Custom Query (312 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 312)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1428 Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable enhancement minor nginx-core
#1434 Strange behaviour with' if' & 'try_files' directives inside a 'location'. defect major nginx-core
#1443 May be caused bad request when received with both a Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length header defect minor nginx-core
#1462 Logging directory is always /var/log on startup defect minor nginx-core
#1490 NGINX hold request too long, and causes timeout error. defect major nginx-core
#1507 gzip in if + proxy_pass doesn't work defect minor nginx-core
#1508 When browser access nginx http/2 server with large cookies, nginx don't return HTTP4xx but return http/2 ENHANCE YOUR CALM error. defect major nginx-core
#1532 nginx not build on fedora28 defect major nginx-core
#1537 Allow for test_types_buffer_size to be set in server configuration enhancement minor nginx-core
#1561 HTTP/2 without SSL not working defect minor nginx-core
#1571 Secure close connection on no SNI provided enhancement minor nginx-core
#1575 use "font/woff" and "font/woff2" in file "mime.types" defect minor nginx-core
#1581 Build issue in GCC defect minor nginx-core
#1585 ssl_verify_client cause core dump defect blocker nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1592 "nginx -s" doesn't read error_log configuration defect minor nginx-core
#1601 ssl default server must have a cert even if it's not being accessed defect minor nginx-core
#1647 Evaluation of multiple regexes brakes back references defect major nginx-core
#1658 Optimize memory usage in ngx_reset_pool enhancement minor nginx-core
#1670 Chipers list order not respected for TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1707 try_files doesn't work sometimes defect minor nginx-1.15 nginx-core
#1714 Server Name Indication (SNI) in NGINX isn't honoring ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers etc. per server{} config / TLS downgrade and server exhaustion attack. defect critical nginx-core
#1717 server info enhancement trivial nginx-core
#1755 listen address and http2 defect minor nginx-core
#1764 Purely syntactic config check? enhancement minor nginx-core
#1779 ngx_reset_pool() function make (sizeof(ngx_pool_t) - sizeof(ngx_pool_data_t) ) bytes memory unavailable defect minor nginx-core
#1791 Nginx -t changing ownersip of cache path defect critical nginx-1.17.1 nginx-core
#1802 Bad response for request with large cookie via http2 defect critical unit-1.10 nginx-core
#1830 OCSP must staple fails with multi-domain certificates defect major nginx-core
#1836 limit_req and proxy_pass defect minor nginx-core
#1874 Nginux 1.16/1.17 Perl Module Fails Ubuntu 18 defect major nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1878 Set ciphersuite list order for TLS 1.3 defect major nginx-1.17 nginx-core
#1907 Nginx does not handle URL larger than 8K defect major nginx-core
#1917 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect minor nginx-core
#1919 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_hash.c.patch' defect minor nginx-core
#1923 Potential Memory Leak in directory 'src/core'. file 'ngx_inet.c' defect minor nginx-core
#1924 10GB localhost download stalls defect major nginx-core
#1952 systemd[1]: nginx.service: Failed to parse PID from file /run/ Invalid argument defect minor nginx-core
#1960 nginx -t tries to bind to ports enhancement minor nginx-core
#1967 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#1968 Cannot use different SSL protocols in different server blocks defect major nginx-core
#1970 ssl_ecdh_curve avoid 0-RTT defect major nginx-core
#1973 Intermittent form body loss with concurrent HTTP2 POST requests defect minor nginx-core
#1979 listen 80 http2; combined with proxy_pass http:// brakes website defect minor nginx-core
#1985 No header response in 400 Bad Request defect major unit-1.18 nginx-core
#2005 nginx closes connection instead of returning proper error code (like 414) when http2 is enabled and too long url is provided defect minor nginx-core
#2011 confusing stderr message 'could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log"' even if not using default error_log location defect minor nginx-core
#2015 Directive 'ssl_protocols' doesn't work on server blocks defect minor nginx-core
