only at first config defect accepted minor
#995 The probable error in ngx_conf_parse (ngx_palloc?) implementation defect closed critical
#996 nginx memory leak defect closed minor
#997 $body_bytes_sent compute bigger in HTTP2.0 then HTTP1.X defect closed critical
#998 Intermediate cert is not sent to client with recent defect closed critical
#999 sub_filter does not uncompress the data first defect closed minor
#1000 Domain-relative redirects doesn't work, they are absolute instead Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect closed minor
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