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Results (1 - 100 of 2644)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#670 %0a. routing bypass defect closed major
#1030 100% CPU with hash consistent balancing method without live upstreams defect closed major
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect closed major
#1503 10x Massive performance hit on fastcgi_pass defect closed critical
#1032 1.11.3 doesn't build if built with stream support, but without streaming SSL support defect closed trivial
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect closed minor
#94 1.1.14 compilation fails on Mac OS X 10.7.2 somebody defect closed blocker
#1478 1.13.9 HTTP/2 SERVER PUSH non-compressed assets Ruslan Ermilov defect closed minor 1.13.9
#1780 1.16.0-alpine docker image CrashLoop defect closed critical
#161 1.2.0 compilation fails on Lion somebody defect closed major
#2194 1.21.0: test suite is failing defect closed minor
#2358 [1.23.0] FTBFS: ‘ngx_http_headers_in_t’ has no member named ‘cookies’; did you mean ‘cookie’? defect closed blocker
#2373 1.23.0 - Spaces in path name result in 400 error when using a proxy server to generate thumbnails defect closed minor
#2439 1.23.3: test suite is failing defect closed minor
#357 1.4.1 + spdy + centos 6 + openssl-1.0.1e (static), firefox 21 ajax requests ssl spdy = segfault Valentin V. Bartenev defect closed major
#515 1.4.6 quietly dropped support for secp521r1 in ssl_ecdh_curve defect closed major
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect closed major
#2220 2 way communication over single tcp connection defect closed minor
#577 30000 worker_connections are not enough defect closed major
#716 400 Bad Request Client sent invalid request while reading client request line defect closed blocker 1.7
#1019 400 Bad request error on Edge Browser defect closed critical
#830 400 Bad Request - No required SSL certificate was sent occurs randomly during a valid SSL session defect closed major
#1752 400 Bad Request when Content-Length header value starts with HT defect closed minor
#931 400 response to cyrillic domain defect closed minor
#2023 401 when not authenticated yet defect closed minor
#1468 408 generated during active transfer to upstream defect closed minor
#2408 413 error_page directive in server or location context returns default 413 error page when using HTTP/2 defect closed minor
#2126 443 порт и последний блок в адресе ipv6 defect closed minor
#590 444 response violates SPDY protocol defect closed minor
#1124 4** pages cache don't appear in file cache defect closed major
#192 504 Gateway Time-out for proxyed site after Server IP change somebody defect closed minor
#2008 699f6e55bbb4 causes request for client certificate Maxim Dounin defect closed minor
#241 Ability to align cropped images in image_filter somebody enhancement new trivial
#1925 Ability to change the time format of the log. task closed minor nginx-1.17
#214 Ability to detect presence of SNI header somebody enhancement closed minor
#1237 ability to mirror traffic (like goreplay) without using post_action enhancement closed major
#615 Ability to specify different SSL certificate based on negotiated cipher suites and tls versions enhancement closed minor
#1588 about realip module defect closed minor
#392 About your channel #nginx on Freenode IRC server defect closed trivial
#1026 Abrupt linger disconnect on SSL offload connections through nginx 1.10.1 on FreeBSD based proxy defect closed major
#1526 Absolute redirect auto-triggered by location does not include port from Host header defect closed minor
#398 a bug about config file test defect closed minor
#2261 A case of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade defect closed blocker
#2146 Accessing illegally my devices using your server defect closed critical
#2147 Accessing of my devices using your server mallicioua criminal defect closed minor
#747 access_log defined with a prefixing variable is concatenated with prefix defect closed minor
#625 access_log directive: if= bug for buffered logs Sergey Kandaurov defect closed minor
#655 access_log fails to create log file when path contains variables defect closed major
#925 access_log_limit / error_log_limit enhancement closed minor
#1889 access_log off; returns 404 with nginx proxy defect closed minor
#713 access_log path with variable computes path incorrectly defect closed minor
#2646 access_log syslog message length defect closed minor
#2475 access_log with if does not work when variable name starts with a number defect new minor
#67 access_log with variables in filename does not work somebody defect closed minor
#939 acess_log with if unnecessarily accesses access_log causing error defect closed major
#2591 acil12 defect closed minor
#2530 ACK of packet containing PATH_RESPONSE frame can't update rtt state defect accepted minor
#1414 ACLs have no effect for root location with `return 301 ...` or `rewrite ... permanent` defect closed minor
#1512 A confusion about code in function ngx_process_options Ruslan Ermilov <ru@…> defect closed minor
#1650 Active connections not clear close session defect closed major
#2410 Add a doctype to autoindex HTML output enhancement accepted minor
#2222 add_after_body concatenates (upstream proxied) gziped content with uncompressed local data enhancement new minor
#698 Add an option to proxy_cache_path that allows to set group permissions enhancement closed minor
#1354 add another conditional to to support fedora builds enhancement closed minor
#113 Add apache ExpiresByType equivalent functionality somebody enhancement closed minor
#2168 Add application/wasm -- Recently approved by IANA enhancement closed minor
#2177 Add audio/opus to mime.types enhancement closed minor
#2282 Add audio/x-flac to MIME types enhancement new minor
#843 Add checking modify date in ngx_http_gzip_static_module + variable which indicate which version of file precompressed or original nginx would be using enhancement closed minor
#826 Add config option for NGX_HTTP_CACHE_VARY_LEN enhancement closed minor
#823 Add disable_header option (opposite of add_header) which would let apps (php, ..) to control their headers enhancement closed minor
#2301 Add examples for core variables enhancement new minor
#1075 Add german book to website task closed trivial
#1324 add_header always doesn't work when sending HTTP response 451 defect closed minor
#1221 add_header conflict defect closed major
#2258 add_header directive: A colon added after the header name passes Nginx syntax validation and breaks the website once applied enhancement new minor
#2059 add_header does not work inside if+location, http, or server blocks defect closed major
#754 add_header not being inherited by named location defect closed minor
#595 add_header replaces previous headers when included defect closed minor
#2442 add_header unsanitized defect closed minor
#2327 Adding cross-domain configuration in HTTP2 is invalid defect closed critical nginx-1.21
#1162 Adding HTTP Forward Proxy support in core like apache enhancement new major
#2302 Adding `proxy_hide_header` to `location` context completely deactivates `proxy_hide_header` directives in `server` context defect closed minor
#1573 adding text/css to the default list for the charset_types directive enhancement new minor
#854 Add inherited keyword for altering directive inheritance enhancement closed minor
#2025 additional headers not sent when directory index is forbidden defect closed major
#550 Add method to remove or change deafult headers. enhancement closed minor
#292 Add mime application/font-woff for `woff` fonts Sergey Kandaurov enhancement closed minor
#42 Add mime.type for .m4v files somebody enhancement closed trivial
#479 Add mimetype for XSPF enhancement closed trivial 1.5
#1091 Add missing client certificate field variables enhancement new minor
#1690 Add MITM detection enhancement closed minor
#2216 Add .mjs to known JS MIME types enhancement new minor
#308 Add more info to "C Compiler not found" enhancement closed minor
#1666 Add MSG_ZEROCOPY support enhancement new minor
#820 Add neverbleed support enhancement closed major 1.9.6
#1839 Add new config/option for OpenSSL 1.1.1 / TLS 1.3 defect closed major nginx-1.17
#1282 Add nginx.repo file to RPM repos enhancement new minor
#237 Add optional systemd socket activation support somebody enhancement reopened minor
#287 Add option to enable IP_TRANSPARENT enhancement new minor
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