#2036 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2037 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2038 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2039 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2040 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2041 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2042 Can't get old SSL cert to work - ca md too weak defect minor nginx-core
#2069 build_module dnf install error nothing provides nginx-r1.18.0 needed error defect minor nginx-core
#2100 Expires directive does not allow to add immutable variable to Cache-Control header enhancement minor nginx-core
#2136 When I connect http2 to one server on 80 port, then it propagates to other servers on 80 port defect minor nginx-core
#2149 disable access forbidden by rule in error_log defect minor nginx-core
#2170 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1 defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2171 Nginx causing missing body content data since v1.19.1 defect critical nginx-core
#2177 Add audio/opus to mime.types enhancement minor nginx-core
#2184 ngx_http_parse_header_line defect minor nginx-core
#2190 Feature request: ssl_prefer_server_ciphers exception option for TLSv1.3? enhancement trivial nginx-core
#2192 Upstream Keepalive - TCP connection to the upstream closes defect minor nginx-core
#2207 Segfault at src/core/ngx_palloc.c defect major nginx-core
#2211 Sendfile stalls on files larger that 2GB defect critical nginx-core
#2257 Неявное разрушение всех настроек и очень странное поведение сервера defect minor nginx-core
#2266 QUIC: cookies not transferred correctly on redirect defect critical nginx-core
#2269 TLS handshake errors within proxy protocol are reported with incorrect source IP defect minor nginx-core
#2305 ssl_protocols directive in server { } doesn't work defect minor nginx-core
#2308 proxy_bind and proxy_pass address family mismatch causes connection fail defect minor nginx-core
#2309 Prioritize `X-Accel-Expires` even if specific Cache-Control flags defect minor nginx-core
#2320 Inconsistent URL decoding with X-Accel-Redirect depending on whether the original request URL was url-encoded defect major nginx-core
#2323 URI rewrite does not work when limit_except is defined in same context defect major nginx-core
#2327 Adding cross-domain configuration in HTTP2 is invalid defect critical nginx-1.21 nginx-core
#2340 decoded percent-encoded values written to logfiles defect minor nginx-core
#2366 build on other glibc-based platforms e.g. GNU/kFreeBSD defect minor nginx-core
#2375 Дополнить документацию defect minor nginx-core
#2393 Error log created and opened even when overwritten in config defect minor nginx-core
#2397 no way to hide/customize the server name "nginx" when some error happens enhancement minor nginx-core
#2411 reload correlates with "open socket ... left in connection", response absent or truncated, and no access.log entry defect minor nginx-core
#2413 func ngx_parse_inet6_url() can not set ipv6 connection local address defect minor nginx-core
#2420 error_page directive has no effect on 408 defect minor nginx-core
#2428 Suggestion: Windows 64-bit builds enhancement minor nginx-core
#2457 Nginx changes HTTP 413 Payload Too Large response status to HTTP 502 Bad Gateway response status defect major nginx-core
#2471 reopen logs root defect trivial nginx-core
#2507 nginx cannot support provider in openssl3.0 enhancement major nginx-core
#2511 try_files and $cookie_ problem defect minor nginx-core
#2518 if in location with regex capture will reset numeric variable like $1 from captured group but not for named capture group defect minor nginx-core
#2569 nginx serves stale 200 page which was deleted (became 404) defect major nginx-core
#2594 Stream proxy ptotocol header is not valid defect major nginx-core
#2612 Unable to build nginx with latests BoringSSL version defect major nginx-1.26 nginx-core
#142 infinite loop until server fails in upstream module with round robin somebody defect minor nginx-module
#155 ngx_http_realip_module bug somebody defect critical nginx-module
#277 HttpRealipModule doesn't behave as expected with duplicate headers defect minor nginx-module
#303 SSI stop working with SPDY patch defect critical nginx-module
#388 nginx proxy pass and CROS(cross-origin resource sharing) defect minor 1.5 nginx-module
#421 nginx plus 1.5.3 mp4 module cannot seek defect minor nginx-module
#747 access_log defined with a prefixing variable is concatenated with prefix defect minor nginx-module
#828 HTTP2 POST requests seg faulting defect major 1.9 nginx-module
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