Custom Query (312 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 312)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1428 Expose the proxy protocol port in a variable enhancement minor nginx-core
#1404 try_files not working after if condition defect minor other
#1390 Windows compile http_v2_module on download page enhancement minor other
#1371 some url contains space will be treated as invalid defect minor nginx-module
#1363 OCSP responder timed out on IPv6 only server defect minor other
#1347 improve slice subrequest memory free enhancement minor other
#1346 ngx_http_slice_module with return 416 if file length is zero defect minor 1.13 nginx-module
#1311 worker_processes auto mode does not consider isolated CPUs defect minor other
#1310 SSL proxy - CRL verification error defect minor other
#1308 nginx timer don't work if change system date. defect critical nginx-core
#1287 Problem with proxy_pass when using upstream and map defect minor nginx-module
#1281 Location Header from proxied server is URL decoded before sent to client defect minor nginx-module
#1266 nginx:1.12.0-alpine http2 responds with binary constant without headers defect minor other
#1251 Segmentation fault in special nginx mode defect minor nginx-core
#1247 Nginx worker process closes connection and dies prematurely on http connections with keep_alive > 0 defect major nginx-core
#1245 proxy_cache_path should create intermediate directories (recursive, like mkdir -p) defect minor 1.12.0 nginx-core
#1227 One ngx_slice_module bug when use nginx as a reverse proxy server task minor 1.11 nginx-module
#1211 nginx doesn't forward response body to client when scgi backend doesn't read all input defect minor nginx-core
#1205 rare crash fix defect minor nginx-core
#1204 "gzip_vary" will add a duplicate Vary header if a PHP page also adds a Vary header defect major nginx-core
#1187 Can't Restart NginX Due to Socket Permissions defect major nginx-core
#1184 WebSocket forwarding doesn't work defect minor other
#1165 Pagespeed module enhancement minor 1.11 nginx-package
#1150 Apache2 http/2 as reverse proxy for nginx with iOS 10 devices defect critical 1.11.7 nginx-core
#1142 Location vars fails when use map variable in try_files defect major other
#1141 duplicate "60394" address and port pair in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf defect critical nginx-core
#1137 Default cipherlist contains HTTP/2 blacklisted ciphers (in first position) defect minor nginx-core
#1131 No error about wrong config defect minor other
#1129 Allow overriding/clearing Server HTTP response header defect minor 1.11 nginx-core
#1127 set_real_ip_from not working in 1.10.x defect minor nginx-module
#1107 Nginx config test dose not fail when config is invalid resulting in a running but none functional server defect major other
#1077 [1.11.4_1] error_log location not respected defect minor nginx-core
#1073 no "ssl_certificate" is defined in server listening on SSL port while SSL handshaking defect minor other
#1071 space H in curl request return 400 bad request from nginx defect blocker other
#1066 ngx_http_parse: query seperator bug (missing W3C recommended support for semicolon) enhancement minor nginx-core
#1047 listening unix sockets not removed on graceful shutdown defect minor other
#1044 map break regexp numbered references defect minor other
#1043 URL encoded change regex match result defect minor other
#1019 400 Bad request error on Edge Browser defect critical nginx-module
#1012 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1011 Allow changing 'Server' header in HTTP/2 enhancement minor nginx-core
#1007 Version 1.10.0->1.10.1 config with alias with versioning failed to work defect blocker nginx-package
#989 Use monotonic time for event handlers enhancement minor nginx-core
#987 ssl_ciphers default value incompatible with HTTP/2 when ssl_prefer_server_ciphers=on defect minor nginx-core
#979 http2 on 1.9.15 and 1.10.0 (works ok on 1.9.14) defect minor nginx-core
#966 NGINX (1.9.14, 1.9.15, 1.10.0) fail to build against openssl 1.1-pre5 (CentOS 7) enhancement minor nginx-core
#963 Double escaping of URI variable in IF statement defect major nginx-core
#962 Nginx leaves old socket defect major documentation
#957 the "http2" parameter requires ngx_http_v2_module defect minor nginx-module
