Custom Query (958 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 958)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#244 Injection in HTTP special response somebody defect critical private
#1931 defect minor private
#2359 Unauthenticated Status Code: 401 defect critical private
#19 Changelog does not list 1.0.6 changes somebody defect minor other
#371 Incorrect documentation for proxy_intercept_errors defect trivial other
#446 Can't register on Nginx forum or mailing list! defect blocker other
#582 WebSocket disconnection not detected by Chrome defect minor other
#611 alignment check breaks trailer code for ngx_freebsd_sendfile_chain.c, possibly others glebius defect minor other
#703 Official nginx Docker images use OpenSSL 1.0.1e defect minor other
#741 default_server does not exist in nginx.vim enhancement minor other
#773 full site https support for enhancement major other
#879 C Compiler detection logic is broken defect critical other
#926 Broken RPM package with 1.9.12 defect minor other
#974 Resolver fails if IPv6 DNS records are not returned enhancement minor other
#975 nginx worker die with trap divide error using upstream_conf with ip_hash defect minor other
#976 unknown directive "gzip" when upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.9.15 or 1.10.0 defect minor other
#978 Wrong link header concatenation defect minor other
#980 Root in Location is ignored for .gif files but accepted with php defect minor other
#983 NGINX PROXY 0000 1204 0000 0000 0000 0300 0000 8000 defect major other
#991 http2 uses suboptimal stream prioritization making http/2 slower than http/1.1 defect major other
#1017 Custom Error page not possible if uri contains % + Special Character defect minor other
#1033 nginx configtest doesn't fail when missing semicolon on server_name directive defect minor other
#1042 Lack of semicolon after "index index.html" isn't flagged as error but breaks redirect defect minor other
#1045 sub_filter not able to create directories (or files) on windows 7 defect minor other
#1052 Invalid time value var for proxy_cache_valid defect minor other
#1074 proxy_set_header Authorization not working defect minor other
#1076 client_max_body_size has no effect with ssl configured defect blocker other
#1080 README.dynamic shows wrong include path defect trivial other
#1086 Connection failure on upstream health check repeatedly reports at error log level, other unhealthy peers report at info log level defect minor other
#1087 System crashes that were solved by increasing server_names_hash_max_size defect major other
#1100 Socket leakage after ngx_http_read_client_request_body defect minor other
#1103 return code can not use customization setting defect minor other
#1105 Unknown directive "init_by_lua" defect major other
#1108 Module ngx_http_dav_module MOVE and COPY method not working defect minor other
#1110 ngx_headers_more module no longer working defect minor other
#1122 nginx appears to ignore add_header when 404 handling (possibly rewrite-based) happens? defect minor other
#1140 ssi module ignores "default" parameter of echo defect minor other
#1155 upstream definition not working in nginx for windows defect minor other
#1156 Directive access_log needs parameter combined when using with parameter if defect minor other
#1186 multiple add_header in multiple server blocks defect minor other
#1189 Problems with SELinux on CentOS 7/Virtualmin/Webmin defect minor other
#1190 fastcgi_cache_path in site-available AND site-enabled cause error defect trivial other
#1191 Rewrite regexp different behavior defect minor other
#1193 error 400 defect minor other
#1195 proxy_redirect fails to fix "location /something" redirects defect minor other
#1196 Documentation: only once or multiple times defect minor other
#1199 nginx sends traffic to all or some of the upstrems defect blocker other
#1200 $upstream_cache_status HIT when using slice module defect minor other
#1202 nginx OSS sub-domain issue task minor 1.11.10 other
#1213 NGINX-PLUS Installation Issue defect minor other
#1252 Multiplexing different hosts into one HTTP/2 connection leads to 421 defect minor other
#1253 cookies are not send if location contains trailing slash defect minor other
#1256 match-all regex server name not always matching defect major other
#1265 I keep getting 502 bad way error while I was configuring proxy_pass defect minor other
#1276 Nginx segfault error that leads to server crash defect blocker other
#1280 ngx_event_connect_peer() recvbuf doesn't exist defect minor other
#1290 проблема с proxy_store при использовании https defect major other
#1295 proxy_pass to websocket server defect minor other
#1303 Nginx should respect error_page directives defect minor other
#1304 proxy_cache not support slice defect minor other
#1309 Chunked transfer encoding with Live video stream does not clean tmp files defect blocker other
#1322 nginx: [emerg] open() "/var/run/" failed (13: Permission denied) defect critical other
#1323 nginx log folder does not have read access for group defect minor other
#1324 add_header always doesn't work when sending HTTP response 451 defect minor other
#1325 my right to all treated or virus from u all defect blocker 1.13 other
#1345 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement minor other
#1352 error when starting defect major 1.13 other
#1355 Can't make 1.13.4 with ngx_pagespeed-latest-stable defect minor other
#1356 try_files directive and variables defect minor other
#1361 SSL: error:14077102:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol defect minor other
#1367 `gzip_static always` doesn't use index.html.gz unless index.html exists defect minor other
#1370 proxy_pass changes Content-Type to html when use variables defect minor other
#1389 cant run php files outside of document root defect minor other
#1394 nginx отдает мусор в первые секунды после заливки статического файла defect minor other
#1399 Nginx is not using environment variables https_proxy or http_proxy defect blocker other
#1400 test the configuration file failed in v1.12.2, but not in v1.12.1 defect major other
#1409 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR defect major other
#1412 Ubuntu can't compile nginx 1.9.9 with RTMP module defect minor other
#1415 HTTP/2 log status as 000, when client send invalid data, like "exceeded http2_max_field_size limit" defect minor other
#1418 Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module defect minor other
#1420 URL with long query string defect minor other
#1425 Log path is inherited from custom error page location defect minor other
#1426 nginx master-worker communication channel problem? defect major other
#1427 how can I remove_header ? defect minor other
#1432 Can't build connection ID defect minor other
#1448 http2_idle_timeout parameter does not take effect defect minor other
#1453 nginx transform https to http when using try_files enhancement minor other
#1455 Status Error 416 after Header-Request "Range" with multiple ranges defect minor other
#1466 nginx1.13.6 use IP_TRANSPARENT,Existing performance problems enhancement critical other
#1475 SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number) defect minor other
#1479 Nginx maximum file execution 300ms defect major other
#1485 Issue in using proxy_redirect default defect minor other
#1486 Why proxy_pass is changing the URL when I am pointing it to an external domain? defect minor other
#1492 nginx proxy + cloudflare + https = 403 Forbidden cloudflare-nginx defect minor 1.13 other
#1497 test defect minor other
#1502 ngx_http_parse remove /../ from the uri defect minor other
#1509 NGINX with Stream utilizing memory exponentially on each connection defect critical other
#1514 ngx_http_mirror_module does not send body defect minor 1.13 other
#1518 ngx_rbtree small bug defect minor other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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