Custom Query (2644 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 2644)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1445 OpenSSL - ChaCha prioritized - Nginx enhancement enhancement closed minor
#1444 Reload it does not refresh the upstrem automatic defect closed major
#1443 May be caused bad request when received with both a Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length header defect closed minor
#1442 May be caused bad request when received with both a Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length header defect closed minor
#1441 HTTP/2 not good for okhttp defect closed critical
#1440 Mistake in manual for defect closed trivial
#1439 auto_index module should discard request body explicitly defect closed minor
#1438 failed (36: File name too long) defect closed minor
#1437 Optimize locality for listening sockets with the help of SO_INCOMING_CPU enhancement new minor
#1436 ngx_http_upstream_test_next u->peer.tries > 1 defect closed minor 1.13
#1435 NGINX allows sending of a malformed header per RFC7540 Section 10.3 defect closed minor
#1434 Strange behaviour with' if' & 'try_files' directives inside a 'location'. defect closed major
#1433 WebDAV module didn't convert UTF8 encode url into GBK on Windows defect closed minor
#1432 Can't build connection ID defect closed minor
#1431 Performance issue with wss and mod_proxy enhancement closed minor
#1430 Inconsistency between url encoding/decoder when using proxy_cache_background_update defect closed minor
#1429 Cannot compile nginx 1.13.6 with http_v2_module defect closed blocker
#1428 Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable enhancement closed minor
#1427 how can I remove_header ? defect closed minor
#1426 nginx master-worker communication channel problem? defect closed major
#1425 Log path is inherited from custom error page location defect closed minor
#1424 Not consistent type cast in ngx_unix_send() defect closed minor
#1423 response vary headers not used in the cache key defect closed minor
#1422 Support IPv6 zone identifiers in URLs, e.g. for proxy_pass enhancement new minor
#1421 worker_rlimit_nofile description is not clear enhancement new minor
#1420 URL with long query string defect closed minor
#1419 The "worker process is shutting down" is running all the time, How should I do? defect closed minor 1.13
#1418 Allow/Deny don't correctly work with realip_module defect closed minor
#1417 Nginx won't start if hostname isn't valid enhancement new minor
#1416 xslt_stylesheet directive paramater only works for first request defect closed minor
#1415 HTTP/2 log status as 000, when client send invalid data, like "exceeded http2_max_field_size limit" defect closed minor
#1414 ACLs have no effect for root location with `return 301 ...` or `rewrite ... permanent` defect closed minor
#1413 OCSP no response sent defect closed major 1.13
#1412 Ubuntu can't compile nginx 1.9.9 with RTMP module defect closed minor
#1411 realip module using first of multiple X-Real-IP or custom headers defect closed major
#1410 default_server with no IP specified for multiple IP servers enhancement closed minor
#1409 ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR defect closed major
#1408 Big file download via php-fpm on fast networks eats up memory defect closed minor
#1407 Should application/javascript be text/javascript in mime.types enhancement reopened minor
#1406 duplicated "content-encoding" while proxy server return a empty content-encoding header defect new minor
#1405 pkg-oss build is broken on Debian Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#1404 try_files not working after if condition defect closed minor
#1403 nginx module cannot use libpcre defect closed minor
#1402 Not invalidate cahe if fastcgi_cache_background_update is on defect new minor
#1401 No config warning/error emitted when ssl_dhparam is set but file not found defect closed minor
#1400 test the configuration file failed in v1.12.2, but not in v1.12.1 defect closed major
#1399 Nginx is not using environment variables https_proxy or http_proxy defect closed blocker
#1398 pkg-oss: add redhat-lsb-core as EL7 dependency for lsb_release Andrei Belov defect closed minor
#1397 HTTP/2 broken in popular Android libraries with nginx v. 1.13.6 defect closed critical
#1396 Compiling for win32 fails with VS2017 defect closed minor
#1395 Wrong request_time defect closed minor
#1394 nginx отдает мусор в первые секунды после заливки статического файла defect closed minor
#1393 please add ngx_google_perftools_module to centos 7 rpm enhancement new minor
#1392 Постоянное увелечение nginx writing defect closed minor
#1391 Windows compile 64-bit on download page enhancement closed minor
#1390 Windows compile http_v2_module on download page enhancement closed minor
#1389 cant run php files outside of document root defect closed minor
#1388 Implement TLS Dynamic Record Sizing (CloudFlare patch ready) enhancement new minor
#1387 large_client_header_buffers, SSL, 400 Bad Request defect closed minor
#1386 allow_all parameter for ssl_verify_client enhancement closed minor
#1385 how to uninstall nginx from RHEL 6.6 linux task closed minor
#1384 request body may be corrupted when content-length is not set in headers using http2 defect closed minor
#1383 Error if using proxy_pass with variable and limit_except defect accepted minor
#1382 proxy_cache doesn't respect no-cache from error_page defect closed minor
#1381 'proxy_set_header Host' causes https drop in proxied redirect's Location header defect closed minor
#1380 nginx does not clean up old sysvinit scripts with new version that provides systemd unit file thresh defect closed minor
#1379 nginx-tests/access_log.t failed Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@…> defect closed minor
#1378 fix a bug that in the function ngx_http_subrequest, it will make the headers_in.headers incorrect,and it will cause many problems defect closed major
#1377 invalid option "--with-compat" defect closed minor
#1376 nginx disable client initiated renegotiation not working perfect with openssl 1.1.0c enhancement closed minor
#1375 Can‘t use parallel ECDSA / RSA certificates in BoringSSL defect closed minor 1.13
#1374 Nginx error_page 499 Error report defect closed major
#1373 missing '=' in admin-guide/serving-static-content Yaroslav Zhuravlev task closed minor
#1372 Nginx not respecting the TTL for the resolver at the Location block with 418 http response defect closed minor
#1371 some url contains space will be treated as invalid defect closed minor
#1370 proxy_pass changes Content-Type to html when use variables defect closed minor
#1369 Add proxy_detect_mime setting enhancement new minor
#1368 Date oveflow problems with ngx_gmtime() defect closed minor
#1367 `gzip_static always` doesn't use index.html.gz unless index.html exists defect closed minor
#1366 ngx_epoll_notify override original handler defect closed minor
#1365 Pecular behaviour of nginx reload defect closed minor
#1364 proxy_ssl_protocols does not handle hole in version properly, or is it ? defect closed minor
#1363 OCSP responder timed out on IPv6 only server defect closed minor
#1362 gzip_proxied default defect closed minor
#1361 SSL: error:14077102:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol defect closed minor
#1360 enhancement: auto-reload map includes enhancement new minor
#1359 Map command map $upstream_http_cache_control $bypass_cache_control ignored with proxy_cache_bypass $bypass_cache_control defect closed minor
#1358 Only first parameter of querystring available defect closed minor
#1357 slice+if_range problem defect closed minor
#1356 try_files directive and variables defect closed minor
#1355 Can't make 1.13.4 with ngx_pagespeed-latest-stable defect closed minor
#1354 add another conditional to to support fedora builds enhancement closed minor
#1353 http and stream on the same "listen" should conflict enhancement new minor
#1352 error when starting defect closed major 1.13
#1351 NGINX closing connection with GOAWAY if client sends SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE with too large value in initial SETTINGS frame defect closed minor
#1350 Enably http2 by default enhancement closed minor
#1349 TLS doesn't require different IPs defect closed minor
#1348 proxy_cache_background_update has problem with slice module defect new minor
#1347 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement closed minor
#1346 ngx_http_slice_module with return 416 if file length is zero defect closed minor 1.13
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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