#952 Listener socket not removed on stop: Address already in use defect minor nginx-core
#949 Very intermittent 400 errors defect minor nginx-core
#942 SSL_shutdown() failed while SSL handshaking defect critical nginx-core
#935 Disable SSL3 by default task minor nginx-core
#932 Latest mainline won't compile against openssl-1.1.0-pre4 defect minor nginx-core
#929 Cannot get cookies that contain dash in their name defect minor nginx-module
#919 duplicate Vary: Accept-Encoding header defect minor nginx-module
#914 No target 'install_sw' with LibreSSL since nginx 1.9.12 task minor nginx-core
#909 nginx 1.9.12 fails to build with libressl 2.3.2 defect blocker nginx-core
#906 Header duplicated in case of NGINX and NodeJS defect major nginx-core
#884 NGINX 1.8.1 fails to restart depending on configuration set PIDFILE defect major nginx-core
#878 1.8.0 - segfault on debian jessie defect major nginx-core
#852 Invalid cert on defect minor other
#851 HTTP/2 connection abort in Firefox defect minor documentation
#850 worker process exists, prevents OCSP stapling response (?) defect major documentation
#841 ngx_http_gzip_filter_module doesn't compress 207 multi-status responses enhancement minor documentation
#840 HTTP2 over plaintext (port 80) returns a file download containing gibberish defect major nginx-core
#828 HTTP2 POST requests seg faulting defect major 1.9 nginx-module
#802 $server_protocol is empty with the HTTP/2.0 module defect major nginx-core
#789 Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. defect major nginx-core
#783 syslog tag not properly included when writing to unix socket defect major nginx-core
#777 Unix sockets are not closed before shutting down the server defect major nginx-core
#747 access_log defined with a prefixing variable is concatenated with prefix defect minor nginx-module
#733 wrong internal redirect using alias and try_files defect minor nginx-core
#714 Writing connection leak while SPDY enabled defect minor nginx-core
#695 Client connection hangs when responding to error_page 497 with 444 defect minor nginx-core
#674 SSL server config without cert-file passes configtest defect major nginx-core
#672 Age header support enhancement minor nginx-core
#665 $upstream_http_var not able to be used in proxy_set_header defect minor nginx-core
#639 nginx -V should output to STDOUT defect minor nginx-core
#630 Regression: Blank page (zero-size response) with PHP FPM defect blocker nginx-core
#613 nginx+ssl crashes very often on low memory environment defect major nginx-core
#598 ngx_proxy_protocol "broken header" error writes unescaped bytes to error log defect minor 1.7 nginx-core
#589 url rewrite encoding issue defect blocker nginx-core
#587 src/core/ngx_crypt.c:82:5: error: 'MD5_Init' is deprecated: first deprecated in OS X 10.7 defect minor nginx-core
#579 try_files and $fastcgi_path_info defect major nginx-core
#547 Nginx worker randomly segfault during the day using owncloud android sync client defect minor 1.5 nginx-core
#512 Passing invalid headers allow to corrupt/forge messages in error_log defect minor nginx-core
#509 fastcgi_split_path_info Unsetting $fastcgi_path_info with Try_Files defect minor nginx-core
#498 APIs need ability to set ssl_verify_client per Location enhancement major nginx-core
#444 SSL error with Internet explorer clients defect minor nginx-core
#434 try_files not honored when in location and if + rewrite defect major nginx-core
#421 nginx plus 1.5.3 mp4 module cannot seek defect minor nginx-module
#408 capture in if - escaping depends on location bug defect minor nginx-core
#388 nginx proxy pass and CROS(cross-origin resource sharing) defect minor 1.5 nginx-module
#358 HEAD request with Accept-Encoding: gzip returns a response body defect minor nginx-core
#336 nginx could not be built with the ngx_http_perl_module if the --with-openssl option was used defect minor nginx-core
#333 Headerless GET reply with un-escaped URLs containing ' H' defect minor nginx-core
#331 incorrect resolver behavior cname ttl defect major nginx-core
#311 Nginx segmentation fault on uploading file via DAV after Expect: 100-continue defect minor nginx-core
#303 SSI stop working with SPDY patch defect critical nginx-module
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